Super Golden Eye

C1567 Package Chris

C1567 Package Chris

Chris did not reject him this time. She only said, "Thank you. This money was borrowed by me. I will return it to you in the future."    


Which girl did not like beautiful clothes? Especially the one customized by a fashion master?    


Luckily, they were only two blocks away. After fifteen minutes, the two of them got out of the car and saw Malvern waiting at the door.    


Seeing the car stop, Malvern immediately came over and asked, "You are Mr. Faang?"    


Faang Yang nodded. "That's right. This is my female companion, Miss Chris."    


Malvern immediately looked Chris up and down and made her walk around in a circle. "Not bad. You should be in time. Come in."    


Malvern directly brought them to his personal workshop and said to Chris, "Choose a color yourself."    


Chris looked at the hundreds of colors on the wall and felt a little dizzy. "God, how should I choose?! I like a lot of them."    


Faang Yang reminded her from the side, "What color do you like the most?"    


Chris asked back, "How much immunity do you think women have when it comes to beautiful things? Why don't you help me choose one?"    


"If you don't mind, of course I don't mind." Faang Yang casually looked at it and pointed at the purple colored fabric and said, "This one."    


Malvern's fellows had already been arranged. Seeing that he had chosen the color, he confirmed, "Are you sure? This is it?"    


Chris was still unable to make a choice. She closed her eyes and said painfully, "This is it!"    


Malvern took out a roll of cloth and said to Chris," Okay, take off your clothes. "    


Chris was shocked. "Take off your clothes? Did I hear it wrong? I am here to make clothes. Why take off your clothes?"    


Malvern was furious." If I don't take off my clothes, how can I make the most fitting clothes for you?! "    


Faang Yang also quickly advised, "Just do as he says. There are many models like this kind of top designer that I see every day. It's not that they want to have any thoughts about you, it's just for work."    


Chris was a little shy. "I know, but... can you avoid it?"    


Faang Yang slapped his forehead, "Yes, yes, that's right. Mr. Malvern, there is a lounge here, right?"    


Malvern said impatiently, "Lucy, take him to the lounge. Without my permission, you are not allowed to come back!"    


"Yes, Mr. Malvern." A female assistant walked over and said to Faang Yang, "Please follow me."    


"Thank you." Faang Yang followed Lucy to the lounge beside them. Although it was not big, the decoration was still very good. The drinks and desserts were also quite delicious.    


Half an hour later, Lucy walked over and said, "Mr. Faang, Mr. Malvern invites you over."    


Faang Yang followed Lucy back to the workroom. He was immediately stunned by Chris, who was wearing a purple evening gown. "So beautiful!"    


Malvern looked a little tired, but he could not hide the pride between his eyebrows. "Although it has been a short time, it has ignited my best inspiration. This gown is the pinnacle of my skills, and I can never surpass it."    


Faang Yang did not say anything. "Give me your account number."    


Malvern reported his account number and Faang Yang sent the money over. He said to Chris, "Now, there is still one more thing left."    


Chris herself was stunned by herself in the mirror. When she heard that there was another item, she could not help but shake her head. "No need, no need. This is already very good."    


Faang Yang said, "If you want to do it, do it best. Otherwise, wouldn't I lose face too? Let's go. "    


Chris had no choice but to follow Faang Yang to the largest jewelry store. Her entire body was shining with jewels, and she was beautiful and moving.    


Finally, Faang Yang personally picked a princess crown for her to wear. He looked around and said, "En, not bad. This way, you look like a real princess. Let's go."    


Chris looked at the time. "But we are already late."    


Faang Yang said indifferently, "Then what is it? Today is your birthday and you are the main character. They should wait.    


Besides, it's that Daniel who wants to hold a cocktail party for you. We didn't beg him, so we'll give him face if we go! "    


Chris could not beat him." I am not like you. You can do as you see fit. We'll arrive at the front by turning left. "    


After the two of them parked the car, a waiter immediately welcomed them. "Miss Chris, Young Master Daniel is at the banquet hall on the eighth floor."    


Chris gave him a note." Thank you. Help us park the car. "    


"Okay." The waiter swiftly collected the tip and got into the car to drive to the parking lot.    


Chris naturally held Faang Yang's arm and walked into the elevator. They went straight to the banquet hall on the eighth floor.    


There were already many people in the banquet hall. They were all young and shouting there. There were also many girls in revealing clothes shuttling back and forth. The scene was somewhat chaotic.    


When Chris appeared, a thin man immediately walked over. "Oh, my dear Chris, you are really too beautiful today! I realized that I love you so much!"    


Chris frowned and her eyes were full of disgust. "Daniel, don't say such nauseating words. We have nothing to do with each other now! And I have also found my own lover! "    


"Your lover?!" Daniel saw Chris holding Faang Yang and was a little surprised. "Are you sure this is not your servant?"    


Although Chris was dressed like a princess, Faang Yang only wore a black T-shirt and jeans. No matter how he looked at it, he was not on the same level as Chris.    


Faang Yang tilted his head and looked at Daniel carelessly. "What? Can't I?"    


Daniel pointed at the other people in the hall. "Today is a formal banquet. Are all the guests dressed properly? You are not qualified to enter in this dress!"    


Faang Yang was amused. "If you say I am not qualified, then I am not qualified?"    


Daniel raised his head. "Of course!"    


Chris whispered in Faang Yang's ear, "This hotel is also their family's property."    


Faang Yang nodded in understanding. "No wonder you are so arrogant. You are a second generation rich kid! But even if this hotel is owned by your family, I'm afraid you can't make full control of it, right? "    


Daniel said angrily, "Nonsense! How can my own business not make full control?! "    


Faang Yang dug his ears and said discontentedly, "Why are you shouting so loudly? Are you feeling guilty? You can call my dad and say that I'm here. See if he dares to coax me out."    


Daniel was stunned." You know my dad? "    


Faang Yang said, " Of course! Otherwise, do you dare to say that? By the way, tell him my name is Faang Yang!"    


Daniel could not make up his mind. When he saw Faang Yang's fearless look, he did not dare to be rash.    


"Chris, take a seat first. I will be right there. Jack, Bart, come over and accompany me."    


Daniel walked to a quiet place and called Jimmy. "Dad, do you know a person called Faang Yang?"    


Jimmy was in a good mood. When he heard this name, he immediately became extremely terrible. He asked in a deep voice," Why are you asking him? "    


Daniel quickly said, "Dad, it's like this. Isn't today Chris's birthday? I want to use this opportunity to strike a blow to her, make her yield, and strive to take down her company.    


In the end, Chris came with Faang Yang, and even said that it was her new boyfriend! I don't know what that kid's background is, so I came to ask you."    


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