Super Golden Eye

C1693 A Slim Chance of Survival

C1693 A Slim Chance of Survival

Wuxie's face changed, "Master, do you mean there will be danger over there?"    


Faang Yang did not give a clear answer, "Ever since we entered the Holy Ancestor Treasure, there have been dangers everywhere. Don't think that just because you broke a few mechanisms and formations, you are amazing. There are even more terrifying enemies waiting for us."    


These words almost made Wuxie jump up, "Damn! [Will there be people living in the Holy Ancestor Treasure?] This is the Divine Ancestor's bedchamber, the place where the dead live!"    


Faang Yang did not think it was a big deal." So what? At least the Six Defense Sect People from before had its own passageway to enter the Holy Ancestor Treasure. It was just that the area was different.    


The most obvious example was Aunt Yun. From the beginning, she did not have any cultivation base, but she could still appear in the Holy Ancestor Treasure again. Can't that explain the problem?"    


Wuxie wasn't stupid. He quickly turned around and said," That is to say, although we have encountered a lot of trouble, the main reason is that someone is deliberately targeting us? "    


Faang Yang nodded and said," That is right. So they can think of whatever you can think of. There is only a slim chance of survival if something unexpected happens. "    


Wuxie scratched his head." But my lord, we can't walk on the road we came from. Chiang Huawen and the others are also in danger. How are we going to leave then? "    


Faang Yang took a deep breath and sat down cross-legged. "I will adjust my breathing first and then we will talk."    


Faang Yang focused his mind. He looked at his nose, nose, mouth, and heart. He looked at the sky with his five heart. He held one heart and tried his best to urge the Golden Compass to comb the surrounding Feng Shui meridians.    


Although it was not easy to make the Golden Compass contribute in a life and death battle, a small task like this was basically more reliable.    


The Golden Compass glowed with a golden light, and numerous fresh Geomantic Omen Line appeared on it. Very quickly, the flow of Feng Shui in the entire hall soared to the top.    


The truth was similar to what Faang Yang had guessed. There was only one Five Elemental Formation Array Eye here.    


Apart from the Feng Shui connection between the formations, Faang Yang discovered that the only place where Feng Shui flowed was actually that underground river!    


The water was living water, so naturally, there would be Geomantic Omen Power flowing. If he wanted to rush out of the Holy Ancestor Treasure, the only way was to escape from the underground river's water channel before the other party could react!    


After making some calculations in his mind, Faang Yang opened his eyes and stood up. Wuxie immediately asked anxiously, "Master, do you have a way?"    


Faang Yang did not hide anything from Wuxie and the others who chose to leave with him. "The tunnel that Elder Jiang and the others went to is extremely dangerous. Our only chance of survival now is this underground river!"    


Wuxie looked at the cave entrance in confusion. "The underground river there? But is there really no problem? [Didn't Master say that there are dangers everywhere in the Holy Ancestor Treasure?]"    


Faang Yang reminded, "Have you forgotten what's in the underground river below? Besides, Zombie Turtle King was there before. How many people could escape unscathed? "    


Wu Xie slapped his own forehead. "That's right! Look at my memory!"    


Even if there was someone like Faang Yang who could cheat and lose more than half of his team members, if it was someone else who was unprepared, they would definitely not be able to escape the fate of being completely wiped out.    


Faang Yang looked in the direction where Chiang Huawen and the others left and then said to Wuxie, "It's not too late. We have to act as soon as possible! I suspect that the enemy in the dark may have controlled some of the mechanisms and formations.    


If they can see through our intentions and set a trap for us in advance, it will be even more difficult. "    


Wuxie said," No problem! Most of them are from my Devil Dao. I won't let them get away with it. Shall we act now?"    


"Let's go!"    


Faang Yang took the lead and retreated into the underground river. The strange thing was that Faang Yang did not go down, but looked up.    


Wuxie was confused. "Master, why are we going up and not down?"    


Faang Yang patiently explained, "I am afraid you didn't notice where we were after we came in, did you?"    


Wuxie was a bit embarrassed. "Yes, I didn't."    


Faang Yang said, "After I went back last time, I carefully compared the map of the Death Valley and found that the location of the Holy Ancestor Treasure was right in the center of the Death Valley!    


After we came in, the narrow and long tunnel and the main hall that came here were all heading towards the southwest.    


From the distance, we should be about to reach the edge of the Death Valley. Comparatively speaking, compared to going downstream, we need to save more time and reduce the uncertainty."    


Wuxie sighed and said," My lord, you are indeed powerful. It is not easy to remember so many things in your head. Anyway, I can't do it. "    


"That is because you don't want to think about it. When you take over the responsibility of Heavenly Devil Sect, I believe you will understand it."    


Faang Yang's eyes and hands didn't stop even when he spoke. The secret passage was filled with water that was half the height of a human. Although it was live water, it was very difficult to determine the exact location of the entrance and exit.    


However, with the help of the Golden Eye, a few minutes later, Faang Yang found a water entrance the size of a basketball under a stone slab in the middle of the secret passage. Most of the water came from here.    


"It's here!" Faang Yang took out the Dragon Scale Sword and used its strength to pierce through the sword. With a few slashes, the hole expanded to allow a person to bend down and enter, and he pushed forward at the fastest speed.    


Wuxie, who was following behind Faang Yang, was impressed. "Master is indeed a genius! He is so elegant even when he is digging a hole!"    


Faang Yang nearly fell down. He turned around and said angrily, "No one will treat you as a mute if you don't talk! Why don't you give it a try? "    


Wuxie waved his hand and said, "I can't. Master, come on. The capable ones should work harder. What if I miss the job?"    


"What a load of crap!" Faang Yang could not be bothered with him and continued his digging business.    


However, Aunt Yun, who was sitting in the Control Room, and Sheng Laoda, who was in the main hall, could not catch sight of Faang Yang and the others.    


Sheng Laoda quickly switched the image in the crystal ball. Only Chiang Huawen and the others were there. "Second Mother, where did Faang Yang go?"    


Sheng Erniang was also confused. "I am not too sure about that. The mechanism of the Gold Arm Array was completely destroyed and could not track the situation there.    


However, there is no trace of Faang Yang in the Burial Cave and the Earth Formation, so he should be staying in the Gold Arm Array to rest and reorganize."    


Sheng Laoda said in a serious tone," We must pay extra attention to Faang Yang's whereabouts! This person is very important. It would be best to capture him alive! "    


Sheng Erniang was not very optimistic about Sheng Laoda's words. "If you want to kill him, it might be easier. It is really too difficult to capture him alive."    


Sheng Laoda's tone was unquestionable. "If we want to crack the core secrets of the Holy Ancestor Treasure, we cannot be afraid of difficulties! We have protected him for generations. Could it be that it is too difficult to give up just because of one sentence? "    


Sheng Erniang sighed, "Alright, I understand what you mean. I will discuss it with Aunt Yun. After all, she is more familiar with the mechanisms in that area than us."    


Sheng Laosan's eyes revealed a trace of ruthlessness. "Second Mother, if Aunt Yun really does not know how to appreciate favors, leave it to me! Under my Soul Searching Arts, there are no secrets that can be concealed!"    


Sheng Erniang did not dare to flatter, "You still have the nerve to say your Soul Searching Arts? Domineering is overbearing, but what can be used to find fragmented memories? "    


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