Super Golden Eye

C1549 Arriving at Ld

C1549 Arriving at Ld

Li Xue gathered her men to make the preparations. Faang Yang walked around the north of the river and, under Liu Fei's repeated urging, flew to LSJ.    


After arriving at the overseas headquarters, Li Xue brought him to the new headquarters. Although it was not as magnificent as the previous headquarters, there was a warm atmosphere.    


As for the later reports, Faang Yang patiently listened to them. As for what he said, he basically did not listen to it. It was as if he did not hear it at all.    


Li Xue sat beside Faang Yang. Of course, she could see that he was absent-minded. So she quietly handed a piece of paper to her assistant and asked him to cancel the report.    


After this small gesture, the whole process was immediately simplified and ended very quickly. Faang Yang also understood that this was Li Xue's instruction.    


"Thank you. Actually, you don't have to tell me so much about business matters. Since you are appointed as the person in charge here, it means that you have to have more confidence in your ability."    


Li Xue smiled bitterly and said, "President Faang, I understand what you mean. I also feel that the company is giving me this opportunity.    


But before this, I was only an assistant and did not have the experience of being the head of the company directly. So I was worried that there would be any mistakes and cause unnecessary losses to the company. "    


Fang Yang waved his hand. "No one is born with everything, right? What is there to be afraid of without experience? Won't you gain experience if you do it a few more times?    


Besides, I don't care if you give me the business here, even if I lose money. What do you have to worry about?"    


Li Xue was touched." President Faang, thank you! I will work hard and do my best to help the company! "    


Faang Yang encouraged her. "Believe in yourself. You can do it! Tomorrow, there will be a draft from Jiangbei that will be sent over. I will have to trouble you to change the ones on your side and Jiangbei's."    


With Faang Yang's encouragement, Li Xue was full of confidence. "Okay. Is there anything else?"    


Faang Yang shook his head." No. After finishing this, we will leave for LD. But I will put the ugliness in front of me. I will not put my energy on this.    


So, in LD, if there's any large-scale social gatherings or cocktail parties, I'm afraid you'll have to attend them on my behalf. That shouldn't be a problem, right? "    


Li Xue was shocked and looked nervous." President Faang, you are not joking, are you? Those who can be invited are at least the top 500 companies in the world.    


With my status, I don't think I am qualified to be on equal footing with them. I think it's better for me to be at ease as your deputy. That way, the pressure will be less."    


Faang Yang pointed at Li Xue and said," Look at you. What did you say just now? Be more confident and domineering!    


What's so great about being one of the top 500 in the world? How long has it been since I founded the Yangming Group empty-handed?    


Didn't I also get their approval? Otherwise, how could they possibly invite me? You are now representing the Yangming Group. No one dares to ignore your existence!"    


Li Xue smiled bitterly and said," President Faang, why do I feel like I have entered the marketing nest... With your brainwashing ability, it would be a pity if you don't become a lecturer... "    


Faang Yang was also amused. "That's right! We're both at work, but privately, we're still friends. When you relax, you'll realize that everything is actually very simple. It's not as complicated as you think. "    


The knot in Li Xue's heart was also completely opened. She made up her mind. "You are the boss. Since you are not afraid of losing money and losing face, then there is nothing for me to be afraid of! I will try my best to prove myself! "    


In the following day, Faang Yang wandered around the LSJ-District. Li Xue and her subordinates worked overtime overnight, trying their best to make the speech more perfect.    


It was only two hours before they set off that the final revised draft was officially released and handed over to Faang Yang.    


After carefully reading the speech, Faang Yang praised, "Very good! There is reason and evidence. Since there is the glorious history of Yangming's development, there are also ideas and prospects for the future. It has been hard on you."    


Li Xue had two black circles around her eyes. She looked tired, but after getting Faang Yang's approval, she was still very happy. "As long as President Faang thinks it's okay, it will not be hard."    


Faang Yang looked at the time. "Hurry up and pack up. We are preparing to go to the airport. All of you need to have a good rest. Only by being energetic can you have better work."    


Li Xue did not force him. "I have already arranged a bus. It will take us directly to the airport."    


Including Li Xue, there were a total of eleven people who would accompany Faang Yang to the OM Business Forum.    


There were not many people. Although they were young, they were all energetic and full of energy. In Faang Yang's eyes, people never looked at seniority and age. As long as you worked hard, you would get the opportunity!    


The group boarded the plane and arrived at the LD International Airport smoothly. Naturally, the reception staff of the organizational committee took them to the hotel they were staying at.    


Under Faang Yang's instructions, after everyone ate together, he rushed back to their rooms to rest and recover.    


As for Faang Yang, as the most idle person in the world, he naturally had to take a good look at this world-famous metropolis.    


Using his ID to rent a car in the hotel, Faang Yang slowly walked around the LD street.    


Unlike other major cities, LD preserved a lot of historical buildings and respected tradition.    


Here, you could see the skyscrapers that towered into the clouds, you could also see the medieval Gotham or buildings. You could feel that you were shuttling back and forth in history.    


What Faang Yang liked the most was this kind of ancient castle. It looked like it had its own independent walls and even a moat. It was no different from an independent small kingdom.    


Unconsciously, Faang Yang's car drove to the outskirts of the city. Looking at a medieval castle not far away, he is very envious in his heart."    


It seemed like he would have to come and ask if there was a suitable one if he had the chance. It seemed very tempting to buy one himself. I heard that as long as you have money, it doesn't seem too difficult. "    


Faang Yang sat in the car and was pondering how to buy his own castle when he saw a middle-aged man dressed in formal attire, who looked like a butler, walk in front of his car and respectfully bow.    


"Excuse me, are you Mr. Faang Yang?"    


Faang Yang was a little surprised. " Oh? You know me?"    


The butler replied in a neutral tone," I have only seen your image. Master knows that Mr. Faang is here, so he specially invited Mr. Faang to sit in the castle. "    


Faang Yang narrowed his eyes. "Who is your master? I am in LD. I don't think I have any friends other than my enemies."    


The butler's voice was very respectful. "My master is the hope of the great Azamat, His Majesty, Prince Tomogilde!"    


Faang Yang had already vaguely sensed the faint aura of Blood Clan from the butler. Hearing this, his identity was confirmed. "I'm very curious. Prince Tomogilde, why are you looking for me?"    


The butler shook his head. "I am sorry that this question is not something I can answer. I hope that Mr. Faang can consult His Majesty in person."    


Faang Yang got out of the car. "Since Prince Tomogilde is so generous, I will go and take a look. Lead the way."    


"Please follow me." The butler led the way and led Faang Yang to the castle.    


The spacious hall was not decorated with golden walls, but any one of them was an antique relic that was hundreds of thousands of years old.    


Sitting on a reclining chair in front of the fireplace across the hall was a well-built middle-aged man with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a tall nose bridge.    


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