Super Golden Eye

C1429 Completely Passive

C1429 Completely Passive

Faang Yang asked, "Can I go in now?"    


The guard returned the document to him. "Yes, sir! Please! Do you need me to send a few guards to protect the chief?"    


Faang Yang waved his hand. "No need. I'm just going over to see if there are any clues. I'll be leaving soon. Go and do your work."    


"Yes!" The guard sensibly walked to the side. What kind of joke was this? Although Dragon Guard did not have any actual title, in certain special circumstances, it had the right to take action first and report later!    


No one disturbed him. Faang Yang quickly walked to the main entrance. However, the damage inside was even more severe than he had imagined. The entire wall had changed shape, and the stairs had completely collapsed.    


Helpless, Faang Yang could only follow the second drain pipe and use both his hands and feet to flip through the window of the study balcony on the second floor. The study room's space was relatively small, so the damage was not much.    


Fang Yang first looked around to make sure that there was no one else around. Only then did he tap his feet and his left hand firmly grabbed onto the ceiling. His right hand turned into a knife and cut open the ceiling above his head.    


Very quickly, Faang Yang saw a small grass green bag on the beam. He immediately reached out and held it in his hand.    


He looked around and found a thick black notebook in the bag. There was no need to ask. It must be Wu Hao's diary.    


Faang Yang was somewhat excited when he got the item. Just as he was about to jump down, he suddenly saw the floor explode. A figure shot up into the sky like a bolt of lightning. The sharp blade in his hand was aimed at Faang Yang's chest!    


Although Faang Yang had patrolled the area after entering, he did not look underground! This mistake put him in an extremely passive position.    


While he was in mid-air, one hand had to hold his body, and the other hand had to hold onto the bag. There was no way for him to fight back! Unless he threw away the bag in his hand, that would probably be exactly what the other party wanted!    


At this critical moment, Faang Yang did not panic. He exerted strength with his right hand and used his true qi to protect his body. He actually forcefully broke through the second floor's floor and flipped in the air, landing on the third floor's floor!    


As soon as he landed, Faang Yang did not stop at all and directly jumped out of the window. Behind him, three black shadows appeared and chased closely.    


Faang Yang did not want to fight with them, so he increased his speed by seven times. In the eyes of ordinary people, it was like a cool breeze brushing past, and they could not see him at all.    


He lowered his head and ran all the way, but the distance between the three people behind him didn't increase at all! And it seemed like he still had some strength left!    


In other words, it was not that they did not want to chase after them, but that they deliberately did not chase after them! Faang Yang's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. He increased his speed by tenfold, and focused on finding a place to beat around the bush and dig in.    


Indeed, this way, the few people behind immediately didn't dare to be careless. They chased behind with all their strength, and it was still a stalemate!    


Faang Yang was not familiar with Imperial Capital, and he could not even tell north, south, east, and west. He only knew where there were people, and where there were fewer cars, and where to run.    


Very soon, Faang Yang raised his head and realized that he had actually arrived at Yangming's Film and Television City! As one of the important projects of Yangming Group in Imperial Capital, as the chairman, he naturally had an impression of it.    


Apart from being a film and television base, this place had also been built into a amusement park that combined entertainment and leisure.    


In his impression, the film and television city of Yangming would not be open all day long. It would only be open for two, four, six days a week. Today was Wednesday, not the opening day.    


Faang Yang flipped over the high wall of the courtyard and realized that it was a haunted house in front of him! Without even thinking, he kicked open the door and rushed in.    


Faang Yang saw the black message on the wall and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly took the message off the wall and stuffed it into his bag. He hung Wu Hao's diary on the top and continued to rush in.    


The environment in the haunted house was dark. After two turns, Faang Yang hid among a few corpses. He held his breath and quietly waited for an opportunity.    


Very soon, three figures followed him in. In such an environment, if they wanted to find Faang Yang, then there was only one way, and that was to tear everything apart!    


"Crack! Crack! After the three of them passed by, almost everything was smashed to pieces, almost tearing down the house.    


When they were about five meters away from Faang Yang, Faang Yang reached out with his right hand, and dragon scales came out of their sheaths. Like a shooting star, they streaked across the darkness, passing through the assassin closest to him in an instant!    


"Ah!" At such a close distance, even if it was the Heaven Rank Expert, it would not be able to dodge Faang Yang's all-out attack.    


After succeeding in his attack, Faang Yang didn't even bother to see if his opponent was completely dead. He just turned around and continued running. At this moment, a ridiculous idea suddenly popped up in Faang Yang's mind.    


If he went to participate in some random guy's race, he was afraid that there wouldn't be any problems for others, right? There was nothing wrong with being number one!    


However, after exposing himself, it was completely impossible to get rid of the two assassins behind him. Especially after Faang Yang killed one of their companions, the two assassins became even more cautious.    


Faang Yang used all of his skills, but he still couldn't find a chance to escape. One at the front and one at the back, they chased and fled.    


Seeing that there was no way to continue like this, Faang Yang found an empty space in a remote area. He suddenly turned around and shouted:    


"You two, why are you so aggressive? This is the first time we have met. We can discuss this."    


He thought he could get in touch with them and try to find out what was going on. Unexpectedly, the two assassins didn't stop at all. They separated to the left and right and attacked Faang Yang at the same time!    


"What the hell! Are you mad dogs?! You don't know how to talk, you only know how to bite!" The combined strength of two Heaven Rank Middle Period warriors had brought tremendous pressure to Faang Yang.    


Although Faang Yang had used all of his strength to activate the Geomantic Omen Power, increasing his strength to the same level as his opponent, this time, his opponent's combat experience had become even more abundant, and his attacks and coordination had become even more ruthless.    


At the beginning, when his opponent was still holding back, Faang Yang was still able to barely hold on. When his background was fully exposed, the attacks of the two assassins increased to another level, and became even sharper!    


After all, the strength borrowed from them was different from his actual cultivation. If he couldn't win in a short period of time, then the final result would be very passive.    


In the past, Faang Yang did indeed have many classic examples of defeating the strong with a weak strength. However, after thinking about it carefully, besides lowering the super powerful combat strength that he suddenly erupted with, the other party's contempt was also an important reason.    


Who would have thought that a Heaven Rank might not even be able to reach the Heaven Rank, but he actually had the ability to fight a Heaven Rank Middle Period warrior?    


Furthermore, every Heaven Rank Expert was arrogant. That pride made them even lazy to look at a low level cultivator. Even if they were forced to fight, how could they use their full strength right from the start?    


Therefore, on one side, they did not use their full strength, and on the other side, they used 120% of their combat strength to quickly seize the initiative. It was reasonable for the weak to defeat the strong.    


However, this time, it was obvious that their opponent had a deep understanding of Faang Yang. They had been suppressing Faang Yang from the very beginning, and could only parry their attacks. They didn't even have the strength to fight back!    


After dozens of rounds, Faang Yang felt his legs getting heavier and heavier. His body was getting stiffer and slower, and his reaction speed was getting slower and slower.    


Although using the Golden Compass to activate the Geomantic Omen Power could allow him to instantly explode, it could not last for long. In this kind of all-out battle, being able to last for a hundred rounds was already the limit!    


What worried Faang Yang the most was that if he didn't escape before this, he would be in a weakened state for a period of time after reaching his limit!    


During this period of time, if there was no one to protect him, perhaps even an ordinary person's attack could take Faang Yang's life!    


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