Super Golden Eye

C1768 The Mystery of the Teleportation Array

C1768 The Mystery of the Teleportation Array

Faang Yang was shocked. "Too late? Flying should be the fastest way of transportation right now, right? Don't tell me you still want to ride a rocket?"    


The old man naturally wouldn't reveal too much," This matter concerns the secrets of the Light Church, this old man won't say much. "    


Since the old man didn't want to say anything, Faang Yang wouldn't ask anymore. In any case, he had already fulfilled his wish. "Understood. I will go back first. I hope that the Light Church can smoothly get through this crisis. Goodbye. "    


"I hope Bright God will be with you!" The old man drew a cross in front of his chest and waved his hand. A pure Bright Power was injected into Faang Yang's body.    


Faang Yang only felt refreshed. Not only had his physical strength fully recovered, even his condition was unprecedentedly good! It seemed like the spells in Light Church really had something special about them.    


However, his good intentions were not appreciated by others. Faang Yang said goodbye, "Thank you. I believe Light Church will definitely survive this disaster safely."    


The old man was also very confident. "Light will always exist!"    


Faang Yang did not dare to do anything reckless to such a devout believer. After bidding farewell, he returned to where he came from.    


However, although they had left, they were very curious if they could really rush to Light Church as soon as possible.    


After leaving the no man's area, Faang Yang contacted Shiwu Yu and informed Blatter.    


"Blatter, I am now in Siberia. I just came down from the sacred mountain and the news has already been sent to an old man, but I didn't ask for his name."    


Blatter was overjoyed. "Haha, I knew you would be able to do it! Other than the people of Penance Institution, no one else can appear on the sacred mountain!"    


Faang Yang could not help but ask, "But I said to send them over with a plane, but I was rejected! Could they have other ways to quickly arrive at Light Church? "    


"Of course!" Blatter felt much more relaxed. "Otherwise, why would I ask you to come all the way here to ask for help?"    


"I really can't figure out how they could reach Holy Light Mountain in such a short time. Could it be..."    


Faang Yang suddenly thought of a possibility. "Is there a teleportation formation that leads directly to Pope Hall?" Only such an explanation could make sense!    


"That is a secret of the Light Church. I can't reveal it to you." Blatter kept him in suspense.    


"When this storm is over, come and visit me when you have time. I will show my gratitude to you in person."    


Faang Yang did not ask again. "Sure. I heard that there are still a lot of good wine hidden in the Holy Light Mountain. Don't be reluctant to take it out when the time comes."    


Blatter immediately promised, "Absolutely no problem! Even if you want to bath with good wine, I will satisfy you!"    


After chatting with Blatter for a while, Shiwu Yu came over on his private plane. Faang Yang followed the rope ladder and got on the plane. He said, "Dark Council Headquarters! The faster the better!"    


Shiwu Yu controlled the plane to make a turn in the air. When he heard Faang Yang's words, he could not help but twitch his mouth."    


Mr. Faang, do you think you are driving a sports car? You think you can increase your speed just because you say you can? This thing's speed is only so fast, you can't rush it.    


Anyway, the Dark Council isn't in any danger for the time being. Otherwise, your phone would have exploded long ago. Why are you in such a hurry?"    


Faang Yang replied," I want to quickly resolve the Dark Council's situation. I want to go to the Holy Light Mountain and see how the people from the Penance Institution are going to help the Light Church. "    


" From Siberia to Holy Light Mountain? "Shiwu Yu's brain is still very good." Could it be that they have Teleportation Array there? "    


Shiwu Yu shook his head and said, "No, no. If they have Teleportation Array, why did they ask you to come so far to deliver the letter?"    


Faang Yang thought for a moment and said, "Maybe there is some restriction on the Teleportation Array in Penance Institution. It cannot be used as a regular configuration.    


Or it is a one-way Teleportation Array. It can only be used and cannot be used. That's why Blatter asked me to deliver the letter for him. "    


Shiwu Yu nodded his head repeatedly." That is indeed possible! But it is already meaningful enough for you to deliver the letter to them. Do you still need to make a trip personally? "    


Faang Yang explained, "I am not going to Holy Light Mountain to be a thug. The people of Penance Institution are very strong. I am afraid that any one of them will be very difficult for me to deal with.    


If there's a Teleportation Array that leads directly to Holy Light Mountain, then the predicament in Light Church will naturally be solved. There's no need for me to do anything. What I care about is their Teleportation Array!"    


This time, it was Shiwu Yu's turn to be confused." Is there a need to care so much about the Teleportation Array in the Light Church? "    


Fang Qi reminded, "The Teleportation Array is still very useful! But for some reason, the method to build the array has been lost.    


From the underwater ruins, we obtained a complete Teleportation Array sample, but it was just like a cat drawing a tiger. The structure and principles were completely unknown.    


If we can obtain some useful information from the Light Church, perhaps one day, we can really perfectly decipher the Teleportation Array's Array Picture!"    


" So Mr. Faang's goal is to obtain the Teleportation Array's Array Picture! "    


Shiwu Yu suddenly realized. "But would Blatter agree to let you study such a confidential thing?    


Besides, the location of the Teleportation Array must be a forbidden area of the Light Church. If you let an outsider enter, even if he wanted to, no one would agree to it, right?    


Although Blatter is the Pope, there are many places that are not under his jurisdiction. It's better not to be too optimistic."    


Faang Yang looked at the sea of clouds outside the window." I understand, but this is indeed a good opportunity. We have to fight for it. "    


The two of them chatted. The plane was about to reach the sky above the sea where the Dark Council Headquarters was located. Faang Yang tried his best to identify the sea below. Soon, he found a large patch of grey fog.    


"That's the place! Come closer and let me down."    


The weather today was very good. The waves were not big, and the clear sky was ten thousand miles wide. It was even more obvious how conspicuous that gray fog was.    


Shiwu Yu piloted the plane and said, "Okay, be careful. Do I need to wait for you? The fuel for the plane can still support flying for about ten hours."    


Faang Yang calculated the height of the plane and the sea." Wait for me for three hours. If there's no news, you can go to the airport and fix it. I'll think of a way to go back myself. "    


Shiwu Yu had already pulled the plane down to less than 200 meters from the sea level. "Understood. It's about time."    


The moment the cabin door opened, Faang Yang jumped down like a cannonball. Shiwu Yu's plane rose and returned to a safe height.    


"Plop ~" Faang Yang's feet went down and directly plunged into the cold sea water. After getting used to the pressure, he quickly swam from the surface of the sea to the location of Dark Council Headquarters.    


Twenty minutes later, a gray barrier appeared in front of Faang Yang. This was where the Dark Council was trapped to death.    


Faang Yang didn't act rashly. Instead, he circled around the barrier. He discovered that the structure of this barrier was very special. It was extremely corrosive.    


Faang Yang emerged from the surface of the water and found a hidden place. He called Guu Luosi. "Guu Luosi, I am now outside the Dark Council, but this barrier doesn't seem easy to deal with."    


Guu Luosi didn't expect Faang Yang to come so quickly. He was very grateful. "You should be able to do it! I can feel that the energy of this barrier is about the same as the energy in the Blood Pool.    


You can try absorbing the energy of the Blood Pool. Perhaps you can succeed by absorbing the energy of this barrier."    


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