Super Golden Eye

C1562 One Brush Was Enough

C1562 One Brush Was Enough

Faang Yang had put in a lot of effort in guarding the place, and Chester was getting more and more impatient as he fought. He had the upper hand even before he received the blessing of the holy power.    


However, after the blessing of the Bright Holy Power, it was still the same deadlock as before! Even if he had the upper hand in the battle, it was impossible for him to finish the battle in a short period of time!    


Faang Yang gritted his teeth and used his sword and palm to entangle with Chester. Although the battle was passive, it was full of tenacity.    


As the pressure became greater and greater, there were many wounds on Faang Yang's body. As his blood dripped onto the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant, the originally ordinary Azure Dragon Jade Pendant actually emitted waves of green light.    


A very strange thing happened to Faang Yang's body. As the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant absorbed, the blood that flowed out of his wounds did not flow down, but all gathered towards the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant!    


As more and more wounds appeared on Faang Yang's body, the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant's absorption speed also became faster and faster, and the green light also became stronger and stronger.    


Not only was Faang Yang shocked, even Chester felt very uneasy. Faang Yang clearly didn't have the strength to fight back, but the Qi that suddenly appeared on his body made his heart palpitate!    


Faang Yang could also feel the changes in the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant on his body. Although his body was getting weaker and weaker, and his speed was getting slower and slower, he firmly believed that the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant would never let him down!    


Chester did not dare to delay any longer. He raised his Qi to the limit and unleashed his ultimate move. "Accept Bright God's punishment! Judgement of Doomsday!"    


In the sky, immortal music was drifting and singing loudly. The huge sword in Chester's hand turned into a huge light frame and rushed towards Faang Yang's head.    


Faang Yang wanted to dodge, but he found that his body was completely locked by the Bright Holy Power. He couldn't even move a finger!    


"Uh ~" Seeing that the huge cross was about to completely crucify him, the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant finally stopped sucking blood. It even let out a burping sound!    


Immediately, a warm aura came from the Azure Dragon Jade Pendant. It instantly covered Faang Yang's entire body, making him feel refreshed and full of vitality.    


Just as the Judgement Day was about to descend above his head, Faang Yang turned like a ghost and easily dodged the calamity!    


Chester looked like he had seen a ghost. His eyeballs almost popped out. "You actually dodged the Judgement Day?!"    


Faang Yang, who had regained his strength, was full of fighting spirit. He said domineeringly, "What bullsh * t Judgement Day? It's not like you're the only one who knows it! If I can't even dodge this, how can I still live until now?! ”    


The situation had turned around. While Chester was still in shock, Faang Yang waved the Dragon Scale Sword in his hand with all his strength. A Sword Qi that looked like a thrust broke through the light defense in front of Chester and struck towards his Dantian!    


Chester has yet to fully recover from the shock when Faang Yang's counterattack is already in front of him!    


Fortunately, Chester was experienced. In a moment of desperation, he raised the Cross Great Sword in his hand and blocked the direction of the Sword Qi.    


Then, he borrowed the momentum to retreat. The Cross Great Sword retreated to protect his body. With his feet as the axis, it spun around in a circle, reducing the excess energy.    


This series of actions was simple and effective. Faang Yang could not help but exclaim, "Amazing! Again! "    


Although Chester retreated fast enough, he was at a disadvantage. He did not care about anything else and shouted, "Go!"    


Immediately, a few men in white ran out from the room at the back. When they saw Chester's ugly face, they were all shocked. All kinds of spells were thrown up as if they were free.    


What a joke, Chester was an existence that even the Pope had to call a teacher. If anything were to go wrong, no one would be able to take the blame!    


Actually, Chester had prepared these priests long ago, but when they saw that he could take on Faang Yang alone, they wanted to show off and did not call out.    


The situation now was not good. If he did not call them out, he was afraid that he would die in the end! That would be an unexpected failure.    


A continuous stream of white light flashed past, and Chester's condition once again rose to its peak. He had lost the best opportunity.    


Faang Yang felt that it was a pity that he was unable to severely injure Chester in one go. However, he didn't take it to heart.    


Restabilizing his emotions, Chester looked at Faang Yang with a serious expression. "You dare to challenge Bright God's dignity. You are indeed capable!"    


Faang Yang's entire body was covered with a faint green light. "Shouldn't the people of Light Church be high and mighty, while the others are all peasants and slaves?    


I have always disliked you. What other skills do you have besides cheating? I don't need any skills to deal with you. One skill is enough!    


Don't think that I can't do anything to you just because you've found a few more men in white. I'll let you experience what true eastern power is!"    


After saying that, Faang Yang didn't give Chester the chance to speak again. The Dragon Scale Sword in his hand flashed violently, aiming at the acupoints all over Chester's body!    


It wasn't because Faang Yang was impatient, but because he wasn't sure how long he could maintain his current condition. Being in a dangerous situation, it was naturally better to end the battle quickly.    


Otherwise, once this momentum passed, Faang Yang would really have no more reliance, and would only be waiting to be slaughtered!    


Chester could only fight with Faang Yang, but he discovered that the aura on Faang Yang's body was strange. Not only did he completely ignore the suppression of the Bright Power, but he also specialized in breaking his own protective Sacred Power!    


For a moment, he didn't notice it, and a shallow wound was left on his body by Faang Yang's Sword Qi. Half of his body felt numb. Fortunately, the man in white behind him was professional enough, or else he would not be in an even more embarrassing situation.    


Strangely, although Chester's wound was shallow, there was still a faint green light left behind. It seemed that no matter how the man in white supported him, he could not heal the wound!    


He used almost all of his trump cards, but there was still no change. All the priests looked at each other in dismay, unable to do anything.    


This was the first time everyone had seen such a situation. Of course, Faang Yang was an exception. However, he was the victim of such a situation last time.    


Seeing that Chester's wound would not heal, Faang Yang understood that the green light must have restrained the Bright Power in his body!    


Faang Yang would never let his enemies go. He continuously activated the Dragon Scale Sword, like a dragon going out to sea, and attacked quickly. While Chester was distracted, he added a few more wounds on his body!    


Although they were all in places that did not hurt or itch, the wounds did not heal. Just the loss of blood was enough to exhaust Chester to death!    


Fortunately, Chester was experienced. Seeing that the time was not right, he immediately took out a scroll from the jar in his arms and poured it into the Bright Power. He chanted loudly, "Bright Domain! Open!"    


The scroll in Chester's hand instantly turned into a holy white light that filled the sky, forming a semicircle barrier that enveloped the entire hall.    


As soon as the Bright Domain was formed, Faang Yang felt as if a huge mountain was pressing down on his body. Even the green light on his body became dimmer.    


In comparison, Chester was like a fish in water. His strength had increased greatly. Most importantly, his wounds were slowly healing on their own!    


Seeing the changes in his wound, Chester let out a long sigh of relief. He relaxed his mood and looked at Faang Yang coldly.    


"You are the first one who can force me to use Bright Domain! Even the Chairman of the Dark Council doesn't have the ability to do so!    


But I won't give you any more chances. Everything will be over! I, Bright God's loyal servant, represent Bright God's decree to judge you, the Pagan!"    


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