Super Golden Eye

C1670 If You dare to Make a Move Then Die!

C1670 If You dare to Make a Move Then Die!

This place was bustling with activity. Even the people of West Force were attracted here. After understanding what had happened, they were all tempted.    


However, the West Force still had their own self-awareness. Knowing that it was virtually impossible to snatch someone away from them, they could only watch resentfully.    


Ann Hongtao saw that these people had no bottom line. He angrily waved his sleeve and said, "Everyone, please return. Don't make a fuss in front of my door!" He went straight back to his tent.    


Faang Yang saw that Ann Hongtao was really angry and immediately said, "Everyone, let's talk business first. Let's all go to the central tent to talk."    


The central tent was a public tent, and its purpose was to allow all the forces to have a place where they could discuss matters. It was the most spacious place.    


What made people sad was that Faang Yang went to the central tent and sat for a while, but he did not see Ann Hongtao.    


Ming Jian could not hold his breath anymore. "Faang Yang, you are the only one who knows the most about the treasure. You have the most right to speak. Tell us what we should do and what we should do if there are any matters we need to take note of."    


Faang Yang looked around. "Sorry, I think there are still people who have not arrived."    


Chiang Huawen, who was sitting in the front seat, blinked and immediately understood what Faang Yang meant. "That's right. I don't think Daoist Ann of Green City has arrived yet."    


Ming Jian didn't think it was a big deal. "It doesn't matter if he comes or not, as long as Faang Yang is here."    


Although it was unpleasant to hear, it also showed the value of Ann Hongtao's existence. Only he could make Faang Yang willingly appear here, and no one else could make use of him!    


When Ming Jian said this, Tongming and the others' hearts skipped a beat, and they thought to themselves, This is bad!    


Indeed, Faang Yang pulled his face down. " Oh? But I was invited by Daoist Ann, and you told me that it doesn't matter if I come or not?"    


Chiang Huawen quickly tried to smooth things over." We are all in the same boat, so don't argue. Wood Spirit, go and invite Daoist Ann."    


"Yes." The child behind Chiang Huawen immediately agreed and ran away.    


Ann Hongtao was sulking in his own tent. He really did not want to go into this mess again. But when he saw that it was Chiang Huawen who sent someone to invite him, he really couldn't bear to lose face, so he helplessly came over.    


As soon as Ann Hongtao walked out of the central tent, Faang Yang stood up immediately and respectfully gave up his seat. "Daoist Ann, please take a seat."    


Ann Hongtao looked around and said lightly, "There are so many experts present. Poverty-stricken People wouldn't dare to be careless."    


Faang Yang said very domineeringly, "As long as I think it is appropriate. If anyone is unwilling to watch, they can leave at any time!"    


With just one sentence, he blocked all the people who were about to speak. Although Faang Yang's seniority was not high, his fierce reputation was still outside. As long as he thought it was right, there was nothing he did not dare to do!    


Since no one objected, Ann Hongtao no longer modestly gave in and directly sat at the head seat. It seemed that what happened just now had angered Ann Hongtao, who had always been a good person.    


After Ann Hongtao took his seat, Faang Yang sat down beside him and slowly said, "Actually, all of you have put in a lot of effort. Everything you have done is to let me bring you all into the Holy Ancestor Treasure, right? "    


Ming Jian was the most impatient. "Of course! Those are all ownerless items. Naturally, everyone has the right to own them! Why should you keep them for yourself? "    


"Ming Jian felt his vision blur, and then his left cheek instantly swelled up.    


It turned out that Faang Yang took advantage of the moment when he wasn't paying attention, and the two of them got closer. He threw him a big mouth and said, "What do you mean I'll take it all for myself? Which eye of yours saw me taking it all for myself? The treasure is right there. Go and get it if you dare! "    


Ming Jian never thought that Faang Yang would slap him in public. He was caught off guard and got hit by Faang Yang's slap, which made him fly into a rage out of humiliation." Kid, you are courting death! "    


Faang Yang's eyes were cold. He said word by word, "As long as you dare to make a move, someone will definitely die!"    


Ming Jian was one of the experts of Shu Mountain Sword Sect. He had experienced many battles in his life and was also a person who had seen the world.    


However, for some reason, Ming Jian felt weak when he looked at Faang Yang's eyes. He had already lost his confidence before he even made a move.    


Ming Jian stood there and covered his face with his hand. If he attacked, he would have no chance of winning. If he didn't, he would become a laughing stock in the future.    


Just as they were in a dilemma, Chiang Huawen came out and said, "Everyone, calm down. If you have anything to say, just sit down and talk.    


Ming Jian, Fellow Daoist, it's time for you to change your temper. Faang Yang, don't mind his Little Friend. It's better to prioritize the overall situation."    


" Hmph, if it wasn't for Elder Jiang's face, this matter wouldn't have ended! " With Chiang Huawen's words, Ming Jian finally found a way out. He threw out a threatening remark and returned to his seat.    


Unexpectedly, just as Ming Jian sat down, he felt a wave of killing intent. He suddenly raised his head and saw that Faang Yang had completely locked onto his Qi. The killing intent penetrated through his body and hit his face.    


This was the first time Ming Jian had encountered such a powerful killing intent. He did not care about his image. He somersaulted in the air and stood still. A long sword appeared in his hand. "Faang Yang! What are you trying to do?!"    


Faang Yang pointed at Ming Jian with his food finger. "From now on, if you dare to say one more word, I will kill you! No matter who protects you, it will not work! If you doubt my words, you can try! "    


Ming Jian's scolding could be considered to have helped Ann Hongtao vent his anger. After warning Ming Jian, Faang Yang turned around and apologized to Elder Jiang.    


"Elder Jiang, I'm sorry for making fun of you. This junior is young and hot-blooded. I didn't do things properly and only wanted to be happy for a moment. I'm really ashamed of myself."    


Chiang Huawen understood that this was because Faang Yang had spoken too loudly when he had warned Ming Jian just now. He was afraid that he would make things difficult for Chiang Huawen.    


The more it was like this, the more Chiang Huawen liked Faang Yang. "Haha, no worries. Everyone comes from their youth. My temper back then was even more violent than yours!"    


Faang Yang said, "Elder Jiang is being too serious. I'm not like this normally, but there are always some Tom, Dick, and Harry who want to jump out and make a show of their existence, so I can only satisfy them."    


The people sitting below did not dare to speak at this time, fearing that they would get themselves into trouble. The only one who was not afraid of trouble was Wuxie.    


When he saw Faang Yang teasing Ming Jian like this, Wuxie sighed and said, "Master is indeed powerful! Although I am a bold and unrestrained person, I am not as carefree as you! "    


Faang Yang smiled and said loudly, "Everyone, everyone is gathered here. Our goal is the Holy Ancestor Treasure. Although everyone says that I know a lot about the Holy Ancestor Treasure, it is just a rumor.    


Even many of the people present had entered the Holy Ancestor Treasure before. They all think that the greatest difficulty of the Holy Ancestor Treasure is that it has countless traps and traps.    


However, I think everyone has overlooked a problem. The Holy Ancestor Treasure can be maintained for nearly a thousand years, could it be that no one has designs on it?    


But up until now, it is still almost intact. What is the reason? Have you thought about it?"    


Chiang Huawen thought for a while and understood what Faang Yang meant. "I understand what the Little Friend means. There seemed to be a loose organization that called themselves Six Defense nearby.    


They were usually in different factions and did not have much contact with each other. However, no matter how the outside world changed, they had never left. I think it should be the guardian force of the Holy Ancestor Treasure."    


Faang Yang nodded his head." That's right. I have come into contact with the Beast Controlling Sect before. Their strength is not bad. I believe that the other five Imperial Guards won't be weak either.    


Forgive me for being blunt, but if we don't find these people and enter the Holy Ancestor Treasure, who can guarantee that nothing will happen to us? "    


Chiang Huawen nodded his head." That makes sense! "    


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