Super Golden Eye

C1691 Vote to Decide Life and Death

C1691 Vote to Decide Life and Death

Wuxie had some doubts about Chiang Huawen's words. "Elder Jiang, you are the Senior Master, and I am just a newbie. Of course I can't understand you."    


Faang Yang's eyes swept across the faces of these people. Chiang Huawen's impatience, Wuxie's hesitation, and Bopu's hesitation could all be seen in his eyes.    


He was afraid that it would be unrealistic to rely on the three of them to make the decision. After much deliberation, Faang Yang made a suggestion.    


"Guys, what do you think? Although you are all the leaders of the various powers, this matter concerns everyone's lives. How about we let everyone vote and decide? "    


Wuxie was the first to agree. "That is a good idea! Fair!"    


Bopu hesitated and nodded. "It is feasible..."    


Although Chiang Huawen was unwilling, it was 3: 1 now. Even if he did not agree, it would not be of any use. Instead, it would offend others.    


"Since everyone agrees, I have no objections."    


After Chiang Huawen nodded his head, he immediately gathered everyone together. Faang Yang cleared his throat.    


"Everyone, we have suffered great losses on our way here. In order to be responsible for everyone's lives, we need to discuss with everyone whether we should continue to search for treasures or find a way to break out of the siege."    


Faang Yang's words immediately caused a huge commotion. Everyone was whispering to each other and discussing amongst themselves.    


Chiang Huawen took the opportunity to say, "Our purpose of this trip is to search for the secrets of the treasure. It has not been easy for us to reach this stage. Perhaps, we can achieve our goal by persisting for a little longer.    


If we retreat now, I'm afraid that the mechanism formation that we broke earlier will be restored the next time we enter. There will also be unknown dangers waiting for us. Wouldn't all our previous sacrifices be wasted? "    


Faang Yang didn't expect that Chiang Huawen's obsession would be so deep. He didn't care about the life and death of others, and he was still thinking about the treasures of the Holy Ancestor Treasure.    


"Everyone, think carefully. If we continue to search for the treasure, the danger will be very high. Perhaps, in the end, less than one out of ten of these people will survive!    


However, if you want to take other shortcuts to break through, although it will not be easy, it will be much easier. At the very least, you will be able to preserve your life.    


Whether they were going or staying, everyone could vote and decide. Every time you pick up a stone, agree to draw another line, and those who agree to leave draw two lines will be placed in this pit."    


After saying that, Faang Yang struck out a palm from the side, creating a small pit. Although it wasn't deep, it was enough to store stones.    


"I'll go first." Wuxie wasn't afraid of anything. After picking up a stone, he didn't try to avoid it. He directly drew two lines and threw it into the pit.    


With Wuxie taking the lead, it seemed like the crowd was greatly affected. Chiang Huawen was worried that Wuxie might mislead them, so he immediately picked up a rock and threw it into the pit.    


"When doing things, one must be good from beginning to end. Only by persisting for a long time can one comprehend the Heavenly Dao and achieve positive results."    


After Chiang Huawen said this, the person who was a little shaken just now could not make up his mind again! Faang Yang did not have a good impression of these people who were indecisive.    


"Everyone still has three minutes to think about it. After all, we are in a dangerous situation now. We can't stay here forever. All of you, hurry up!"    


Everyone's heart tightened. Although they were indecisive, they still found a rock and marked it before throwing it into the pit.    


When the last person was done, Faang Yang started to count. There were seventy-nine people, including Chiang Huawen, Bopu, and Wuxie. There were eighty-two people in total.    


Because Faang Yang wanted to count the votes, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, he gave up the right to vote. In the end, there were only 27 votes that agreed to continue forward! 55 votes in favor of leaving!    


Placing two piles of stones neatly in front of everyone, Faang Yang said, "Everyone saw it, right? 55 votes against 27 votes, the minority obeys the majority."    


Chiang Huawen's expression was displeased, but he did not say anything. In comparison, Archbishop Iven suddenly spoke.    


"Mr. Faang, it is not a problem for the minority to obey the majority, but don't you also have to take into account the feelings of the minority?"    


Faang Yang looked at Elvin and slightly narrowed his eyes. "I wonder what Archbishop Iven thinks?"    


Elvin cleared his throat. "In my opinion, if you want to leave, you can leave on your own. If you want to continue searching, you can continue to move forward.    


Everyone is doing their own thing. No one will disturb each other. Why do we have to do it one by one? We are forcing others to do it. "    


Elvin had been holding back his anger all along. Why did Bopu become the person in charge of West Force? Why did he have to listen to Faang Yang's orders all the time?    


For the sake of the bigger picture, Elvin had been holding back his anger. After all, everyone knew that whether they could enter the Holy Ancestor Treasure or not depended on Faang Yang.    


But after entering the treasure vault, why should he listen to him? Besides, Bopu had only gotten some benefits from the Holy Ancestor Treasure. Why should he order him around?    


Elvin was also one of the top figures in Holy Light Mountain. Of course, he wouldn't be willing to be a green leaf forever. Now that he had the chance, he had to show off his skills.    


Chiang Huawen's eyes also lit up. He never thought that there would be someone standing on his side at this moment. He immediately expressed his support.    


"You are right. This is exactly the reason. At most, we'll just do our own things and not interfere with each other's business. That's all."    


Faang Yang sneered and said, "Alright! Since Elder Jiang has spoken, then I have no objections! However, I don't intend to continue exploring. I want to think of a way to get out of here as soon as possible.    


I believe that with Elder Jiang and Archbishop Iven's strength, there will always be a way to obtain more benefits. I won't drag them down."    


Of course, Chiang Huawen wouldn't let Faang Yang leave like this." Faang Yang, if you leave and encounter that Wolf King totem again, how are we going to resolve it? "    


Faang Yang found it funny. "It was you guys who encountered trouble. Why did you come and ask me how to resolve it? It seems like I don't owe you guys anything, right? "    


Ever since Elvin was robbed of the Sun Shadow Spirit Bead by Faang Yang, he had always held a grudge against Elvin. Naturally, he would not say anything good.    


"What do you mean by not owing anyone anything? Didn't you join us to lead the way? It's not like you're the only one who owns the treasure! "    


Faang Yang was amused by Elvin's words. "Haha, you are right. The treasure is not mine alone. Why are you talking to me here?    


My legs are on my body. If you want to go and stay, you don't need to complain. Even if Blatter came here himself, he wouldn't dare to talk to me like that! I need to recognize my identity first!"    


These words immediately made Elvin choke. As one of Blatter's trusted aides, how could he not know about the series of crimes Faang Yang had committed in Light Church?    


Initially, he wanted to gain some face, but in the end, he was robbed by Faang Yang, causing him to lose a lot of face. Just as Elvin didn't know what to say, as his temporary ally, Chiang Huawen helped him round up the situation.    


"Faang Yang, don't be angry, everyone. If there is anything you want to discuss, we can discuss it slowly. It will hurt our relationship, and it will not be good.    


Why don't we split up? If we agree to leave, we will think of a way out. Those who agree to continue will continue forward. "    


Faang Yang knew that Chiang Huawen had made up his mind to continue searching for treasures. In fact, he had agreed to participate in this event before. Apart from Ann Hongtao's face, Faang Yang also had a glimmer of hope. He could use this opportunity to understand the Holy Ancestor Treasure better.    


However, after entering, Faang Yang realized that although he had mentally prepared himself, it was still out of his expectations. That was why he wanted to retreat.    


At this stage, Faang Yang would definitely not easily use his life as a bet.    


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