Super Golden Eye

C1769 Spirit Pearl Break the Formation

C1769 Spirit Pearl Break the Formation

Only now did Faang Yang understand why Guu Luosi had contacted him at the first moment. It turned out that he had such a thought in mind.    


"Alright. Since you have said so, I will give it a try. However, I can't guarantee that it will work. "    


Guu Luosi was also very open-minded. "Of course, since you have already tried your best, what reason do you have to ask for more? If Devil God really abandoned its servants, then there is nothing else to say."    


"I will try first. You guys stay inside and pay attention to the changes in the barrier."    


After saying that, Faang Yang hung up the phone and used all his strength to mobilize the Golden Compass and the Moon Shadow Spirit Bead on it. He wanted to use its Spirit Power to find a better way to investigate.    


But very quickly, Faang Yang discovered that he was completely unable to figure out the background of this barrier! Typically, the eastern formation would display the corresponding trend of wind and water on the Golden Compass.    


According to the flow of Feng Shui, Faang Yang could accurately find the location of the birth door. But things were different. At least this time, the Golden Compass did not show what he wanted.    


Since he could not use trickery, then it could only be as Guu Luosi said. He could borrow the Moon Shadow Spirit Bead's power and see if he could completely absorb the corrosive barrier.    


However, although the idea was good, at least Faang Yang was not sure if it would succeed. After all, whether these few big shots worked or not depended on their mood. It was like winning a lottery.    


Fortunately, Faang Yang's luck this time seemed to be pretty good. It was also possible that he was attracted by the powerful corrosion barrier outside. The Moon Shadow Spirit Bead flickered with light.    


The Sun Shadow Spirit Bead also resonated with each other. The two pearls flashed at the same time. The Taijitu on the Golden Compass once again appeared on top of Faang Yang's head.    


Seeing the Taijitu above his head, Faang Yang felt relieved. This Sun Moon Twin Spirit Beads was regarded as an Origin Power by the West Force. There was nothing that the two of them couldn't break!    


Sure enough, the Taijitu above Faang Yang's head turned from illusory to solid, slowly drifting towards the Corrosive Barrier. Like snowflakes, it stuck to the barrier and began to slowly rotate.    


As the Taijitu rotated, Faang Yang could clearly see the Corrosive Force on the barrier surging into the Taijitu. It was crazily devouring it, and its speed was getting faster and faster.    


One should know that the Moon Shadow Spirit Bead had once sucked dry the existence of the Blood Pool. How could a tiny Corrosive Barrier be taken seriously?    


The gray fog was getting fainter and fainter, and the sunlight once again sprinkled onto the island of the Dark Council Headquarters. The corrosive barrier had been completely destroyed!    


After devouring the last wisp of corrosive energy, the Taijitu finally returned to Faang Yang's body and became silent once more.    


As soon as Faang Yang emerged from the surface of the water, he saw Guu Luosi personally welcome him with a group of Dark Council's higher ups.    


From afar, Guu Luosi strode to Faang Yang and gave him a big hug. "Mr. Faang, I knew you would be able to do it!"    


Faang Yang jumped to the side exaggeratedly. "Do you need to be so intimate? I am a straight man... but this time I was just lucky. No one can guarantee that I won't be so lucky next time."    


"Being friends with you is the greatest fortune in my life!" Obviously, Guu Luosi did not take Faang Yang's words seriously. He just thought that Faang Yang was being modest. "    


Come, come, come in quickly. The people from the Elders Guild are also here today. It's a good time to confirm your appointment."    


Faang Yang declined and said, "This is not good, right? After all, I am from the Oriental Ancient Martial Realm. Won't people gossip about me? "    


Guu Luosi looked at the higher ups of the Dark Council behind him and stared at them. "Everyone, today I will announce Faang Yang as the Vice Council Leader of the Dark Council. Anyone has any objections? Just say it! "    


All the elders of the Dark Council looked at each other. Under such circumstances, Guu Luosi's attitude was already set in stone. Who would find trouble with him?    


Most importantly, Faang Yang had just come all the way here to break free from the encirclement of the Dark Council. How could he not be grateful?    


It was precisely because of this thought that Guu Luosi wanted to seize this opportunity to minimize the difficulty and resistance of Faang Yang's appointment.    


Guu Luosi's objective was different from other people's. He only hoped to have a closer relationship with Faang Yang in more areas and hug this thick leg tightly.    


After waiting for a few minutes and seeing that no one was talking, Guu Luosi smiled and said to Faang Yang, "See? I have already said that you are the Dark Council's Vice Council Leader. That is what everyone wants. Do you believe me now?"    


Faang Yang was speechless at Guu Luosi's way of using his power to pressure others. "Aren't you forcing others to do it? Who would dare to say no to your question? "    


Guu Luosi did not think that there was anything wrong with it. "Anyway, no one is against it now. That's good. Come, let's talk inside."    


Faang Yang looked around." It's just a barrier that trapped the Dark Council. There isn't even a single person inside? "    


Guu Luosi replied, "It's not that there's no one, but all of them are dead!"    


Faang Yang was stunned. "All of them are dead? Impossible, right? After I came, I didn't even see a living person."    


Guu Luosi saw that Faang Yang didn't believe him, so he led him to a dark cave. As soon as they got closer, they smelled a pungent smell.    


Faang Yang frowned. "Why did you bring me to this place? I don't want to visit the toilet."    


Guu Luosi pointed to the dark hole in front of him. "This is not the toilet. The people of Dark Wing attacked us first.    


After suppressing us in the castle, we saw many of them enter the dark hole. After that, they activated the barrier and never came out again. "    


"You mean to say that the Corrosive Barrier was activated by a living sacrifice?"    


Faang Yang stuck his head out and looked into the dark cave. Sure enough, he could clearly see the human skeleton. It looked very fresh.    


"It's really strange. The Corrosive Barrier was so strong just now. Why are these skeletons preserved so well?"    


Guu Luosi shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me. I don't know either. But I know that the price of activating this formation is very high. It's not as simple as you think."    


"I don't think that the barrier used in Dark Council Headquarters is cheap. I just don't understand."    


Faang Yang only took a glance at the skeleton in the dark cave and felt uncomfortable all over. This was the same as the evil cult in the east. It was vicious, evil, and despicable.    


Guu Luosi did not want to say too much about it. "Let's go back and sit down and talk. Elder Bopu, I'll have to trouble you to gather people and strengthen the security to prevent the enemy from launching a sneak attack."    


Bopu nodded and agreed. "Alright, I'll make the arrangements right away."    


Faang Yang also took out his phone. "Since this place is safe, I will also let my companions come down. If we fly for a while, the plane will run out of fuel.    


In order to help you get out of your predicament, I have put down my life savings. When the time comes, you have to report all the money for the oil. "    


Guu Luosi was amused. "Haha, don't mention money to our Dark Council. That's not a problem! I can even give you two planes! "    


"I know you are a rich man. If you want to give it to me, I dare to accept it."    


Faang Yang muttered and called Shiwu Yu. Very quickly, the private plane flew over from the east and landed steadily at the airport on the island.    


The group of people directly arrived at the auditorium. Guu Luosi called Faang Yang and Shiwu Yu to take a seat before saying loudly:    


"Today, I have invited everyone here to announce an important matter. From today onwards, Faang Yang will be the number one Vice Council Leaders in the Dark Council!"    


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