Super Golden Eye

C1558 Ark of Noah

C1558 Ark of Noah

In the beginning, Old John's expression was filled with impatience, and he gradually listened. Finally, he put down the tools in his hands and walked over with Chris.    


Chris poured tea for the two of them and quietly sat by the side. After all, she did not graduate from the aerospace specialization and did not know much about specific matters. She did not have much right to speak.    


Old John drank a mouthful of tea. "You are Faang Yang? Are you interested in my project? Do you know how much you need to invest? This is not a small number! If you don't have that much money, it's useless no matter how much I say."    


Old John's meaning was very clear. He wanted Fang Yang to display his strength first. If he got his approval, then they would continue the discussion. If he didn't get his approval, then he would just walk away with his butt raised.    


Faang Yang took out the black card from his pocket and threw it on the table. "Am I qualified now?"    


Old John shook his head slightly. "This does not mean anything. Although the black card is rare, its threshold is not very high."    


Faang Yang did not say anything else. He directly transferred the electronic bank of his Jiangbei Bank to show the balance. He shook it in front of Old John. "Is this enough?"    


Although it was only a flash, with Old John's eyesight, he could still clearly see a trace of a shadow. At least 12 numbers!    


Faang Yang controlled his speed very well. It allowed Old John to roughly see the numbers, but he could not determine the exact numbers.    


But this was enough! Old John's eyes lit up. "Mr. Faang, I can confirm now that you are qualified to be an investor in my company..."    


Faang Yang interrupted him at the right time. "Sorry, being qualified does not mean that I want to be an investor of your company.    


After all, my money did not come from the wind. If you can't convince me and make me satisfied, I will not pay a cent. "    


What a joke. It was a two-way choice. When there was no money, he would be a grandson, and when there was money, he would be a lord. Good things couldn't be taken up by them.    


Old John was stunned for a moment, and then he understood that Faang Yang was going against him! He felt a little awkward, and subconsciously rubbed his hands together.    


"Alright, then let me tell you my plan. I gave it a nice name - Noah's Ark."    


" Noah's Ark? " Faang Yang repeated it twice. "I believe you won't randomly name it, right?"    


Old John nodded in surprise. "That's right. Although Noah's Ark was only a private space station in the beginning, it was not its ultimate mission.    


Maybe one day, it could leave Earth, or even the solar system, and explore further and wider space!"    


Now Faang Yang finally understood why he could see the interstellar equipment and weapons in the hall. He did not expect Old John to have such ambition!    


Faang Yang could not help but respect his idea. "Mr. John, I must admit that your idea is era-defining!    


Most importantly, you did something for your own idea! You are a wise man worthy of everyone's respect! "    


Old John was very excited." Thank you! I have discussed my ideals with many people, and in the end, I am called a madman! You are the first person to give me a positive evaluation! "    


Faang Yang frankly said," It may be that everyone's way of thinking is different. For the later stages of the plan, let's talk about it another way. First, tell me about the initial ideas. "    


"Okay, I think so..." It was rare for someone to be so sure about his career. Old John was also very excited.    


With Old John's detailed explanation, Fang Yang roughly understood his thoughts. First, he needed to build a private space station in the orbit ring.    


And Old John's idea was also the most reliable branch. The early stages were divided into residential areas, tourist areas, and functional areas.    


All resources were provided by the spacecraft in the early stages. The garbage produced by the space station would be crushed and processed before being brought back by the space shuttle.    


From the model that Old John showed, the main body of the space station was similar to the Magic Cube that he played with when he was young. It was similar to a cube, and there was a circle of expansion area outside like a halo.    


All the energy and power supply was provided by the latest solar batteries on the outside. There was an independent water purification circulatory system.    


The water on Noah's Ark was the most scarce, so before this problem was completely solved, the maximum number of people entering Noah's Ark every time was six people, and the time limit was no more than three days.    


Faang Yang had a rough idea. "Then what do you think the advantage of this project is?"    


Old John was very confident. "Everyone has their own aerospace dreams, especially those who are old and have a certain economic foundation. If there is a chance, who would be unwilling to try it once?"    


Faang Yang nodded. "What about the fee?"    


Old John had an answer long ago. "In the beginning, the aerospace will take off once a month. Each time, there are only three slots. Starting from one million, the highest bidder will get it!"    


Faang Yang was a little strange. "Didn't you say the maximum number of people is six? Why are there only three quotas? Can only take off once a month? How long will it take to get back the money?"    


Old John chuckled." Hehe, the fewer the slots, the more honorable it will be, and the more intense the competition will be. If there is a chance every day, do you think there will be people who will pay a high price?    


Besides, the other three slots will not be wasted. We will arrange for three specially trained servants to serve us. In the future, there will be no such preferential treatment. "    


Faang Yang looked at Old John as if he was looking at a monster." I thought you were an old antique who only knew about professional research. I didn't expect you to be so secretive. "    


Old John pointed at the underground headquarters outside. "Do you think an old antique who only knows about professional research can build such a magnificent project?    


However, human energy is limited. If I put too much focus on business, then I will slow down the research work on Noah's Ark. The two cannot be combined.    


So, over this year, I sold all the other industries and focused on research. As for the problem of money, it became a big problem."    


" That's true. " Faang Yang continued to ask, "Then what do you think the ultimate state of Noah's Ark will be like?"    


Old John's eyes flashed with a strange light. "Legend has it that in the sky, there is a beautiful city shining with holy light, faintly floating in the middle of the clouds..."    


Although Faang Yang was not an anime type, he was still familiar with these few words. "This is... Sky City? You want to build a city in the sky?! This seems to be an impossible mission, right?"    


The reason why he was so surprised was because building a city in the sky was not as simple as building a city in an anime or a novel. Faang Yang raised his doubts.    


"Even if it's a small city, you should have at least a few thousand people, right? With so many people, the amount of oxygen needed every day, as well as the amount of fresh water and food needed, were huge numbers.    


At that time, just these daily supplies would be a huge headache, so how could I have the time to do anything else? "    


Old John blinked mysteriously." Of course I have my own ideas. Otherwise, with the technology I have now, I would only be building a space station. The technology would have long been mature. "    


Faang Yang was tempted by Old John's words. "Then what do you need to do before you are willing to tell me?"    


Old John took a sip of tea. "This kind of core secret, only the closest partners would have the right to know."    


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