Super Golden Eye

C1398 1198 Blood Ball Evolution Tracking

C1398 1198 Blood Ball Evolution Tracking

Liu Fei shouted behind Faang Yang, "Don't be impulsive! I will think of a way as soon as possible!"    


However, before he could finish his words, Faang Yang's figure had already disappeared at the end of the corridor. Liu Fei turned his head and looked out the window. The sky was dark and he could not help muttering to himself, "Is the storm coming?"    


It was drizzling in the sky. According to Baofu's instructions, Faang Yang quickly found him in the corner of the construction site. But seeing Baofu's condition, he could not help but be furious.    


The reason Faang Yang was relieved to have Baofu as the main guard was because he was strong and meticulous.    


The most important thing was Baofu's Corpse Emperor body. As long as he didn't burn his bones and scatter his ashes, it was virtually impossible to destroy him.    


But the Baofu in front of him had almost lost half of his body! Its entire body was covered in blood, and its internal organs were mixed with muddy rainwater, causing one's heart to ache.    


Faang Yang immediately gently picked up Baofu and moved him to a dry place. Without saying another word, he madly used the Geomantic Omen Power to help him recuperate.    


Bao Fu had already entered a coma, and the Blood Bead in his body had already degenerated to an undetectable level.    


Although Bao Fu would not truly die with the help of the Corpse Emperor body, it was impossible for him to recover his Yuan Qi without dozens or hundreds of years of deep sleep.    


Faang Yang knew Bao Fu very well. He knew that to him, the most important thing was the Blood Bead. Nearly 90% of the Geomantic Omen Power that was injected into Baofu's body was absorbed by the Blood Bead, and only 10% was used to nourish his body.    


Even so, after more than an hour, Baofu slowly regained his consciousness. Seeing Faang Yang in front of him, he immediately said, "Master, don't worry about me. Quickly go and save Shen Tong!"    


Faang Yang glared. "Nonsense! You are also my brother! In my heart, it is equally important! Don't speak. Focus on recovering!"    


" Master... " Baofu's eyes turned red. In the end, he did not say anything. He began to fully cooperate with the energy from the Blood Bead to restore his Yuan Qi.    


Half a day had passed. This was the first time Faang Yang had used such strength to control the Geomantic Omen Power for such a long period of time. He already felt dizzy and tired.    


Bao Fu also noticed that something was wrong with Faang Yang's condition. He quickly said, "Master, you should rest for a while. The Blood Bead has already been restored. As long as you give me some time, I will be able to recover."    


Faang Yang shook his head. "If you delay it for too long, I'm afraid it will affect your future strength.    


However, the Geomantic Omen Power that I have sent into your body now seems to be unable to be absorbed by the Blood Bead. It has completely disappeared into your body. The efficiency is too low. What's going on?"    


Baofu thought for a moment and said, "Master, although the Geomantic Omen Power is very powerful, it is not omnipotent. The existence of Blood Bead is still using blood as the foundation.    


At the current level of the Blood Bead, it can only attract and refine so many Geomantic Omen Power, unless one can obtain a Spirit Blood of the same level and stimulate the Blood Bead to evolve once again."    


Faang Yang asked carefully," What kind of Spirit Blood can be used? If the Blood Bead evolves again, what kind of changes will there be to you? "    


Baofu replied, "Master, the Spirit Blood mainly refers to the blood that contains a huge amount of energy. There are many ways to produce it.    


If the Blood Bead evolves again, all aspects of its abilities will have a qualitative increase. Perhaps I can borrow the energy from the Blood Bead's evolution to directly recover and become stronger!"    


" Blood that contains a powerful Spirit Power? "    


Faang Yang's heart moved. He took out a small bottle from the next layer. "There is some blood here. See if you can use it."    


Baofu was puzzled. "Master, where did you get this blood from?"    


Faang Yang said, "I fought with a prince of Blood Clan before and received some of his blood. I gave some to the laboratory and left some for myself in case of emergencies.    


Since you need it now, you should give it to me first. However, there's not much left. It might not be enough for you, right?"    


Baofu opened the seal on the small bottle. When he saw the faint golden blood inside and felt the great power contained within, he could not help but feel excited.    


"Master, this Spirit Blood can be used completely! These were already enough. The main purpose was to play a role as a primer.    


However, I don't know how long it will take to attract the evolution of the Spirit Blood. Furthermore, during this period of time, I don't have any perception of the outside world, just like a dead person, so... "    


Faang Yang said straightforwardly," I will bring you back to the secret chamber and protect you personally! "    


Bao Fu was touched, but he firmly refused, "Master, as long as you send me back to the secret room, it will be fine. You should go and save Shen Tong, she is more dangerous than me."    


Faang Yang did not want to change his decision, "If the other party can injure you like this, I am afraid that he will be the strongest enemy I have ever met. Taking Shen Tong away was just to force me to give in.    


Now, in Jiangbei, the only person who can help me when I meet an enemy of this level is you. So, you must recover as soon as possible.    


The faster you recover, the better it will be for me. It will also increase the chances of saving Shen Tong. Do you understand?"    


Baofu naturally understood the reasoning behind it." Master, but Shen Tong is a girl after all. If we delay for too long, she will be hurt... "    


Faang Yang carried Baofu to his car and calmly said," If that really happens, I will make the entire island pay the price! "    


Baofu did not speak anymore. He could feel the supreme killing intent from Faang Yang at this moment. Even though he had already died once with the Corpse Emperor body, he could not help but feel a chill in his heart.    


The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and Faang Yang's car was also getting faster and faster. When he arrived at the Yangming Group, he directly sent Baofu to the Underground Chamber.    


Faang Yang took out his phone and hesitated for a moment. Then, he turned it off and said to Baofu, "Now, you should start absorbing the Spirit Blood's energy with all your might, and help the Blood Bead evolve. I will stay here and protect you."    


After saying that, Faang Yang walked to the secret chamber's entrance and sat cross-legged. He observed his nose, nose, and heart, meditating.    


It was not that Faang Yang pretended to be calm, but he had to calm himself down. Otherwise, Shen Tong's safety would make him lose his calm.    


The reason why his phone was switched off was so that others would not be able to find him. As long as he did not appear, Shen Tong was theoretically safe for the sake of maximizing the benefits.    


Behind Faang Yang, Baofu opened the mouth of the bottle and took out the Blood Bead. Although Faang Yang used the Geomantic Omen Power to restore the Blood Bead to its original size, the color had changed a lot.    


The Blood Bead floated in the air. It seemed to have been attracted by the blood in the bottle. It flew over automatically and hovered at the mouth of the bottle.    


The blood in the bottle was Blood Clan Prince's blood. The power contained in it was extremely violent. It was not something an ordinary person could withstand.    


However, the Blood Bead was originally a Blood Pearl. As long as it was blood, it would not reject it! As the Blood Bead spun faster and faster, the golden blood in the bottle gradually floated up, and finally fused into the Blood Bead!    


Initially, the Blood Bead was bright red. However, when Baofu was seriously injured, in order to keep him alive, the Spirit Power had suffered a great loss.    


Although Faang Yang quickly replenished the Geomantic Omen Power, this kind of heaven and earth spirit energy was completely different from the blood spirit energy contained in the Blood Bead.    


Therefore, in the end, no matter how hard Faang Yang tried, it would not be of any help to Baofu. But this prince's blood was different. This was a true Spirit Blood!    


After the Blood Bead fused with the prince's blood, it erupted with a powerful energy. Faang Yang had just entered a meditative state when he was jolted awake!    


Chapter 1398 Tracking    


Faang Yang turned around and carefully paid attention to the situation of Baofu and the Blood Bead. At this time, he could only rely on himself. Even if he wanted to help, he didn't know where to start.    


The Blood Bead floated in midair and spun around. Inside it, a faint golden blood line kept rushing left and right, as if it wanted to break free from its restraints.    


However, the Blood Bead firmly trapped it within, not giving it any chance. Every time the faint golden blood line circled within the Blood Bead, the golden light dimmed a little.    


Roughly two hours later, the pale golden blood thread was almost invisible. Finally, it completely dispersed, and was completely refined and refined by the Blood Bead!    


After completely refining and absorbing Blood Clan Prince's blood, the color of the Blood Bead changed once again. Within the blood red color, there were traces of golden light, adding a bit of nobility.    


Baofu, who was sitting cross-legged underneath the Blood Bead, opened his mouth, and the Blood Bead automatically flew back into his body.    


Faang Yang used the Golden Eye to observe Bao Fu's condition and discovered that the injuries in his body were recovering at an astonishing speed. Even his broken body was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!    


Under Faang Yang's dumbfounded gaze, in less than an hour, not only was Bao Fu's injuries completely healed, but he also looked like he had grown a lot. He looked to be about thirteen or fourteen years old, and his strength was even more terrifying.    


Baofu slowly opened his eyes and felt the changes in his body. He could not hide the joy in his heart. "Master, I have succeeded! The Blood Bead has evolved once again, and it has also given me tremendous benefits!"    


Faang Yang obviously knew. "Congratulations! But now that you are fine, it is better to quickly tell me what exactly happened.    


Who exactly was it that had such a powerful divine ability that could seriously injure you and take Shen Tong away? This is a provocation to me, the Yangming Group, and the entire Jiangbei Province!"    


Baofu quickly said," There were two people who attacked me. One was Chen Tao, and the other was Xiaoquan! Chen Tao was in charge of covering me. Xiaoquan suddenly attacked me and seriously injured me! "    


Faang Yang was a little surprised. "Chen Tao? Wasn't he seriously injured? That Xiaoquan, could it be that he has the strength of an Earth Ninja or above? How could he seriously injure you?"    


Baofu said seriously," No! Master, that Xiaoquan's strength is at most the strength of an Upper Ninja. He definitely hasn't reached the Earth Ninja!    


The reason why he was heavily injured by Xiaoquan was because he had used some kind of secret technique, and there was an ancient force on his body! I tried my best, but there was no way I could resist it. That's why I let them succeed."    


" Secret art? " Faang Yang's heart was heavy.    


Although Chen Tao was seriously injured, he was definitely Faang Yang's most important opponent.    


Even though Chen Tao was seriously injured, Faang Yang didn't dare to be careless. Now that he had joined forces with Xiaoquan, who could easily defeat Baofu, he instantly felt a tremendous pressure.    


Baofu gritted his teeth and said, "Master, Shen Tong was taken away under my protection. It is my responsibility. Let me take credit for my crimes!"    


"Don't be impulsive. The enemy is strong and I am weak now. If we lose our footing, we will give them more chances."    


Fortunately, although Faang Yang's heart was heavy, he could still remain calm. "Do you know where Shen Tong was taken to?"    


Baofu took out his phone. "I have asked Baiyi to follow me. I will ask about the situation now."    


Faang Yang waited for Baofu to call Baiyu and asked, "Is there any result?"    


Baofu said, "Master, Shen Tong was brought to the strange place we met by the river. Hundred-Eyed said he saw a few people bringing Shen Tong into the river and then disappeared!"    


Faang Yang was not surprised at all. "It might only be there. It is the most advantageous place for them. Of course, they will not use it."    


Baofu had a violent temper." Master, let me go! If he did not release this bird's anger, he would not feel comfortable!"    


Faang Yang knew that Baofu must have a stomach full of anger after suffering such a huge blow. It wouldn't be good if he suppressed it too much.    


After thinking about it carefully, Faang Yang said, "Alright, let's go together! But you have to promise me that you will listen to my command in all operations. Don't act rashly!"    


Baofu agreed without hesitation. "No problem, we will listen to Master's instructions."    


"Let's go!"    


Faang Yang was actually more anxious than anyone else. On the surface, he maintained his calm, but in reality, there were already two big bubbles in his mouth!    


Shen Tong might be young and inexperienced, but in Jiangbei, she was an extremely important figure to the Yangming Group.    


Some people even commented that Shen Tong's ability was even above Cao Miaoyu and Chu Bingqing's! If anything were to happen to her, it would be a devastating blow to the entire Yangming Group.    


"Sorry, the number you are dialing cannot be connected. Please dialing later..."    


Hearing this slow and steady electronic voice, Xiaoquan slammed the phone heavily on the ground. "Bastard! What is Fang doing!? He actually didn't answer the phone?    


He had already been calling for a few hours, but he still couldn't get through! Don't tell me he doesn't care about the safety of his subordinates?"    


Chen Tao could still keep his cool." Xiaoquan, don't worry. This little girl was not simple. She could be considered the number one Think Tank by Faang Yang's side now. She would definitely not give up.    


I think it might be because Faang Yang won the battle in the villa earlier, but there was a problem with his phone, so he couldn't get through.    


Plus, our operation was brought forward, and we were just in time. Let's wait a little longer. I believe his phone will definitely get through."    


It was fine if he didn't mention it, but when Chen Tao mentioned it, Xiaoquan felt his blood pressure rise. Such a huge loss, almost half of the elites that were sent to Jiangbei, didn't even do anything and directly GG!    


Now, Xiaoquan could only hope that Faang Yang could be dealt with smoothly. Then, when he returned, perhaps his life would be a little better.    


If he could not achieve his goal, he was afraid that he would have no other choice but to atone for his crimes. Most importantly, he would be nailed to the pillar of shame after death, causing his clansmen to be humiliated!    


Therefore, Xiaoquan urgently needed to prove himself. "Chen Tao, our plan is very meticulous. Are you ready on your side too? Will the injuries on your body be affected? "    


Chen Tao shook his head. "My injuries are still fine. It's not a big deal. Besides, you are the main attack point. I am only responsible for trapping Faang Yang and cutting off his escape route. I am looking for an opportunity to help you."    


Xiaoquan clenched his fist. "Alright! As long as he dared to appear, he would not be able to come and go! Take revenge for my people! "    


Faang Yang and Baofu arrived at the river bank. Both of them were experts in stealth, and they were extremely careful. They wouldn't be discovered by Xiaoquan and Chen Tao.    


However, after walking two rounds, Faang Yang could not help but give up dejectedly. He did not know how to enter, nor did he find any flaws!    


The two of them gathered together again. Faang Yang frowned. "Baofu, did you find anything? It seems like there really is something."    


For some reason, there was a trace of excitement on Baofu's face. "Master, I can feel that this place seems to be constructed from some kind of powerful Spirit Bloods!"    


"You said that this place is constructed from Spirit Blood?" Faang Yang was a little confused. "Blood can also have this kind of ability? The last time you came, you did not find anything."    


Baofu explained, "Master, the last time we came here, the Blood Bead hadn't evolved, so it didn't have the ability to sense the Spirit Blood. That's why it didn't discover these things.    


After absorbing the Spirit Blood that you gave me, the Blood Bead has completed its evolution. That's why it has such a strong perception towards the Spirit Blood."    


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