Super Golden Eye

C1678 Prepare to Acknowledge Me as Your Master!

C1678 Prepare to Acknowledge Me as Your Master!

Xuan Yi's attitude was very firm. "This is not a serious matter, but a matter of one breath! With Elder Jiang and the other fellow disciples as witnesses, there was no lie!    


If you can't break it, you are not allowed to touch anything related to formations in the future! Consider this your punishment!"    


Wuxie looked at Xuan Yi with sympathy. "Master, you should be ready to become my disciple! In the Holy Ancestor Treasure, it was almost always like this. In the past, it was always the lord who broke it. Let's just wait and see a good show! "    


Faang Yang said sincerely, "Elder Xuan Yi, I really didn't mean to do anything to you. It's just that there are too many patterns on the Silver Wolf here. That's why I said those words just now. Take what I said before as a joke."    


After saying that, Faang Yang dripped two drops of Xiaotian's blood. When it dripped onto the Silver Wolf pattern's eyes, the Silver Wolf immediately seemed to come to life. It began to spin upwards. Under the pillar, a Dark Gate that could allow a person to bend down and enter silently appeared!    


When Xuan Yi saw Faang Yang's way out, his eyes widened so much that they almost popped out. His mouth was wide open, as if he had swallowed a dead fly! "It's actually such a broken technique?!"    


Wuxie teased, "Old Daoist, how is it? I am not lying to you, am I? [Master, you are breaking such a trap. I really want to puke!] What are you waiting for? Hurry up and acknowledge me as your master? There are so many people watching!"    


Xuan Yi's old face turned green and red. He did not know what to say. He had been obsessed with formations all his life, but he had overlooked some strange formations. They could not be broken with common sense.    


Fortunately, Faang Yang didn't want to embarrass him. "Daoist Xuan Yi is a highly respected person. He was just joking with me. Don't mention it again. Let's get ready to explore the situation below. "    


Chiang Huawen saw that there were long lamps on both sides of the downward tunnel. "The lights can be lit. It means that there is a ventilation system down there. We can go down."    


Everyone knew that they could go down, but who would go down first? No one wanted to be the first one to take the lead. Faang Yang purposely said.    


"Since no one is willing, then I have to go down first. If anything happens to me, all of you should leave at once. Don't worry about me."    


"No way!"    


Chiang Huawen, Bopu, and Wuxie objected at the same time. However, Chiang Huawen and Bopu were worried that Faang Yang might find another path and escape by himself, whereas Wuxie was truly worried about his safety.    


Faang Yang spread his hands and said, "Since no one wants to go down, why don't we just stay here and do nothing? I can't afford to be reliable. "    


Chiang Huawen said to Bopu and Wuxie, "Two of you, but the three of us will draw lots. The one who gets the shortest draw, how about we send someone to scout the way?"    


Now, it seemed like this was the best solution. Bopu and Wuxie agreed as well. "Alright, let's ask Lord Faang Yang to be our witness."    


Faang Yang said, "Alright, I will be your witness, but I didn't sign it."    


Chiang Huawen stretched out his hand and took out three thin silver needles. "Just break one of them."    


"That's fine." Faang Yang took the silver needles and broke one of the needles. He then turned his back and handed the three needles over. "Please."    


Chiang Huawen was very elegant. "Since it is my silver needle, I will draw the last one."    


Bopu and Wuxie did not stand on ceremony with him. One of them went forward to draw the last needle, but Bopu drew the shortest one in an instant. He shook his head and said, "I am so lucky. Robotz, come here."    


Immediately, a marquis from Blood Clan walked over. "Master, Roboz is willing to serve you."    


Bopu pointed to the hole in front of them. "Take a few people and go down to scout the way. Report in time if there are any abnormalities! "    


Roboz's expression changed slightly, but he still respectfully replied, "Yes, this subordinate will do it right away."    


After getting up, Roboz called a few of his subordinates over, and they entered the secret passage one after another. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the entrance of the secret passage, listening carefully for any strange sounds.    


But after waiting for a long time, there was still no movement! Wuxie was a bit impatient. "What is going on? It has been half an hour. Why isn't there a letter?"    


Faang Yang glared at him, "What are you in such a hurry for?! Behave yourself. "    


Wuxie shrunk his neck and said, "Master, I am just afraid of wasting time!"    


While he was talking, he heard some footsteps coming from the secret passage. Soon, Robots came out from the secret passage.    


Bopu immediately asked, "Roboz, what's the situation down there? Is there any danger?"    


Robots replied, "Sir, there is a long and narrow passage below that only allows one person to pass through. It is winding and winding. We have walked for so long, but we have not reached the end.    


Because I was worried that you would be waiting for me up there, I quickly came back to report to you. It's very safe down there, there's no danger at all!"    


Bopu nodded in satisfaction." Okay, you can go down first. "    


"Yes." Robots bowed respectfully and returned to his formation.    


Bopu said to Faang Yang and the others, "Everyone heard what Robots said just now very clearly, right? Since there is no danger, let's go down? "    


Faang Yang sighed. "Bopu, you need to be clear about this. They will be fine if they go down, but it does not mean that we will be fine if we go down.    


This is a Holy Ancestor Treasure. Don't you find it strange that a long and narrow winding passage suddenly appeared? There must be a reason for something abnormal to happen. We must not be careless. "    


Chiang Huawen also agreed with Faang Yang's point of view. "That's right. Maybe they deliberately let our team go and wait for the large group of people to enter before attacking."    


Wuxie scratched his head." Then what should we do? We can't let such a big group of people become a small team, right?"    


Faang Yang's eyes lit up. "Wuxie, this is a good idea!"    


Wuxie was confused. "Master, are you confused? I didn't say anything!"    


Chiang Huawen said, "Why didn't you say anything? Didn't you say that we can't make a large group of people become a small group? We will split everyone into small groups and enter in groups! "    


Wuxie immediately understood what was going on. He laughed and said, "Ha ha! I never thought that I would be such a genius!"    


Since he had a solution, he started to split up. To be fair, there were six people in each group, one from the right path, two from the Devil Dao, and two from the west.    


Ten minutes after the first team left, the second team left. Faang Yang and the others continued to observe the situation at the entrance.    


They had thought of a countermeasure. In the depths of the Holy Ancestor Treasure, a few people covered in black cloaks gathered together. Through a crystal ball, they watched everything that was happening outside.    


One of the people in the middle said, "Sheng Laosan, you are in charge of that side. Why did you let them live until now? If there is another Lou, who can afford it?"    


Sheng Laosan replied, "What if we attack early and scare them away? How satisfying would it be if we let all of them come in and catch them all in one fell swoop?"    


A person beside him said, "Sheng Laosan, what Sheng Laoda said is right. Last time, those people came here to cause trouble. They even lost the spirit of the ley line and got burned by the magma. Don't they have a good memory?"    


Sheng Laosan was a little dissatisfied. "Old Sixth Saint, I think you were in charge of what happened last time, right? Do you think everyone is like you when you make a mistake? "    


Old Sixth Saint's expression was a little ugly. "Sheng Laosan, don't think that just because you are ranked as Laosan, you are stronger than me! That was an accident last time! "    


Sheng Laosan said disdainfully, "What is an accident? If something happened, it would be an accident. If it succeeded, it would be your credit, right? Why did you take all the benefits? No wonder you don't grow a pair of eyes!"    


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