Super Golden Eye

C1762 Wubrie Destroyed!

C1762 Wubrie Destroyed!

Wuh Bulei was agile as well. While he was in midair, he cleverly made a side somersault, dodging the attack of the black bird.    


However, when Faang Yang saw the anger in the black bird's eyes, he knew that it was really angry. He couldn't help but mourn for Wuh Bulei in his heart for three minutes.    


As expected, although the black bird had wings when compared to Wuh Bulei, it was its own body. In addition to its small size and agility, its speed was even faster.    


Wuh Bulei could barely exchange a few blows with the bird, but as time went on, he was a little overwhelmed and flustered.    


The black bird was like a golden elf. Its sharp beak, sharp claws, and wings became its weapons, continuously creating wounds on Wuh Bulei's body.    


Although they were not fatal injuries, they affected Wuh Bulei's movement and speed. It was even more difficult for him to parry, and he fell into a vicious cycle.    


The more Wuh Bulei fought, the more panicked he became. He had never heard of such a troublesome black bird in Faang Yang's body!    


It was too late to say anything now. He just wanted to get rid of the black bird as soon as possible and find a safe place to hide!    


But Wuh Bulei's plan was pretty good. The Profound Bird did not give him that chance at all! Seeing Wuh Bulei throw out two punches with all his strength, he rushed to the window and opened his mouth to swallow a stream of profound fire, hitting his target.    


"Ah!" Wuh Bulei screamed in pain and fell to the ground from the sky. He kept rolling, trying to put out the profound fire on his body.    


But don't forget, that was the fire that the black bird spat out. How could it be put out so easily? It was specialized in burning all kinds of Spirit Power. The more Wuh Bulei struggled, the stronger the fire skill became!    


Half a minute later, Wuh Bulei gradually stopped moving. Two minutes later, he was completely burnt to ashes!    


Wuh Bulei, extinguish!    


The black bird circled above him, as if showing off. It flapped its wings a few times before disappearing into Faang Yang's body once again.    


Faang Yang had long gotten used to the attitude of the black bird. His body was like a foothold for it. If he was happy, he would walk around. If he was unhappy, he wouldn't care if the sky fell.    


Fortunately, so far, all the calamities had passed without any mishaps. Faang Yang walked to the side of the ashes and searched carefully, hoping to find something else.    


After all, he could find a spatial Skeleton Ring that could store things on Peter's body. Wuh Bulei was an existence even stronger than Peter, so he would definitely leave something good behind, right?    


But Faang Yang pulled for a long time, but he did not find anything! This made him very puzzled. "Could it be that the flame of the Black Bird was too strong, and it melted?"    


Since he did not find anything, Faang Yang did not insist. He shook the carpet and the ashes of Wuh Bulei scattered in all directions.    


After doing all of this, Faang Yang walked out of the Golden Brick Hotel and called Aermu, "Regimental Commander Aermu, where is Yuv Mei now?"    


Aermu seemed to be prepared and immediately replied, "Five minutes ago, I just returned to the house of the Southern Mountain Villa and did not go out."    


"Thank you." Faang Yang put away the phone and called a taxi to sit on it. "Nanshan Villa."    


As the most luxurious Villa Region in Kulun, Nanshan Villa was not easy to enter. The taxi stopped outside Villa Region. Faang Yang paid the taxi and found a place to hide. He jumped in.    


He carefully flashed through the infrared surveillance cameras one by one. He spent a little more time and successfully found Yuv Mei's villa.    


Faang Yang did not want to complicate things any further. He quietly went from the backyard to the villa. Looking around, he quickly discovered that Yuv Mei was in the study room on the second floor.    


He went around the layers of surveillance cameras and guards and stood outside the study. He knocked lightly on the door and heard Yuv Mei's irritated voice from inside. "How many times have I told you? Don't bother me!"    


Faang Yang did not speak and knocked on the door again. This made Yuv Mei very angry. She shouted loudly, "No matter who you are, get lost!"    


The door was pulled open. Yuv Mei, who was angry, saw that it was Faang Yang standing outside the door. She was stunned.    


The momentum had completely disappeared. Yuv Mei was like a little girl who had done something wrong. She stammered, "Fang... Mr. Faang. Why are you here..."    


Faang Yang crossed his arms. "Why can't I come? Or do you think I shouldn't come? "    


Yuv Mei quickly covered it up and said, "No, why would Mr. Faang think so? Quick, invite him in. I just bought a few bottles of good wine."    


Faang Yang naturally would not be polite, "I am a little thirsty."    


After letting Faang Yang into the room, Yuv Mei took the opportunity to turn around and grab the wine. She tried her best to calm herself down and quickly thought of countermeasures in her mind.    


The money had been transferred according to what Wuh Bulei had said. Now that Faang Yang was still here, did he not take any action, or did his actions fail?    


She wanted to make a call to confirm, but it was not convenient for Faang Yang to sit here. As her thoughts turned, Yuv Mei casually took a bottle of red wine and poured a cup for Faang Yang. "Please."    


"Thank you very much."    


Faang Yang raised the glass and shook it gently. He admired the bright red liquid flowing between the glass walls. He smelled the strong smell of alcohol and took a sip. He praised," Good wine! It is indeed not bad."    


Yuv Mei absent-mindedly drank a mouthful with him. Her eyes were fleeting. She did not know what she was thinking or how to open her mouth.    


In the end, it was Faang Yang who said, "You have nothing to tell me?"    


Yuv Mei lowered her head. "I don't understand what you mean."    


Faang Yang smiled. "Really? You really don't know what I'm talking about? Or will you tell me that you don't know a guy called Wuh Bulei?"    


Yuv Mei could not remain calm when she heard Wuh Bulei." Have you seen Wuh Bulei? Where is he now? "    


Faang Yang asked back, "Didn't you not understand what I mean? Also, what obligation do I have to answer your question? "    


Yuv Mei bit her lower lip, "Mr. Faang, I need to go to the bathroom."    


Faang Yang did not stop her. "Please do."    


Yuv Mei walked into the bathroom. The moment she closed the door, she immediately took out her phone, called Wuh Bulei's number, and pressed the dial button.    


After waiting for a long time, there was only a cold electronic synthetic voice coming from the phone. "Sorry, the number you are calling cannot be connected for the time being, or it is not in the service area..."    


She did not believe it and dialled several times in a row. It was the same response. Yuv Mei helplessly fell to the ground. She already had a premonition that she might never see Wuh Bulei again.    


She sat in the bathroom in a daze for a long time before she walked out in a trance and returned to the sofa to sit down.    


Faang Yang asked casually, "Did you make a call?"    


Yuv Mei nodded numbly. "Can you tell me how Wuh Bulei is?"    


Faang Yang said lightly, "Dead."    


"He's dead." The simple word was like a clap of thunder in Yuv Mei's ears. Her body shook and she almost fainted.    


Faang Yang had been paying attention to Yuv Mei's reaction. He knew that Yuv Mei and Wuh Bulei must have some kind of relationship, but looking at Yuv Mei's reaction, it seemed that there was a deeper relationship between the two of them!    


After a while, Yuv Mei finally regained her calm. She looked up at Faang Yang and smiled bitterly. "Dead... It was not easy for me to find someone to rely on, and I died just like that..."    


Faang Yang said, "I can tell that you have feelings for Wuh Bulei, but do you know what position you have in his heart?"    


Yuv Mei's voice was filled with resentment as she said," I don't care! As long as he treats me well, that's enough! Even if he has nothing, I can still support him for the rest of his life! But you... you killed him!"    


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