Super Golden Eye

C1517 Daoist Jiya

C1517 Daoist Jiya

Seven-arm Divine King said to Faang Yang, "You saw the middle of my hand. It was wrapped around my wife's hair.    


He heard that there were many magical spells in the Central Plains that could find people through human hair. I think it shouldn't be difficult for you, right? "    


Only now did Faang Yang notice that Seven-arm Divine King's middle arm had been clenching. He originally thought that it was just his attack form.    


Only now did he realize that it was actually holding onto the last glimmer of hope to find his wife! This infatuation was truly touching.    


Faang Yang sighed. "There is indeed such a spell, but I am not very good at it. Fortunately, there should be someone who knows how to use it.    


If you are just looking for someone, I will do my best to help you. But you also need to be mentally prepared. If you don't get anything in the end, you can't blame me. "    


Seven-arm Divine King said gratefully," Thank you! I am already very grateful that you can help me! You can take a strand of hair. "    


Seven-arm Divine King's tightly clenched fist suddenly opened, revealing three strands of black hair inside. Faang Yang picked the shortest strand and put it away.    


"This should be enough. I'll go and find someone to ask first. If there is any news, I will inform you immediately."    


Under Seven-arm Divine King's continuous thanks, Faang Yang returned to his room and said to Baofu, "Baofu, does Hundred Eyed Daoist know the magic of looking for people from thousands of miles away?"    


Baofu said, "He should know, but he told me that his Spirit Power consumed too much energy, so he needs to go into seclusion to recuperate."    


"Ah? He went into seclusion?" Faang Yang smiled bitterly. "What should we do now? Where can we find these miscellaneous studies?"    


Spells like the Thousand Miles Sound Search had always been seen as small tricks by famous and upright sects. Except for special sects, very few people would learn it.    


Baofu had no choice. "Master, why don't I go and urge Hundred-Eyed so that he can come out of seclusion earlier?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "No need. Since he has already gone into seclusion, forcefully coming out of seclusion will also cause great damage to his body.    


He thought of another way. There are so many people on Earth. Can't we find someone else to replace us?"    


Baofu shook his head repeatedly." Yes, but it's hard to find someone like this... "    


"Eh, I thought of someone." Faang Yang suddenly thought of someone and immediately picked up the phone to call. "Hello, Jiya, is it convenient for you to speak now?"    


"Wait a minute." Jiya did not know what Faang Yang wanted to say. She deliberately walked to a quiet place and said again, "I am talking to Miao Yu and the others. What is it?"    


Faang Yang asked, "Do you know a magic that uses people's hair to search thousands of miles?"    


Jiya replied, "I know. It is just a clever thing. It is not difficult."    


Faang Yang's heart moved and he thought that there was a chance. "Then do you know who knows?"    


Jiya said, "Of course, I will! In the past thousand years, I don't know how many messy spells I have learned. As long as it feels fun, I will learn a little."    


Faang Yang was afraid that she would not be able to learn it. "Where did you learn it from?"    


Jiya replied, "In the past, I took in a few disciples of the Mao Mountain. It seems that I lost the fight for the position of the sect master and was chased out of the Central Plains. I happened to meet them.    


With my means, I had them hooked up with me. What else would they not teach me? Furthermore, I am also very interested in this aspect, so I have learned to pay more attention to it. "    


Faang Yang was relieved now. He didn't expect Jiya not only knew how to do it, but also learned from the authentic Mao Mountain! This was really too hard to come by.    


"Then can you come over for a while? I want you to help me find someone with my hair"    


Jiya said, "No problem. Come and pick me up in half an hour."    


Half an hour later, Faang Yang knocked on Jiya's door and saw that she had changed into an apricot yellow robe. She looked a little awkward.    


Not only that, she had a Peach Wood Sword on her waist and a Hundred Treasure Bag on her back. "Let's go. I'm ready."    


No matter how high Jiya's standards were, just by looking at her outfit, it looked like something was going on. Faang Yang could not help but complain, "Where did you find this antique? Does it work?"    


Jiya jumped up as if her tail had been stepped on. " Hey, what are you saying? These things were brought by the direct disciples of the Mao Mountain. Will they work?"    


Faang Yang hurriedly apologized, "Alright, alright. All of your things are useful. So, where are we going to set up the altar?"    


Jiya said angrily, "What are you in a hurry for!? You still need to buy me some candles, yellow paper, and good cinnabar. Then find a spacious and remote place."    


Faang Yang said," No problem. Let's go. "    


The two of them first found a place to buy some candles, yellow paper, and high-quality cinnabar. Then they drove straight to the suburbs.    


After finding a flat area next to the mountains and water, Faang Yang said to Jiya, "The Feng Shui here is not bad. It hides the wind and gathers Qi. There should be a bonus of luck."    


"At least you know how to find a place."    


Although Jiya did not know much about these things, she could feel that standing here would make her feel comfortable.    


With the fastest speed, she set up the altar, hung the banner, and lit the lamp. She really looked like a sage-like person, much better than those scammers.    


After getting up the altar, Jiya stretched out her hand. Faang Yang was stunned. "What are you doing?"    


Jiya glared at him. "Hair! Without hair, how can I find someone for you?"    


"Oh, for you." Faang Yang immediately handed over the hair he brought.    


Jiya was half broken. She used a cinnabar pen to quickly draw a talisman on the yellow paper. She wrapped half of her hair in it and used her hand to draw it. She pointed at the yellow paper and shouted, "An old friend is worried about me. I am searching for sound from thousands of miles away. Quick!"    


When the yellow paper was burnt, Faang Yang saw a faint crane shape fly up to the sky and fly towards the southeast.    


Jiya immediately took out a copper basin and filled it with clear water. She turned her hands around the basin and said, "Heavenly Eye, I am clear. Golden plate, light up. Rise!"    


The moment the clear water was poured, the image of mountains and rivers immediately appeared. It quickly flew past the basin. Finally, they flew in front of a mountain peak that reached into the clouds.    


Faang Yang clearly saw two big words at the entrance of the mountain: "Final South!"    


He thought he could find Jin Yan directly, but for some reason, with a bang, the crane turned into a pale green flame and disappeared!    


At the same time, even the clear flame in the basin suddenly lit up! The fire was extremely fierce. Luckily, Faang Yang saw the opportunity and pulled Jiya to the side immediately. The altar had already been burned!    


Jiya could not help but pat her chest in fear. "So powerful, so powerful! This kind of small magic would definitely not be able to hide from the other party's expert.    


I must have encountered some kind of barrier, array, and other restrictions, which caused my magic to fail."    


Faang Yang comforted," It's already very good. At least we know that Jin Yan is in Ending South Mountain. I just don't know if she is alive or dead. "    


Jiya said affirmatively, "Of course she is dead! Could it be that immortality was so worthless now? Unless he's the same as Seven-arm Divine King."    


Faang Yang felt a little uncomfortable when he heard that." Keep some virtue in your mouth. He didn't confess to you, so there's no need to curse him. Go back first, greet Seven-arm Divine King, and then make a trip to Ending South Mountain. "    


Jiya was shocked. "Are you crazy? The other party could easily break my spell, so he must be a powerful character!    


Even though he knew that the other party was very strong, he still wanted to go and die? Wouldn't he just tell Seven-arm Divine King that his wife is dead?"    


Faang Yang said with a serious expression," No! Since you have agreed, you can't go back on your word! "    


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