Super Golden Eye

C1701 You'll be so Cool That You Won't Have Any Friends

C1701 You'll be so Cool That You Won't Have Any Friends

When Faang Yang and Blatter were fighting, they had exchanged a few words. They knew that the reason why he made such a big move wasn't because he wanted to go against the Dark Council.    


He just wanted to use the Dark Council as a catalyst to suppress all the opposition within the Light Church.    


Wherever there were people, there would be the Jianghu, and it was no exception. If everything was balanced, everything would be fine.    


However, just Faang Yang had slapped Blatter's face several times in a row, causing those who opposed to raise their heads again.    


Blatter was the Pope who had a lot of ideas. He would never allow anyone to play tricks under his nose. It was inevitable to make a move.    


Of course, even if Guu Luosi was the Chairman of the Dark Council, he would not be able to hear about this insider information. He could use this opportunity to make a favor out of it.    


Thinking of this, Faang Yang said in a low voice, "Guu Luosi, what do you think about this matter? Do you want a fight?"    


Guu Luosi's answer was very straightforward. "Of course not! The Dark Council had just suffered a serious injury, and it was already suppressed by the Xiantian realm. No matter who wins or loses, their Yuan energy will be greatly damaged."    


Faang Yang knew what Guu Luosi was trying to say. "Maybe I have a way to calm the Light Church down."    


Guu Luosi's tone became serious," What method? With Blatter's personality, I'm afraid there are not many things that can make him change his mind."    


Faang Yang said confidently, "What if there is an internal problem in Light Church? For example, if someone dislikes Blatter, then Holy Light Mountain will definitely be very lively! "    


Guu Luosi said, "If that is the case, it can indeed distract Blatter. Furthermore, the faction conflict would definitely cause internal strife in Light Church, and it would damage his strength. It might also change his mind.    


The problem is, how should he operate it? Do you have a way to contact those who oppose Blatter? And in a very short period of time, convince them to take action?"    


Faang Yang pretended to be mysterious. "If you believe me, then you don't have to do anything. Just wait patiently. In three days at most, we will find out!    


Of course, if we can plan some of the follow-up actions, we might be able to make a small profit in this matter."    


Although Guu Luosi was confused, he could not do anything even if Faang Yang did not say it. There were only three days left, and he could still afford to wait.    


"Three days. Then I want to see what will happen. If there is an opportunity, I will not miss it!"    


Faang Yang had almost said what he wanted to say. He yawned and said, "Ha ~ You arranged it for you. I also want to do what I should do."    


Guu Luosi said with a deeper meaning, "If it is really as you said, I will appoint you as the Vice Council Leader of Dark Council. It will definitely be everyone's wish!"    


Faang Yang explained, "I am just stating facts. Don't think that I am giving my proof of allegiance because I am greedy for the position of the Vice Council Leader."    


Guu Luosi's tone was much more relaxed, "Of course, you should have a higher pursuit in your heart. One day, I will also need to look up to you!"    


The words that came out of Guu Luosi's mouth made Faang Yang somewhat not used to it. "This is the first time I realized that you also know how to suck up to others... But this feeling is really good!"    


Guu Luosi's words were shocking to the extreme. "Maybe one day, you will become the Chairman of the Dark Council, and you will be able to hear it every day."    


Faang Yang's eyelids twitched. "Really? Forget it. I am too busy to handle my own matters. Don't make trouble for me. Goodbye."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang took a deep breath. He slowly started the car and returned to the hotel. As for the Light Church, he didn't really plan to do anything.    


After sleeping for half the afternoon, Faang Yang felt that he was in good spirits. He took a shower and changed his clothes. When he went out, he saw Baofu guarding the door and respectfully said, "Morning, Master."    


Faang Yang put his arm around Baofu's shoulder. "Baofu, how many times do I have to tell you to understand that you are my brother, not a servant?    


It was as if when I came back, you always had to guard outside my room. There was no need for that at all. If you have that time, can't you rest a little longer? "    


Baofu said seriously," If there is no master, there will be no Baofu today. Serving master is something I'm willing to do. I don't have a single complaint! "    


Faang Yang didn't have a temper when it came to Baofu's stubborn mind. "I'm convinced of you... Come, accompany me to eat. "    


"Okay." Although Baofu couldn't figure out why Faang Yang was different from the other Cultivator and valued sleeping and eating so much, as long as Faang Yang gave the order, he would resolutely carry it out.    


If he was in a good mood, his appetite would be good. Faang Yang ate two baskets of soup dumplings, one bowl of mutton soup, and four fried eggs by himself. He patted his stomach and stood up with satisfaction.    


"Comfortable! As a person, he has to eat what he needs to eat, and he has to drink what he needs to drink. This is what life is called."    


Baofu did not understand. "Master is right. Where is Master going now?"    


Faang Yang thought about it and said," Let's go to the company to take a look. It seems that we should also go and show our faces. Otherwise, those female heroes would not know how to make up stories about me."    


Faang Yang was joking, but Baofu was very serious. "Without an owner, they would not have the status they have now. They should know how to be grateful.    


If there really is someone who is selfish and self-righteous, even if they would rather be punished by Master, I would still seek justice for Master! "    


Faang Yang looked at Baofu helplessly. "Baofu, if you continue like this, who would dare to joke with you? Joke? Although it is very cool, it will be so cool that there will be no friends... "    


Baofu did not have any expression on his face. "It doesn't matter. I don't need friends either. As long as I can be by Master's side, I will be content."    


" I can't accept this... "    


Fortunately, the car soon drove to the entrance of the Yangming Group headquarters. Faang Yang got out of the car and ran straight to the office.    


After the reorganization, Shen Tong, Cao Miaoyu and Chu Bingqing connected the offices of the three of them together. In the middle, there was a small living room that was connected to each other.    


Faang Yang had just walked in when Shen Tong's secretary came out. He immediately bowed respectfully and said, "Hello, Chairman. Are you looking for Director Shen?"    


Faang Yang nodded. "Yes, I am just looking around. You go ahead with your work."    


"Okay. If Chairman has any instructions, call me." The secretary was quite good at dealing with matters. She tactfully returned to her seat.    


Faang Yang knocked on the door, and Shen Tong's voice came from inside. "Please come in."    


Faang Yang pushed the door open and entered. He saw Shen Tong sitting in front of the desk to check the accounts. The last few big stacks of books on the desk made him frown.    


"Why are you always so busy? Don't you have a specialized finance department? If you have to do everything, won't you tire yourself to death? "    


Shen Tong only raised her head when she heard Faang Yang's voice. Her face was a little tired. " Oh, you're back. These are not our account books, but the details of Yuv Mei's company.    


Because this is a highly classified business, other than Ms Miaoyu, Ms Bingqing, and I. No one else is allowed to handle it."    


" The details of Yuv Mei's company? " Faang Yang was a little confused. "Her company's details, why are they sent to us?"    


Shen Tong explained, "Yuv Mei had wanted to merge her company with the Yangming Group for a long time, but recently, her company's expansion was very fast. It actually annexed the top 500 Jiya Group in the world!"    


"Jiya Group?" Faang Yang's heart was in a dilemma. Could it be that it had something to do with Jiya?    


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