Super Golden Eye

C1417 The Photo Is in My Hands

C1417 The Photo Is in My Hands

Faang Yang waited for a while, but he didn't see Wang Juan come out. However, Lee Yuhua ran over excitedly when she saw Faang Yang. "Mr. Faang, are you looking for Little Juan?"    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "Yes, I am here to see if she is still used to it. Little Juan calls me uncle, and you call me big brother. I'm afraid it's not appropriate, right?"    


Lee Yuhua curled her lips and said, "Then what's the matter? We've already asked. Little Juan said that she and you don't have any direct relatives, so everyone can talk about their own things! Besides, you're not old. You should still call me big brother. "    


Faang Yang could not refute. "Whatever. Why hasn't Little Juan come out yet?"    


Lee Yuhua said, "She's sorting out her notes in the classroom. I've never seen a few who work so hard in college. Shall we go in and find her? "    


Faang Yang said, "No need. I'll wait here for a while. You go and eat first."    


Although Lee Yuhua wanted to stay with Faang Yang, it was not too obvious. "In that case, I will go to the canteen first. Goodbye!"    




After Lee Yuhua left, more than ten minutes later, Wang Juan walked out with a backpack on her back.    


Wang Juan saw Faang Yang waiting outside. She was stunned for a moment and then ran over happily. "Mr. Faang, why are you here?"    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "I happened to be here to do something. I came to see how your life here is and whether you are used to it.    


Why did you stay in the classroom for so long? If we go to the canteen late, will there still be food?"    


Wang Juan's face turned red. She lowered her head and muttered," There were too many people when school just ended. I don't like to squeeze. Anyway, I don't eat much, so I can just eat some. "    


Faang Yang asked, "You didn't do it to save money, did you?"    


Wang Juan's eyes were a little panicky, "No, no."    


Faang Yang shook his head, "Forget it. It is a good thing that you know how to live, but now is the time to grow, so you need to pay attention to nutrition. Let's go. I will go to the canteen with you. "    


Wang Juan became even more nervous. "Don't want it. The food in the canteen is very simple."    


Faang Yang did not allow any explanation. "Do you think I have never suffered?"    


Since she was not as stubborn as Faang Yang, Wang Juan could only bring him to the canteen. As expected, after thinking about it with Faang Yang, many of the dishes at the windows had been sold out. The rest were mostly leftovers and vegetable soup.    


Wang Juan walked to a few windows and really did not know what to eat. If she was herself, it would be fine. But with Faang Yang, of course she could not deal with him. "Uncle Faang, why don't we go to the canteen to eat."    


Faang Yang did not agree. "No, we will eat here. I will eat whatever you eat."    


Wang Juan smiled bitterly and said, "But there is only leftovers..."    


Faang Yang repeated again, "Whatever you eat, I will eat!"    


Wang Juan had no choice but to find a window at home and order two servings of rice and two servings of vegetables. What did he mean by putting the vegetables together? It was just that there was a mess of everything. All kinds of dishes were put together.    


But luckily Wang Juan asked for some fresh fruits and found a quiet corner to sit with Faang Yang. She said with some embarrassment, "Uncle Faang, I have wronged you."    


Faang Yang picked up his food. "There is nothing to be wronged about. It is quite good. Eat."    


Faang Yang ate very quickly, but Wang Juan looked to be eating very well. Her speed was not much slower than his!    


After eating simple food, the two ate fruits and chatted. "Little Juan, I have some things I want to ask you, but if you have any concerns, you can choose not to answer."    


Wang Juan felt a little strange. "What is it? If I knew, I would definitely tell you."    


Faang Yang carefully asked, "Can you tell me about your mother?"    


"Mother..." Wang Juan's hand trembled, and her eyes showed confusion and longing. "I also want to know more, but I have not seen her since I remember things."    


Faang Yang apologized in a low voice, "Sorry, I should not have mentioned this."    


Wang Juan shook her head. "It's nothing. Does Uncle Faang know my mother?"    


Faang Yang said seriously, "I'm not sure yet, because I need to have enough evidence to determine whether your mother is the same person as I expected."    


Wang Juan quickly asked, "Then what kind of evidence do you need?"    


Faang Yang said, "It would be best if there is a diary or photo left by your mother. This is the best evidence."    


Wang Juan thought about it and said, "I did not hear that mother has a diary, but she left a lot of ink and kept it at home. When it's time for vacation, I'll go back and get them. "    


"At home?" Faang Yang's heart sank. "There's no need. There's a landslide at your house. There's nothing left."    


"How could this be?!" Wang Juan was shocked. "My parents' belongings are at home. I didn't bring anything out!"    


Faang Yang heard his parents' relics and was a little surprised. "Are you talking about my parents' relics? Could it be that your father..."    


Wang Juan's expression was a little downcast. "I know that father is no longer around. Zhou Da's family is very good to me. They just don't want to make me sad."    


Faang Yang was silent. He also did not know how to comfort Wang Juan. This little girl had experienced too many stories that were too different from her peers.    


Fortunately, Wang Juan was more optimistic. "If she's gone, then so be it. She can be considered to have no worries. Uncle Faang, perhaps this is the only thing that can help you now."    


After saying that, Wang Juan took a chicken heart necklace from below. There was a small Pendant on it.    


She carefully held the Pendant in her hand and gently caressed it for a long time. Wang Juan slowly opened the Pendant. There was actually a carefully trimmed picture inside!    


Faang Yang's heart moved when he saw the photo. He felt a bit more certain and expectant.    


After Wang Juan looked at it carefully, she took the Pendant off and handed it to Faang Yang. "This Pendant was left to me by father. He said that mother had brought it before.    


After father left for the last time, I know that he will never come back again. She cut off the only photo she took with her mother back then and put it in here.    


This way, no matter where I go, I will feel like I'm with my father and mother. I hope that after you've seen it, you can return it to me."    


Faang Yang promised on the spot," No problem. I am just using a photo to make a good basis. I will not take it and will not destroy it. "    


Wang Juan nodded, "Yes, I believe you."    


Faang Yang took the Pendant and saw the photo inside. He immediately took a picture with his phone and sent it to Shiwu Yu. Needless to say, Mr. Shiwu knew what to do.    


After sending the picture, Faang Yang carefully observed the Pendant in his hand. The workmanship was fine and the texture was clear. It should be an antique.    


However, the more he looked, the more Faang Yang felt that something was wrong. The tiny Pendant seemed to have a bigger secret!    


Casually fiddling with the Pendant in his hand, Faang Yang asked, "Little Juan, do you know where you got this Pendant?"    


Zhang Juan shook her head. "I don't know. I've been carrying this with me ever since I started remembering things. I heard from Dad that Mom left it for me."    


Although Faang Yang wanted to study it, it was the last thing Wang Juan's parents left for her, so he was a little embarrassed.    


So after hesitating for a moment, Faang Yang returned the Pendant to Wang Juan. "Take it. I have already sent the photo back. If there is any news, I will inform you."    


Wang Juan took the Pendant. Of course she could see the expression on Faang Yang's face. "Uncle Faang, if you have any use for it, the Pendant can be left with you first."    


Faang Yang said, "No need. It is not needed for now. When your mother's identity is confirmed, I will contact you again.    


You must take good care of this Pendant. Don't lose it. It's possible that it still has other secrets. "    


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