Super Golden Eye

C1750 Han Mei's Mission

C1750 Han Mei's Mission

Faang Yang looked at Huaide with interest. "You should know that when you make this decision, you may choose the most difficult path!    


At least for now, what I have to face is not just ordinary difficulties. My life is in danger at any time. "    


Huaide shrugged his shoulders. "So what? Those who came with me don't have many thoughts about me. They want to prove that they have broken through and found better opportunities.    


There is no such thing as a free lunch in the world. Everyone understood this principle. But for the sake of your own dreams, what's wrong with working hard?"    


Faang Yang heard the main point." You mean to say that all the members of the team that came with you think this way? Are you sure? "    


Huaide smiled. "I am very sure! Prince Guu Luosi had given me the task of selecting the candidates.    


Lobo and Yuv Du, who came with me, are good friends who have played with me since we were young. They are very familiar with each other and have the same dreams and dreams."    


Faang Yang was curious about Huaide's identity." Guu Luosi trusts you so much. It seems that you have a special identity. "    


Huaide did not really want to say it. "Master, my current identity is your personal guard captain.    


I swear to Devil God Lord that I will only be loyal to you. As for the rest, it's all in the past. "    


Faang Yang was not a hot-blooded young man who would let loose just because he said something nice." Huaide, since everyone has said it to this point, I will also say the ugly words at the front.    


You should be grateful that you have left your home and come to help me. However, what I have to do and the enemies I face are too powerful.    


If I'm not careful, my life might be in danger. So, if you want to stay by my side, you can. But if you don't let me feel at ease, you won't really be put in an important position by me."    


Huaide asked," Then what do I need to do to make master truly trust us? "    


Faang Yang pondered for a moment and said, "Go and discuss with your friends. If you sincerely want to follow me, then you have to accept me leaving a restriction in your bodies!    


But this way, your life and death power will be in my hands. Whether you can accept it or not, it's up to you.    


I'll give you half a day to deal with it. Those who don't want to accept it can leave Blagoveshchensk at any time and return to Dark Council. I'll inform Guu Luosi about it. There won't be any problems.    


However, if you want to stay, you have to accept my restriction. There are no conditions to speak of! Do you understand?"    


Huaide was stunned for a moment and slowly nodded." I understand. I will go and ask now. "    


Seeing Huaide leave, Han Mei walked in. "Done?"    


Faang Yang stretched his body and let himself lie comfortably on the sofa in front of the warm fireplace. "Not yet. Just let them think about it again. How have you been recently?"    


Han Mei sat down beside Faang Yang. "Very good, unprecedentedly good! A brand new life, a brand new world, a brand new me. That feeling of being reborn, if I did not experience it personally, I would not be able to feel it at all. "    


Faang Yang laughed. "Haha, it is really exaggerated. How's the familiarity with Hei Jin? "    


A black dagger appeared in Han Mei's hand. "The more you use it, the more convenient it is. Hei Jin is really amazing. When you attack, there is no sound of wind or light!    


I can feel that there must be a greater mystery on Hei Jin's body, but I am unable to solve it for the time being."    


Faang Yang looked at the Black Gold Dagger in Han Mei's hand. "What are you in a hurry for? There is still a long time to go. Treat it well and treat it as your friend and family.    


Then the relationship between you two will be closer. It will help you understand it better and use it. "    


Han Mei put away the black gold dagger. "Just do as you wish. I am already very satisfied with this. I do not have high expectations. Isn't it too much to pursue? "    


Faang Yang slightly closed his eyes. "Only when you are satisfied can you be happy. The mentality is very important."    


"My mentality has always been good. Otherwise, how could I have persisted until now?"    


Han Mei was very optimistic. "By the way, I was just about to ask you. Since you arranged for me to be here, there must be a task for me, right?"    


Faang Yang opened his eyes. "Yes, and it is a very important mission!"    


Hearing this, Han Mei was more or less nervous. "Hey, can you not scare me? Being able to tell from your mouth that it is a very important mission, I'm afraid it will be very difficult for me to complete it, right?"    


Faang Yang said seriously, "Even if it is difficult, I have to do it. Besides, it is really not convenient for me to handle this matter by myself. The appearance of Huaide and the others have helped me a lot."    


Han Mei asked cautiously, "What do you want them to do?"    


Faang Yang lowered his voice and said, "In order to ensure your own safety, do your best to collect all the information about the Dark Wing!"    


Han Mei heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, it is only the Dark Wing, not the Dark Council and the Light Church."    


Faang Yang corrected her, "If you think so, then you are very wrong. Although the Dark Wing did not have as much time as the Dark Council and the Light Church, they were very powerful!    


I can tell you very responsibly that if the leader of the Dark Wing is willing, he can destroy the Dark Council and the Light Church in a very short period of time! "    


Han Mei was shocked," You are not joking with me, are you? The West Force has always been on par with the Dark Council and the Light Church. Is this Dark Wing really that powerful?"    


Faang Yang said solemnly, "Trust me, this is not a joke! I have fought with the people of the Dark Wing several times. Especially their lord, his strength is unfathomable!"    


Han Mei had a bitter smile on her face," After hearing what you said, that little bit of confidence that was just built up was once again destroyed without a trace... "    


Faang Yang also did not want to give her too much pressure. "Don't be so nervous. As long as you keep the confidentiality work, it should be very safe.    


Dark Wing should be brewing a big plan right now. They do not have the energy to care about some details and problems. It will be relatively easy for you all.    


But you can't be careless. Once you discover anything wrong, you must return to Jiangbei immediately. Don't cause unnecessary casualties! "    


Han Mei looked at Faang Yang." With your words, can I openly run back to Jiangbei? "    


Faang Yang said lightly, "I believe you will not easily squander my trust in you."    


Han Mei was choked by his words and did not say anything for a long time. She sighed and said, "I am convinced of you. Compared to the two of us, you are more like an old monster who has lived for a thousand years.    


No, I have to go out and take a breather. Otherwise, I feel that I might be angered to death by you at any time. It is all thanks to the panic. "    


Faang Yang smiled and did not say anything. He sat in front of the fireplace and leisurely tasted the red wine and roasted the fire. God knows how rare this opportunity was.    


Just as Faang Yang was a little sleepy, there was a knock on the door. He said slowly and cheerfully, "Please come in. The door is not locked."    


The door opened and Huaide walked in side by side with a tall and strong man. "Master, this is my partner, the werewolf Lobo."    


Lobo bowed respectfully. "Master."    


Faang Yang waved his hand. "We are all on the same side. Feel free to sit. There is no need to restrain yourself."    


"Thank you, Master." Huaide and Lobo did not stand on ceremony. They both sat down on the sofa beside them.    


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