Super Golden Eye

C1430 Fang Chen

C1430 Fang Chen

Realizing the crisis he was in, Faang Yang couldn't help but feel anxious. While he was distracted, the Left Arm and his lower abdomen were both cut open. Although it wasn't fatal, it made Faang Yang, who was already in a dangerous situation, feel even more strained.    


The two assassins seemed to have noticed Faang Yang's anxiety. They couldn't help but become bolder and wanted to leave Faang Yang here completely!    


In a moment of desperation, Faang Yang reached out his hand and took out the bag he got from Wu Yuanzheng's study. He threw it out with force. "Didn't you guys want this? This is for you! "    


Faang Yang threw it very hard. He believed that the reason these two people chased him was because of this bag!    


Sure enough, when they saw Faang Yang throw the bag, the two assassins almost jumped up at the same time to grab it. Taking advantage of this fleeting moment, Faang Yang turned around and ran!    


Now, Faang Yang no longer dared to harbor any hopes of getting lucky. He just wanted to buy a little more time and safely get through this tribulation!    


But very quickly, the two killers discovered that the things inside were not right. They threw their bags underground and chased after him in a fit of rage.    


Faang Yang smiled bitterly in his heart. He could not hold on for long. He could clearly feel that the Golden Compass in his body was spinning slower and slower, and the Geomantic Omen Power that he could control was getting lesser and lesser.    


After running for less than two miles, Faang Yang only felt a strong wind coming from behind him. He was only able to move his body to the side before he was sent flying by the palm and fell heavily to the ground!    


Although Faang Yang tried his best to turn around and avoid a portion of the palm force, he still suffered an extremely serious internal injury. After all, this was the full force strike of the Heaven Rank Expert. It was no small matter.    


Although Faang Yang had already fallen to the ground and was coughing out blood, he didn't even have the strength to stand up. The two assassins still didn't dare to be careless, and carefully approached him.    


Finally, one killer put the long blade on Faang Yang's neck and asked in a hoarse voice, "Tell me! Where did you hide that thing?!"    


Faang Yang did not even have the strength to sit up. He just lied on the ground. "Ahem, what is it? If you don't tell me, how would I know what you are talking about?"    


The assassin stepped on Faang Yang's chest and said fiercely, "Stop pretending! What did you take from the ceiling of the Wu family's study? Hand it over quickly! Perhaps you'll be left with an intact corpse!"    


" Kacha ~ "    


Three of his ribs were broken again. No matter how strong Faang Yang was, he could not help but groan in pain, "Humph ~ I'm sorry, I think you found the wrong person.    


I have already given you what you want. If you say it's not, then I don't know what you want either. "    


The assassin guarding by the side said impatiently," Let's see how long you can last! Liu, show him some color."    


"Okay, you asked for it! I'll chop off your fingers and toes one by one. I'll see if you still refuse to admit it! "    


A fierce look flashed across the assassin's eyes as he stepped on Faang Yang. He swung his knife at Faang Yang's left pinky!    


Faang Yang's body could not move at all, and he was in a weakened state after losing all his strength. He could only stare angrily at the sharp knife slashing at his finger.    


Just as Faang Yang could feel the cold air coming from the knife's edge and his finger was about to be cut off, with a clank, the steel knife that was slashing down was broken by a stone that came from the sky!    


Before the assassin who stepped on Faang Yang could react, he felt a blur in front of his eyes and then a heavy blow to his chest, as if he had been hit by a train. He was instantly sent flying and his entire chest collapsed. Clearly, he would not live for long.    


A grey-robed priest appeared beside Faang Yang. His hair and beard were all white. He first stuffed a Medicine Pill into Faang Yang's mouth before asking with concern.    


"Faang Yang, are your injuries serious? I'm sorry, grandpa came late and made you suffer so much."    


The one who saved Faang Yang at this critical moment was his grandfather, the previous patriarch of the Fang family, Faang Chen. Ever since he left the Fang family with Faang Yang, Faang Chen's whereabouts had been unpredictable. No one knew where he was or what he was going to do.    


Seeing the person closest to him since he was a child guarding him, the long longing and grievance made Faang Yang's eyes moist. His voice choked, "Grandfather... I miss you so much!"    


Faang Chen touched Faang Yang's hair with relief. "You are good, very good. Although Grandpa is not by your side, he has been paying attention to you.    


It was not easy for you to shoulder so many things by yourself. Grandpa has let you down!"    


Tears were rolling in his eyes. Faang Yang took a deep breath and blinked his eyes, not letting the tears fall out." Grandfather, are you still going to leave? "    


Faang Chen nodded slightly. "Yes, I happened to be in Imperial Capital this time. I received news that you were in trouble, so I immediately rushed over. Fortunately, I came in time. If it were a few more seconds later, I'm afraid I would hate myself for the rest of my life!"    


The two of them were chatting there, totally ignoring the assassin who was standing behind them in a daze. Seeing that his companion was no longer angry, the last assassin quietly took two steps back.    


As if no one had noticed him, the assassin was just about to turn around and escape when he heard Faang Chen's cold voice, "Take another step and prepare to meet with your companion underground!"    


The assassin's foot that had taken a step forward suddenly stopped moving. He was deeply afraid of the strength that Faang Chen had displayed just now. He didn't doubt the authenticity of it at all!    


The killer turned around in a daze and asked in a bitter voice, "What do you want to do to make me leave?"    


Faang Chen did not even turn his head. "That depends on what my precious grandson thinks. As long as he is satisfied, you can leave at any time!"    


The assassin's eyes revealed a trace of despair. Just now, their attitude towards Faang Yang, could they hope to let him go? At least the assassin asked himself, if it was him, he would definitely not be able to do it.    


After eating Faang Chen's Medicine Pill, Faang Yang felt a warm current rise up within his body, making him feel much more comfortable.    


Slowly sitting up from the ground, Faang Yang looked at the assassin. "Do you think I will definitely kill you?"    


The assassin was a little surprised. "Isn't that so? We have been chasing you for so long, do you think you will let me go?"    


Faang Yang took a breath. "Of course. As long as you tell me who sent you here and who you work for, I can let you go!"    


The assassin's expression was a little shaky. He could not help but ask, "Really? If I tell you, can you really let me go?"    


Faang Yang laughed lightly and said, "Haha, I have always been a man of my word. I have given you a chance. Whether you can grasp it or not depends on yourself. "    


The assassin's facial expression kept changing. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and said through gritted teeth, "Alright! I'll tell you everything! The one who sent us brothers to deal with you is... Ah ~ ~ "    


Before he could finish his words, the assassin's face suddenly turned pale. He covered his head with both hands and fell to the ground in pain. His face was hideous and his entire body was twitching.    


In less than two minutes, the assassin had completely stopped moving. Very soon, his body slowly expanded, and he could faintly hear a rustling sound.    


Just as Faang Yang was wondering what sound it was, he saw the assassin's clothes suddenly collapse. Countless insects rushed out of his body and quickly ate his flesh!    


Although Faang Yang did not have intensive fear disease, he felt a little uncomfortable when he saw the scene. He turned and asked Faang Chen, "Grandpa, what kind of insects are these? Why are they so powerful?"    


Faang Chen said seriously, "It should be the Brain Eating Cup, which is also one of the secret techniques of Miao Border. I thought it was lost, but I didn't expect to see it here! "    


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