Super Golden Eye

C1655 This Has Nothing to Do with Me

C1655 This Has Nothing to Do with Me

As the leader of the Dark Council, he naturally knew what the Moon Shadow Spirit Bead represented. That was why he wanted to bring it back, but he didn't expect Faang Yang to snatch it away first.    


It would be a lie to say that he had no objections to Faang Yang. However, because of their cooperation, they had temporarily suppressed it.    


But this time, it was such an important occasion, and such a huge change had occurred because of Faang Yang! This made Delavia and the others feel very unpleasant in their hearts.    


Delavia asked, "Mr. Faang, since the Moon Shadow Spirit Bead is in your body, can you think of a way to make it stop?"    


Fang Suo shook his head. "Sorry, at least I can't think of a way. If you have any good ideas, you can tell me. Right now, I can't even move a single step. What else can I do?"    


Delavia frowned." If that's the case, I will call some people over and send Mr. Faang out of Blood Pool for the time being. I wonder if that's possible? "    


Faang Yang was also feeling nervous after absorbing the energy of Blood Pool in such a crazy manner. When he heard what Delavia said, he did not refuse. "Sure, do as you see fit."    


After getting Faang Yang's permission, Delavia immediately called a few Great Duke over, wanting to get Faang Yang out of the Blood Pool.    


Jiya, who was beside him, had an unhappy look on her face and whispered, "Are you stupid? Why did you give up such a good opportunity?"    


Faang Yang blinked. "Opportunities are good opportunities, but it depends on how capable you are. Now that even I can't control the situation, it is not an opportunity, but a disaster... "    


While they were talking, four Great Duke from the Blood Clan came over and tried to get Faang Yang out. However, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't move ___ at all!    


The energy whirlpool in Blood Pool above Faang Yang's head became bigger and bigger, stronger and stronger. "Can't you guys use some strength? Delavia asked anxiously. "    


A few Great Duke looked wronged. "Speaker Lord, we have tried our best, but we really can't move it!"    


Guu Luosi walked up and said, "Let me try. Bopu, come here for a second."    




Bopu followed Guu Luosi and walked to Faang Yang's side. One by one, they wanted to pick Faang Yang up. But even with their strength, they were unable to move Faang Yang by a single step!    


Faang Yang looked at Delavia. "Did you see that? This has nothing to do with me..."    


That harmless look made the other Dark Council Member in Blood Pool gnash their teeth in anger. It wasn't easy for them to get a chance, but in the end, they couldn't even get a strand of hair. That kind of feeling really pissed them off.    


After several attempts, Guu Luosi gave up and returned to Delavia's side. "It can't be helped. He seems to have become one with Blood Pool, and can't move at all."    


Guu Luosi raised his head and looked at the crazy energy whirlpool in the sky. He was a little worried. "But if such a powerful energy whirlpool were to explode, the consequences would be unimaginable!"    


Delavia immediately shouted, "Everyone, listen up! Leave Blood Pool at full speed! Quick! "    


The elites of Dark Council who had yet to taste the sweetness of Blood Pool, although they were unwilling, it was useless to stay in this situation. All of them left Blood Pool dejectedly.    


Delavia said to Guu Luosi, "What else can we do now?"    


Guu Luosi said, "It can't be helped. According to the current situation, I'm afraid that we won't stop until we absorb all the energy in the Blood Pool."    


Delavia was in disbelief. "Although the Moon Shadow Spirit Bead is magical, can it absorb all the energy in Blood Pool? What if..."    


Guu Luosi understood what he meant. "If the energy explodes, then the entire Dark Council will be razed to the ground!"    


Faang Yang was also startled." Hey, are you for real? Why didn't you tell me before coming here that there would be danger? If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have come even if I used the sedan to carry it!"    


Delavia did not expect Faang Yang to say this." Mr. Faang, isn't it a little unfair to say this? Could it be that our good intentions were wrong?    


To be honest, the Dark Council has suffered a lot more losses than you! You have put in a lot of effort, put your life on the line, and put in great effort to restart the Blood Pool, but you have thrown it into chaos!    


It's not that I don't respect you, but if I had known that such a thing would happen, I would never have agreed to let you enter the Blood Pool!"    


Faang Yang saw that Delavia was extremely angry, and he couldn't help but sneer." Oh? Are you here to settle accounts with me after autumn? If you say a thousand or ten thousand, you should invite me over, right?    


What do you think this is good? The thing on top of my head is a bomb! If it really explodes, I will be the one to suffer first! Therefore, I won't take the blame for this!"    


Seeing the tension between the two of them gradually rising, Guu Luosi came out to be the peacemaker." Don't talk too much. When something happens, no one wants to see it happen.    


I believe Faang Yang doesn't want this to happen either. He's right. This is a joke.    


The situation here is very unstable. We should retreat to the outside and gather the members of the Elder Council to study it. Hopefully, we can find a solution. "    


Delavia's expression was ugly." This is the only way. Find a few people to install a few probes and walkie-talkies here. I will go and gather the Elders for a meeting. "    


After saying that, Delavia turned around and strode away. He was as angry as he could be in his heart. He originally thought that he would be able to successfully hold a Blood Pond Holy Classic during his term of office, which would increase his position in history and cohesiveness.    


However, the plan did not change quickly. Faang Yang's sudden appearance had overturned all of his perfect ideas, leaving behind a mess. If it were anyone else, would they not be angry?    


Watching Delavia leave, Guu Luosi said to Faang Yang, "We can't blame him for being angry. This kind of situation is hard to accept."    


Faang Yang sighed. "Sigh, understanding is understandable, but how can we resolve it? With such a thing on top of your head, who are you not afraid of?"    


Guu Luosi said, "Hold on for a while longer. When we have a solution, we will rescue you immediately. Miss Jiya, come with me. It is too dangerous here."    


Jiya firmly refused, "No! Faang Yang and I came together. If you want to leave, then let's go together! I will never give up on him and leave on my own! "    


Faang Yang was touched, but he still advised, "Jiya, don't be stubborn. This place is really too dangerous. You should go to a safe place and wait. Okay? "    


Jiya bit her lips, "No! I am not leaving!"    


Faang Yang became anxious. "You are messing around! If it really explodes, we will all die!"    


Jiya looked up at Faang Yang and her eyes were firm. "So what? I have lived for so long, will I still be afraid of death?" Faang Yang did not say anything.    


"Then I will go first. You all take care of yourselves." Since Jiya didn't want to leave, Guu Luosi didn't try to persuade her anymore. Most importantly, the energy whirlpool in the Blood Pool was getting stronger and stronger, making it hard for them to breathe.    


As the saying goes, whether I leave or not, Guu Luosi doesn't want me to interfere. To put it bluntly, if it wasn't for Faang Yang, would anyone still care who Jiya was?    


Jiya didn't look at Faang Yang and just sat on the ground. She used her hand to casually draw some pattern on the ground. She had a cold war with Faang Yang and couldn't tell what she was thinking.    


Very quickly, a few people from the Dark Council came over and wanted to install a few cameras and walkie-talkies. However, that kind of electronic equipment simply couldn't exist under the energy whirlpool of Blood Pool!    


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