Super Golden Eye

C1763 Han Mei's Trump Card

C1763 Han Mei's Trump Card

Faang Yang's eyes gradually became cold. " Oh? Could it be that he wants me to extend my neck for him to chop when he comes to kill me? Right, it seems that you were the one who instructed me to do so, right?    


If we were to talk about it, shouldn't it be you who indirectly caused his death? Planting good karma, obtaining good karma, planting evil karma, and bearing evil karma!"    


Yuv Mei lowered her head, unable to tell what she was thinking," That's right, it was I who harmed him. You came to find me. Do you want to kill me? "    


"Don't think that everyone else is like you." Faang Yang straightened his body. "If I wanted to kill you, would I still sit here? Do you think you are stronger than Wuh Bulei? "    


Yuv Mei was in low spirits. She looked like she had nothing to live for. "Things have already become like this. It is useless to say anything. What do you want? Do whatever you want. "    


Faang Yang wanted to have a good discussion with Yuv Mei, but seeing her current condition, it was meaningless.    


"Let's put today's matter aside for now. You should take a good rest. I will come to you again. There are some things that need to be discussed properly."    


Yuv Mei sat there blankly. She did not even move, as if she had lost her soul. Faang Yang walked out of the villa by himself. He found a car in the garage and drove away.    


When he returned to the hotel, Fang Yang took a hot shower comfortably and changed into his pajamas. He sat on the balcony and looked at the scenery in the distance. He dialed Han Mei's number. "How is it over there?"    


Han Mei sounded very excited. "Very good! Huaide and Lobo cooperated very well and learned things very quickly. Where are you? Call me at this time. Is there something you need? "    


Faang Yang said," Of course there is something. I want to ask, after transferring your company to Yuv Mei, did you not leave behind any contingency plans? "    


"Backup?" Han Mei was a smart person. Once she heard it, she understood what was going on. "Did something happen on Yuv Mei's side?"    


Faang Yang said, "Yes. Yuv Mei might have been tempted by someone else's cup and changed her mind. She did not want to merge with the Yangming Group.    


In order to stop the process, not only did she use all her effort to create difficulties, but she also found a killer to assassinate me."    


Han Mei's voice suddenly increased by eight degrees, "What?! She actually dared to do such a thing?!    


I originally thought that she was a pitiful child, that's why I gave the company to her to manage. It really disappointed me."    


Han Mei was really angered by Yuv Mei. "No, this matter cannot be finished like this! Although I gave the company to her, there are additional conditions left behind!    


How can it be so easy to cheat my business! Fortunately, I was prepared and let her fetch water with a bamboo basket. It was all in vain!"    


Faang Yang became interested." Oh, you still have some tricks up your sleeve?"    


Han Mei said proudly, "Of course! That is the painstaking effort that I have put into managing for so many years. You think that I will not have any precautions when I give it away just like that?    


When I transferred it to Yuv Mei's company, I left an agreement at the lawyer's building. If Yuv Mei didn't follow my established route, then she would lose control of the Jiya Group. She will be transferred directly to the Yangming Group."    


Faang Yang didn't understand. "Since you have wanted to merge with the Yangming Group, why don't we talk about it directly? Why do you have to go around in the middle? How much trouble will there be? "    


Han Mei said snappily, "Do you think I am willing to go around in this circle more? If it was carried out directly, it would definitely attract the attention of people with ulterior motives.    


Yuv Mei was close to you at that time, and she had no one to rely on. If she were to turn her hand, it could reduce some of the pressure.    


It's just that people's calculations are not as good as heaven's. I thought of everything, but I never thought that she would change so quickly. It seems that not only men who have money will become bad, but women will also become the same. "    


Faang Yang thought for a while and discussed with Han Mei," Han Mei, for the time being, do not use the lawyer's letter. Give Yuv Mei another chance. I will go and talk to her tomorrow.    


If they could talk it through, it would be easy to do anything. If she really steels her heart after eating the rock, then no one will be able to save her."    


Han Mei said indignantly," Faang Yang, sometimes I am not used to seeing you like this. Can't you be a bit more manly?    


Since others have provoked you and even want to take your life, are you still thinking of giving others another chance? Do you want to be hunted down again?"    


Faang Yang was scolded so badly that he did not have a temper." What you said is a bit too much... I am just thinking, Yuv Mei is still young after all and is not deeply involved in the matter. She cannot be beaten to death with one hit, right? "    


Han Mei said angrily, "I am too lazy to care about you. Settle it yourself. Don't bother me anymore."    


After saying that, Han Mei directly hung up the phone. Faang Yang looked at the phone in his hand. He did not know why he would suddenly say such words. He could not help but mock himself, "Maybe my heart is too soft."    


In the far west, in the deepest part of the Secret Base that was hidden at the bottom of the sea, an angry roar was heard.    


"Wuh Bulei is dead? Who killed him?! Someone came! Investigate for me! You must find out the truth! No matter who killed Wuh Bulei, they must die for me! Die!"    


" Yes, Overlord! " Two teams of guards immediately packed up and left the Secret Base, heading towards the Kulun.    


In everyone's impression, although the Overlord had always been strict, it rarely lost its composure and went into a rage. From this, it could be seen that the matter was really serious, so they naturally did not dare to neglect it.    


Faang Yang rested for a day in the hotel. The next morning, he got up and went to the gym to make the equipment, then went to the dining room to eat breakfast.    


Just as he sat down at the table, a waiter came over with a letter and asked respectfully, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Faang Yang?"    


Faang Yang nodded. "Yes, I am Faang Yang."    


The waiter immediately handed over the letter in his hand. "This is the letter Miss Yuv Mei left for you. Please check it."    


"Okay, thank you." Faang Yang casually stuffed a few red tickets into the waiter's hands before he picked up the letter and opened it.    


Yuv Mei's letter was not long and only had a few simple sentences, "I am leaving. One day, I will come back. You helped me before and also ruined my happiness. When I come back, I will personally take revenge for my lover!"    


A steady sound of footsteps was heard. Aermu appeared in front of Faang Yang and smiled to indicate, "Can I sit down?"    


Faang Yang casually placed Yuv Mei's letter on the table. "Of course I can. Why is Regimental Commander Aermu so free today? What do you want to eat?"    


Aermu sat down opposite of Faang Yang. "Thank you. Recently, I have grown a little fast. I am almost 100 pounds. That's why I have to control my diet. I don't eat anything in the morning. "    


Faang Yang was a little speechless. Aermu was about 1.7 meters tall and weighed less than a hundred pounds. How could she be called fat? As expected, for a woman to be thin, she definitely could not be judged by common sense.    


"Since you don't want to eat, then I'll start eating." Faang Yang picked up a bun and started eating it.    


Aermu glanced at the letter on the table. "You can still eat it?"    


Faang Yang was stunned. "Why can't I eat it?"    


Aermu said, "The latest information I received was that Yuv Mei had already left Kulun this morning and went to Europe. She also sold all the properties under her name."    


Faang Yang stopped, "So what? She is the one in charge of her properties."    


Aermu looked at Faang Yang. "You met Yuv Mei yesterday, right? She almost lost control of her emotions after hearing about it. She cried again and again. You're not worried at all when you keep saying that you're taking revenge?"    


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