Super Golden Eye

C1507 Accident Escape

C1507 Accident Escape

Faang Yang immediately refused. "No! What if the people chasing after you find my place? I won't take the blame for this."    


Jiya curled her lips," How petty. Then go to the eastern ranches. Other than that place, I really don't have anywhere else to go."    


Because the car did not have a satellite navigation system, the two of them circled around for a long time before finding the place. Faang Yang was also convinced by Jiya, who was pointing the way.    


"Are you sure this is your house? ___ asked. It was only half an hour, but you made me walk for an hour and a half?"    


Jiya became even more innocent. "Are you blaming me? Usually cars have automatic navigation, okay? Moreover, there are drivers driving, so I don't have to worry about this at all. "    


Faang Yang was speechless. "I give in to you. Get out of the car first."    


The two of them got out of the car and jumped into the car through the wall. Although the outside looked tattered, the interior was still very luxurious.    


Jiya said to Faang Yang, "Take a seat first. I'll go and change my clothes."    


Faang Yang did not like this trip. "Is there a need to be in such a hurry? I will ask you something. After I finish speaking, I will leave. You can change however you want."    


Jiya refused firmly. "No! Now that it is dirty and affects people's mood, I will be fine very soon."    


After Jiya finished speaking, she did not give Faang Yang any chance to refuse and went straight to the bedroom. Faang Yang could only take a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet and drink it out of boredom.    


Only when the third bottle of red wine was finished did Jiya walk out wearing a pink sleeping gown. Her hair was wet and it seemed like she had just taken a bath.    


Faang Yang lost his temper. "Do you want to wait until I finish drinking all the wine here and get drunk until I am unconscious, then you come out to pick up corpses?"    


Jiya recovered her charming side and winked at him. "That's what I think. If you were not drunk, how would I have the chance?"    


Faang Yang did not think he could get any advantage in front of Jiya. This woman was crazier than a hooligan when she went crazy.    


"I don't know how long you can keep this attitude. I want to ask you, do you really not know why Song and the others chased you that day?"    


Jiya poured herself a glass of red wine. "I really don't know. Until twenty years ago, my life was very stable, calm, and without any waves."    


"Twenty years ago?" When he heard these words, Faang Yang did not know why, but a pair of huge wings appeared in his heart. "Do you remember why?"    


Jiya casually replied, "It has been so long. How could you remember it so clearly? I only remember that I just came out of the mall and was attacked.    


Fortunately, Song and the others did not seem to want to harm my life and did not kill me. That was why I was lucky enough to escape."    


Faang Yang asked," How many attacks have you encountered in the past twenty years? "    


Jiya shook her head." I can't remember. Anyway, it was not for a month. It was early for two months. "    


Faang Yang suddenly asked, "And every time I am attacked, it is at night, right? It was the day of the full moon!"    


Jiya was shocked, "How do you know?!"    


Faang Yang sighed." All this information is organized together. I can get a definite answer. You are actually a Furnace that was used by others! "    


Jiya clearly had not come into contact with these things and was confused when she heard it. "Furnace? What do you mean?"    


Faang Yang asked back, "Do you know why you did not inform me but I can find your location?"    


Jiya shook her head," I don't know. Didn't you follow me? "    


Faang Yang said seriously, "I am not that bored! The reason why I can determine your location is because every full moon, your body will emit a faint red light.    


With this light, it will be difficult to not find you! Now you understand why no matter how you hide, you will be found, right?"    


Jiya suddenly understood," So it is like this! No wonder no matter what method I use, I am unable to escape from the pursuit. But what does this have to do with the Furnace you mentioned? "    


Faang Yang looked at Jiya's dantian," Every person who is cultivated into a Furnace will have a strange phenomenon when the inner core is about to take shape in their body.    


According to what you said, the inner core in your body is close to completion! Therefore, the situation will be very dangerous. If my guess is correct, the next opponent will be even stronger!"    


Jiya's expression changed drastically," Then what should we do? Do you have any way to make me conceal this unusual phenomenon? "    


Faang Yang said helplessly, "You think too highly of me, don't you? Refining an inner core with a human Furnace was originally a heaven defying action. When a Medicine Pill reaches large success, a strange phenomenon will appear in the sky. This is the law. I can still fight with the heavens?"    


Jiya's expression became serious," According to what you said, from the moment I was fed the Medicine Pill, it was already set up by someone?    


Or could it be that those people deliberately did this to harm me and make me look like this? But why did they let me escape from the Sacred Ancestor's bedchamber so easily? "    


Faang Yang pointed out the main point of the problem." You said it yourself. Since it is so important, how could you escape from the Sacred Ancestor's bedchamber so easily?    


Think about it carefully. When the Sacred Ancestor's bedchamber was built, how vigilant was it? At that time, you didn't have any cultivation base, but you were able to escape so smoothly. Isn't it a little too strange? "    


Jiya carefully thought about it and nodded heavily." Initially, I thought that my luck was good. After hearing what you said, it seems to be a little unusual.    


I just woke up and didn't know the terrain of the mausoleum. I randomly touched everywhere, but I didn't meet a guard!    


Could it be that someone knew my whereabouts in advance and killed all the guards? Then who is this person? Why are you helping me?"    


Faang Yang guessed, "I think the person who helped you is the person who raised you into a Furnace! Furthermore, the location is special, and your strength is extremely strong.    


Based on these points, the most likely one is one of the Sacred Ancestor's sons, or the alchemist who gave you the Medicine Pill! "    


Jiya carefully compared it." The Sacred Ancestor died suddenly and only had two sons by his side. It is very likely. However, isn't it a little exaggerated to say that an alchemist is also suspicious?    


Although I have not been by the Sacred Ancestor's side for a long time, I have also seen that alchemist a few times. I can't tell what kind of expert he is."    


Faang Yang did not hesitate to strike back." If he can let you see through him, then what kind of expert is he? The more impossible it is, the more suspicious it is!    


Think about it carefully. If it is the two princes, then is there a need for them to create so many mysteries? If they directly locked you up, would you still be able to resist? There were still people who dared to speak nonsense?    


It was precisely because you did not have such strong confidence that you were arranged to fake death, and then secretly released from the Sacred Ancestor's bedchamber!    


However, there must have been some problem during this. The other party probably wanted to control you when you came out, but in the end, you escaped."    


Jiya wanted to come in for another matter." Back then when I escaped from the bedchamber, I was thirsty and hungry. I was not strong enough and accidentally fell into the underground river. Fortunately, it was not far from the exit, so I did not drown. "    


Faang Yang nodded." That's the problem. The other party definitely did not expect you to fall into the underground river because of thirst. That was why it was out of their control.    


Moreover, although your situation is special, as long as your Inner Core hasn't taken shape, there won't be any abnormalities. "    


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