Super Golden Eye

C1799 Rose Came to the Door

C1799 Rose Came to the Door

Faang Yang also wanted to get closer to Huaide and Lobo, so he naturally would not refuse. "Now that you mention it, I am really a little hungry.    


I came and went in a hurry every day. I really didn't have anyone to sit down and eat. I really don't know what I'm busy with."    


Secret Base had their own restaurant, so the food wasn't any worse than the hotel. It was all paid at a high price. As long as the money was in place, no one would ask about irrelevant things.    


After ordering six dishes, the four of them took their seats and ate as they pleased. The atmosphere was harmonious. Just as they were eating happily, Faang Yang's phone rang.    


After giving everyone an apologetic look, Faang Yang walked to the door and picked up the phone. "Baofu, what's the matter?"    


Baofu replied, "Master, there's a woman called Ruth. She said she was your friend and wanted to see you. She did not say anything even if he asked her what it was.    


I was afraid that something important would delay me, so I asked Master to verify it and see how to deal with it. "    


" Ruth? She actually came personally?" Faang Yang was a little surprised.    


He remembered that Guu Luosi had mentioned before that Devil Princess was the daughter of Devil God, and she would never step out of the forbidden area. He never thought that she would actually come to Jiangbei!    


Faang Yang looked at the time. "Stabilize her first. I will go back from the Teleportation Array."    


Baofu replied, "Okay, I will bring her to the hotel first."    


After ending the call, Faang Yang returned to the private room and said apologetically, "Sorry, I have something important to deal with personally. We'll meet again next time."    


Huaide and Lobo stood up. "Sir, you can go and do whatever you want. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so you don't have to worry about it."    


"Thank you." Faang Yang said to Han Mei, "Take me. I have something to tell you."    


Han Mei knew that Faang Yang would definitely return through the Teleportation Array, so she did not say anything. "Okay, I will send you off."    


The two of them went to the secret room of the Space Teleportation Array again. Faang Yang was well with the Spirit Stone, so he stood up and told her in detail.    


"After I leave, immediately take off the Spirit Stone and hide this place. Don't let outsiders know."    


Han Mei impatiently said, "Alright, how many times have you said it? Truly annoying. Hurry up and leave. I still have to go and drink. "    


Faang Yang was helpless. He could only activate the Teleportation Array. A white light flashed, and he felt his body lighten. In an instant, he felt weightless.    


When Faang Yang felt at ease, Baofu's voice came from beside him. "Master, you're back."    


Faang Yang shook his head. "It is really convenient. Where is Ruth now?"    


Baofu replied, "She has been arranged to stay in the hotel's guest room. If Master wants to see her, you can inform her at any time."    


Faang Yang touched his chin. "Go directly to the restaurant. She probably did not eat anything. We can't let people say that we are rude."    


Baofu said respectfully, "Yes, Master. I will arrange it right away."    


Fifteen minutes later, Faang Yang and Ruth met for the first time in the hotel's luxurious private room.    


Faang Yang greeted her warmly, "Miss Ruth, how have you been since we last met? May I know what brings you here to Jiangbei?"    


Ruth's attitude towards Faang Yang was unexpectedly respectful. She first bowed, then took out a sealed scroll from behind and handed it to Faang Yang.    


"Mr. Faang, this is an oracle from Devil God Lord. He asked me to deliver it to you personally. It must be handed to you in person. Please accept it."    


Faang Yang looked at the scroll in front of him and did not extend his hand. "What does this mean?"    


Ruth explained, "This scroll has been sealed in the forbidden area of Dark Council for at least a thousand years. No one knew when it appeared. They only knew that it hid a huge secret."    


Faang Yang raised his eyebrows. "Since you kept it for so long and gave it to me for no reason, would you be willing to give it to me?"    


Ruth's tone was very calm." Everything in the dark world was given by Devil God Lord. Since Devil God Lord has given it to you, no one has the right to refute!"    


Faang Yang slowly asked, "What else do you have to say? Say it together, don't say half of it."    


Ruth was also very straightforward. "Devil God Lord means to give this scroll to Mr. Faang to handle. If he can smoothly take out the things inside, Mr. Faang will have full authority to handle it.    


But if Mr. Faang uses it himself, please consider this relationship. In the future when Dark Council is in trouble, I hope to help."    


Faang Yang waited for a long time. When he saw that there was nothing else, he couldn't help but ask," That's all? "    


Ruth nodded, "That's right, that's all! Do you think I will hide Devil God Lord's oracle?"    


Faang Yang thought for a moment. "What if I look at this scroll and reject you?"    


Ruth replied, "I will immediately bring the scroll back to Dark Council and pretend that I have never been here before."    


"You are really thoughtful! With such a condition, how could anyone reject it? "    


Faang Yang did not need to ask to know that it must be Devil God and Ruth who had already told him. To retreat in order to advance, one must know Faang Yang's character.    


Ruth complimented him a few times, which was rare, "This is the first time since I took over Devil Princess's position, and it is also the only time Devil God personally asked me to do things for him.    


Being able to obtain Devil God Lord's recognition is enough to prove Mr. Faang's strength. The rise of the Dark Council depends on Mr. Faang's efforts."    


Faang Yang frowned, "From what you're saying, you want to tie me completely to the Dark Council?"    


Ruth said solemnly, "Mr. Faang, you are now the number one Vice Council Leaders in the Dark Council! According to tradition, you will be the next chairman!    


Working for the Dark Council is the responsibility of the chairman. This is an indisputable fact. Don't tell me you want to avoid it?"    


Faang Yang was a little unhappy." Ruth, I hope you understand something first! This Vice Council Leader is not what I want. Guu Luosi forced me to install it!    


Furthermore, from the beginning until the end, have I ever publicly agreed to it? Let me tell you, I hate those rules and regulations the most.    


If there's something to talk about, we still have things to talk about. If you're still so unreasonable and play with the Overlord's terms, believe it or not, I'll turn against you directly!"    


Ruth was shocked in her heart. She never would have thought that Faang Yang would be so powerful! No matter what, the Dark Council was an existence that was only second to the Light Church in the West World.    


She didn't know how many people wanted to build a relationship with them. If they could obtain real power, wouldn't they be laughing in their dreams?    


However, they just happened to meet a freak like Faang Yang. Even if they used the chairman as a bargaining chip, they wouldn't budge at all!    


Ruth sighed, "I finally understand why Devil God Lord repeatedly told me to do things according to Mr. Faang's wishes. You are indeed different from others."    


Faang Yang did not appreciate it. "Thank you. The food is a little cold. Let's have a bite. You can keep this scroll if you want. If you don't want to keep it, you can bring it back to Dark Council."    


Ruth took a sip of the red wine in her glass. "The scroll has been given to you. How to deal with it is your business. If you don't want to keep it, you have to find someone to send it back. "    


Faang Yang heard this and felt that something was not right. "Find someone to send it back? Don't you want to go back to Dark Council? "    


Ruth asked back, "Did I say I'm going back to the Dark Council? Devil God Lord had already instructed me to follow Mr. Faang from now on. I am no longer the Devil Princess of the Dark Council!"    


Faang Yang never expected to have such a move. "What do you mean? Which song is this? You should at least ask for my permission to arrange people for me, right?"    


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