Super Golden Eye

C1809 Breaking Through the Maze

C1809 Breaking Through the Maze

Faang Yang smiled gently. "What are you talking about? Don't mention such silly things in the future."    


After a pause, Faang Yang changed the topic. "By the way, why didn't you stay at home? Why did you come to Jiangbei by yourself? Where are the Eight Spirit Guard and the three great Poison Kings? "    


Lee Anqi's eyes dimmed, and there were tears flashing in his eyes. "It was me who harmed them. The Demon Spirit Clan had found my home. Obviously, they had come prepared.    


Although the three great Poison Kings were powerful, they had all been taken away by the Demon Spirit Clan. The Eight Spirit Guard... In order to protect me from escaping, they were all heavily injured and captured. It's unknown whether they are dead or alive! "    


Faang Yang sucked in a breath of cold air," Three great Poison King and Eight Spirit Guard were unable to withstand the attack of the Demon Spirit Clan? How many people have come?    


I don't think the two living treasures outside have such abilities! It's impossible to not pay a certain price!"    


Lee Anqi said," They are only responsible for sniping me in Jiangbei. The people who attacked me in River Song are stronger, but I am not sure if they are from Demon Spirit Clan! "    


Faang Yang frowned, "Why do you say so?"    


Lee Anqi said firmly, "Because I was once the saintess of Demon Spirit Clan. Although it has not been long, I have some understanding.    


At least before I left, no one in the entire Demon Spirit Clan was a match for the three great Poison Kings! Otherwise, they wouldn't have been able to live freely for so long.    


But these black-robed men who attacked me seemed to be completely immune to the attacks of the three great Poison Kings! They even dared to use their hands to capture them. This doesn't seem like a normal person at all!"    


Faang Yang asked," Did you pay attention to their appearances? "    


"No." Lee Anqi answered, saying, "Everyone is wearing black robes, covering their entire bodies from top to bottom. They are also wearing sunglasses, so we can't see anything.    


It is precisely because of their actions that I suspect that they are not from the Demon Spirit Clan. Otherwise, why would they need to be so secretive? "    


Faang Yang nodded slightly." That makes sense! It seemed like Demon Spirit Clan must have colluded with other powers. No wonder they dared to attack you so quickly.    


Are these guys really evil? It seems like they were too merciful back then and didn't beat them up!"    


Lee Anqi's eyes were full of worry. "What worried me the most now is that I don't know if my parents will be implicated. Fortunately, they had something to do at that time and went out."    


Faang Yang comforted him, "Don't worry, Ancient Martial Realm has its rules. No matter how internal strife is, it is absolutely not allowed to attack ordinary people.    


If the Demon Spirit Clan really dared to do that, once the news spread, they would become the target of everyone. Not only would they be looked down upon by their peers, they would also be suppressed. They wouldn't be so stupid.    


Besides, your parents aren't very useful to them. Their most fundamental goal is still to control you, so that they can pin me down. There's no need to think so much."    


Lee Anqi also understood that what Faang Yang said was the truth." Sigh, I know that too, but I just can't rest assured. "    


Faang Yang looked at his phone, but there was still no signal. "When we get out of here, we will be at ease if we call home."    


Putting away his phone, Faang Yang stood up and stretched his body. "We've rested enough. Let's get ready to enter the maze!"    


The maze was very wide, and there were many forks in the road. If one did not pay attention, they would go the wrong way. Faang Yang also realized that the maze here was constantly changing!    


In other words, even if you were given a maze map, if you couldn't understand the rules of the maze, you wouldn't be able to walk out!    


Fortunately, this didn't apply to Faang Yang. Although he couldn't determine the direction of the Geomantic Omen Power in the Immortal Censer Peak, it was still a small maze.    


Faang Yang circulated the Golden Compass in his body with all his strength and felt the direction of the wind and water in the maze. A few minutes later, a clear three-dimensional map appeared on the Golden Compass!    


Faang Yang held Lee Anqi's hand and said, "Follow me. We are going in."    


Lee Anqi could not help being pulled by Faang Yang. He felt as if he was about to fly up. He felt uneasy. "Faang Yang, slow down. Safety first!"    


Faang Yang said the route silently, "Don't slow down. The routes here are constantly changing. If it was slow, it would be more troublesome to deduce it again. Trust me, there won't be any problem. "    


Since Faang Yang said so, Lee Anqi naturally wouldn't say anything more. For the sake of the person she loved, she could even look down on life and death. What was there to care about?    


Sure enough, the two of them kept running for nearly an hour and finally rushed out of the maze. A strange building complex appeared in front of them.    


Faang Yang looked at the building complex in front of him and said, "This is the core secret of Immortal Censer Peak."    


Lee Anqi stood beside Faang Yang and looked at the building complex in front of him. It was actually a palace complex that spiraled upwards.    


From the bottom to the top, there were a total of twelve stone palaces. This was a combination of the Twelve Palace of Yellow Road. It rarely appeared in the formation of the east, but it was widely used in the West World.    


The more Faang Yang looked at it, the more familiar he found it to be. "Anna, have you noticed this scene? It looks familiar."    


Lee Anqi was stunned for a moment. "What do you mean? Where have you seen this before?"    


Faang Yang tilted his head and thought for a while. "Right! Holy warrior, Twelve Golden Palaces! Damn, I thought it was all fabricated, but I didn't expect to see the original one here! "    


Indeed, from the traces left behind by this building complex, it should have existed for at least a thousand years!    


Lee Anqi also came to a realization. "That's right, after you put it that way, I have some impression of it too. Could it be that you want us to challenge twelve palaces in a row? Isn't this too ridiculous? "    


Faang Yang rubbed his chin, his eyes showing excitement. "I can't rule out this possibility. I never thought that I would have the day to realize my dream. This is too exciting!"    


When he was young, his friends who had seen the Twelve Golden Palaces had all yearned to one day wear the shiny golden Holy Cloth, get rid of violence, be a hero and save the beauty. Today, he finally caught up.    


Lee Anqi was even more worried. "Faang Yang, I keep feeling uneasy. Is there any other way out?"    


Faang Yang replied with certainty, "No! There might be many entrances to the maze, but there was only one exit!    


If you want to leave Immortal Censer Peak, you have to leave from here! Therefore, we can't avoid it. We can only fight with all our strength!"    


Lee Anqi opened his mouth, but hesitated. Faang Yang saw the worry in her eyes and said confidently:    


"I know you are concerned about my safety, but to reach this step, you can only move forward! If you stay, you will only die."    


Li Anhuang sighed. "I understand the principle, but... Forget it, I'll just follow you. It's useless even if I think too much."    


"I won't let you down!" Raising his spirits, Faang Yang took a few deep breaths and firmly stepped onto the stairs leading to the first palace, Aries Palace, in the Yellow Dao Twelve Palaces!    


All the steps were carved from white jade, which made them look extremely noble. On both sides of the horizontal bars, exquisite patterns and patterns were carved. Without exception, they all carried a thick western color.    


Ten minutes later, Faang Yang and Lee Anqi stood on the square in front of Aries Palace! The huge palace looked desolate and lifeless.    


Faang Yang's Fate Dantian shouted loudly, "Is there anyone inside? Can you come out and talk?"    


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