Super Golden Eye

C1395 Come Settle the Score

C1395 Come Settle the Score

The Dragon Scale Sword in his hand shook seven sword flowers in a row, covering seven vital points on Earth Ninja's body. At the same time, Faang Yang's left hand formed a dark Vajra Seal, preparing to attack.    


Although Earth Ninja's strength was limited, his experience was still there. Before he could dodge, his body actually shrank, and his entire body turned into a ball, rolling backwards!    


As a result, Faang Yang's seven sword strikes only hit him twice, and none of them hit his vitals. Fortunately, he had a backup plan. A Vajra Seal was sent out solidly!    


It was already the limit of an Earth Ninja's reaction and body to be able to escape from a crisis of life and death. In addition, he had exhausted all his strength and had yet to produce any new strength. How could he still have the ability to create miracles!?    


"Pu ~" Earth Ninja was struck hard by Faang Yang's Vajra Palm, and his body was instantly sent flying.    


He vomited blood crazily in the air, and mixed with broken internal organs, he crashed heavily onto the ground and couldn't help but twitch. It seemed like he would die soon if he breathed too much and didn't breathe too much!    


Earth Ninja was Taika Nobita's last straw of hope. He never thought that Faang Yang would be able to get rid of him in such a short amount of time!    


Taika Nobita was scared out of his wits. He looked at Faang Yang with fear. "You... you are not human! You are a devil!"    


Faang Yang was in a very bad mood. Initially, he thought that he was here to exercise his limbs, but in the end, he almost made a mistake. Naturally, he would not give Faang Yang a good look.    


"You don't need to define what I am. Is it our turn to settle accounts now? "    


Taika Nobita forced himself to calm down. "If I remember correctly, this is the first time Mr. Faang and I have met, right? Besides, the Taika Society doesn't have any business dealings with the Yangming Group, so how can we settle the score? "    


"Stop playing dumb here!"    


Faang Yang pointed at Taika Nobita's men who were lying on the ground. "You have been firing at me since you were at the door. It feels good to shoot me like a target, right?    


You were a warrior and a Ninja. Do you really think I am so easy to bully? I need a satisfactory answer! "    


Taika Nobita's nose almost crooked from anger. He took a few deep breaths to control the anger in his heart. He tried his best to calm himself down.    


"Mr. Faang, isn't what you said a little inappropriate? This is a private villa I bought with money. It was you who trespassed on private property, alright?    


And even though my people did it, what about now? You're unharmed. The losses are all on my side!"    


Faang Yang stared at him." What? You mean that a private villa can store a large number of weapons? You can shoot anyone you want?    


In Jiangbei, you dare to use private weapons and even equip such a large number of weapons. Now, even if you face a court of law, do you still think you have a chance of winning?"    


Taika Nobita still had a glimmer of hope. When he heard the alarm, he had already reported it to Xiaoquan. Now, he could only hope to delay Faang Yang as much as possible and wait for Xiaoquan to come back.    


With a plan in mind, Taika Nobita swallowed his anger and said, "Then I wonder how Mr. Faang calculated the score?"    


Faang Yang kicked a stone lion outside the main door and sat down on the stone chamber. "How do you calculate it? Let's set the price clearly and set it according to the level of the stone lion that attacked me.    


For an ordinary villa guard, a hundred thousand per person, there should be around sixty people, right? This is 6 million.    


The warrior that appeared with you later would charge 500,000 per person, a total of 12 people, plus 6 million.    


As for the eleven chunins, each person is worth one million, you are taking a huge advantage, only eleven million.    


Three Upper Ninja, one five million. As for the final Earth Ninja, I'll charge you ten million. Adding all of them together, that's 48 million. That should be enough to give you face, right?"    


" Why don't you go and rob them?! "    


Taika Nobita could not hold it in anymore and almost jumped up." I clearly suffered heavy losses here, yet you still want me to compensate you 48 million?! I will not agree! "    


Faang Yang pressed his hands together, and cracking sounds came from his joints. Cracking sounds were heard. "You will not agree? Then I will break your bones one by one!    


Then I will throw you on the mountain and let you touch all the honey on your body. You will definitely like that kind of feeling. I guarantee that you will not be able to live, and that you will not be able to beg for death!"    


Taika Nobita's heart was greatly shaken as he said in a trembling voice," You... You dare!"    


Faang Yang was amused. "Haha, you mean I don't dare? Do you want us to make a bet? If I dare, you can double it with me. If I don't dare to do it, I'll compensate you tenfold!"    


Taika Nobita knew Faang Yang's past achievements like the back of his hand. He also saw with his own eyes that even an Earth Ninja who was close to a god was easily destroyed. How could he still bet?    


He calculated the time. If Xiaoquan rushed back when he received the alarm, he should be able to arrive in about fifteen minutes. No matter what, he had to delay it for another fifteen minutes.    


Taika Nobita was thinking about something there, but Faang Yang would not give him time. "What? What kind of evil idea are you thinking about? If you don't want to bet, just give me a quick answer! If you don't want to bet, then hurry up and give me the money!"    


Taika Nobita had an idea and said with a smile," Mr. Faang, there's no need to bet. There's no need to play so big. "    


Faang Yang felt a little pity. "Sigh, another large amount of income is missing. Alright, at least you know what's good for you. 48 million, give it to me! "    


Taika Nobita carefully replied, "Mr. Faang, I don't have that much money right now. At the very most, it was only a million.    


How about this, give me some time, and I'll get enough money for you as soon as possible! I'll definitely satisfy you! What do you think?"    


Faang Yang knew that he was playing tricks on them. He must be waiting for reinforcements. He sneered in his heart," Then how long will it take for you to gather enough money? "    


Taika Nobita was overjoyed and quickly said, "Fifteen minutes at most! Only fifteen minutes is enough!"    


Faang Yang readily agreed, "Okay! I will give you 15 minutes! After 15 minutes, if I don't get the money, these people on the ground will end up like you! "    


" No problem! Mr. Faang, don't worry, I can do it!" Having achieved his goal, Taika Nobita immediately took out his phone and started to make calls to Xiaoquan.    


Faang Yang ignored him and sent a message to Baofu, "No matter what, within fifteen minutes, stop anyone from approaching the Villa Region in the northern suburbs. Oh right, also call the police. "    


Soon, Baofu replied with a message, "Yes, Master."    


Faang Yang sat there with his eyes narrowed. He looked a little sleepy. Taika Nobita did not dare to walk too far. He took out his phone. He quickly dialed Xiaoquan's number. "Xiaoquan Jun, where are you? How long until we arrive? "    


Xiaoquan replied, "I'm rushing to your place. I'll be there in fifteen minutes at most. What happened?"    


Taika Nobita was so excited that he almost cried. "It's Faang Yang! That devil! He destroyed our stronghold! Even Lord Tail was killed by him!"    


Xiaoquan was also shocked. "What?! Even Lord Tail was killed by Faang Yang? Do you know what you are saying? Lord Tail is an Earth Ninja! "    


Taika Nobita swore, "I swear in the name of a Heavenly God, what I said is the truth! Master Xiudu was killed by Faang Yang right under my nose! "    


Xiaoquan gasped. He also believed that even if Taika Nobita had ten guts, he would not dare to speak nonsense on this. "Then why didn't he kill you?"    


Taika Nobita replied, "He said he wanted me to pay him, so he did not kill me. I used the excuse that I did not have enough money to buy 15 minutes."    


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