Super Golden Eye

C1817 Accident Escape

C1817 Accident Escape

"Why don't we go back and make plans?" Lee Anqi looked at the situation outside and saw a huge army of giant crabs charging into the Minor Heavenly Star Dou Formation.    


Fortunately, the formation was mainly an illusion formation. Faang Yang immediately changed the formation and let the crabs come in from one side and rush out from the other side to maintain the balance of numbers.    


"It's too late. There's no time for us to find the exit."    


However, with the speed at which the giant crabs gathered, he was afraid that they would not be able to hold on for long. Faang Yang immediately took out a Space Slate from his interspatial Universe Bag and started drawing quickly.    


With the experience of making Teleportation Array a few times, Faang Yang's technique was already very familiar. Furthermore, it was only a small sized Teleportation Array, so the difficulty wasn't very high.    


Even so, with the ten times acceleration of the Golden Eye, it still took nearly four hours! As for receiving the Teleportation Array, it was hung on the underground base of Blagoveshchensk.    


Lee Anqi had never seen the Space Teleportation Array up close before. "Is this a new formation plate?"    


Faang Yang did a final check. "No, this is a Space Teleportation Array! It can teleport us out."    


"It can teleport us out?!" Lee Anqi was overjoyed. "Since you can do this, why didn't you use it before?"    


Faang Yang explained, "It's not that I don't need it, but that I don't have the conditions to use it! The entire Immortal Censer Peak was like a completely sealed small world.    


In this small world, all other laws are suppressed by it. When I was outside, I couldn't feel any Space Power, and I couldn't even activate the Teleportation Array."    


Lee Anqi asked," Why is it that it's fine when we're here? "    


"Because this is an alternate dimension that is completely created using the Space Power. It can provide a link between the Space Teleportation Array and the Space Power in the outside world!"    


As he spoke, Faang Yang had already finished checking the Space Teleportation Array. "Hurry up and come up. This place won't be able to last much longer!"    


While Faang Yang was fiddling with the Space Teleportation Array, the giant crab outside had already rushed to the second layer of the formation and triggered the Golden Light Array.    


Countless golden lights flashed. Although it was very satisfying to kill, the continuous explosions had also caused a huge impact on the foundation of the formation. The consumption of the Spirit Power had increased tremendously.    


Lee Anqi didn't dare to be neglectful. He immediately jumped onto the Space Teleportation Array and stood beside Faang Yang, holding his arm tightly.    


Faang Yang quickly recovered the Spirit Stone. He took a deep breath and asked Lee Anqi seriously, "Anna, this Space Teleportation Array has not been adjusted. I am not sure if it is really foolproof.    


If there was any mistake, the good thing would be that he was transported to a strange place. The worst case scenario would be that he would be torn into pieces by the Space Power! Are you afraid? "    


Lee Anqi was very firm." As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of anything! "    


Faang Yang was touched. He planted a deep kiss on Lee Anqi's lips." Anna, thank you! I am going to activate the Teleportation Array!"    


Lee Anqi closed his eyes and was completely immersed in the sweet happiness. He said softly, " Yes. "    


The Minor Heavenly Cycle Stellar Golden Light Array outside had already dissipated, and could be broken through at any time. Faang Yang didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately activated the Teleportation Array.    


The moment the Minor Cosmic Star Golden Light Array was broken, a burst of white light shot up into the sky. Faang Yang and Lee Anqi, who were standing on top of the Space Teleportation Array, mysteriously disappeared!    


Being pulled by the Space Teleportation Array's Space Power, the energy in the entire alternate dimension became unusually chaotic.    


All the giant crabs seemed to have felt the end of the world. They let out desperate cries and fled in all directions.    


In a small mound far away, a giant crab the size of a tank was lying on top of it. It stared at the spot where Faang Yang and Faang Yang had disappeared, and was extremely furious.    


"Damn it! Not only did it escape, but it also caused a spatial storm! I, Stedia, will not let you off! "    


As a Protector of the Kingcrab Palace, Stedia had his own pride and coldness. He had always been known for being sinister and brutal.    


Initially, he wanted to use his giant crab space to kill Faang Yang, but he didn't expect that he would make a fool of himself and give them a chance to escape in advance!    


Lydia stomped her foot hatefully. The giant crab space was extremely unstable right now, so it was better to leave first. However, when Stedia controlled the space gate, he did not receive any response!    


This time, Stedia's expression became extremely ugly. Bastard! The law of space in the crab space has been destroyed. I can't go back?!"    


Seemingly to verify Stidia's words, the Space Power in the crab space became more and more chaotic. Spiderweb cracks appeared in the surrounding space like glass!    


Stedia was extremely frightened. "No! It can't be like this! We can't die like this! I still have a powerful strength that I haven't displayed yet, and I still want to become the strongest person in this world! Ah!"    


"The entire space collapsed like a bubble. The violent and chaotic Space Power instantly tore everything in the crab space into pieces, turning them into nothingness!    


At the same time, the Teleportation Array in the Underground Chamber of Blagoveshchensk flashed with a white light. Faang Yang and Lee Anqi appeared on top of it in a sorry state.    


Feeling that his feet were steady, Faang Yang subconsciously held Lee Anqi in his arms. He tried his best to control his body and looked around.    


After confirming that he had really returned to the orchid bubble, Faang Yang let out a long breath and let Lee Anqi out. "We are safe. This is the underground base of the Blagoveshchensk."    


Lee Anqi was also very touched by Faang Yang's considerate and caring action just now, but the smart one did not say anything. She pretended to ask as if nothing had happened.    


"When did you build an underground base in Blagoveshchensk? And you even installed Teleportation Array? Looks like you really have a lot of secrets on you. "    


Faang Yang took out his phone and contacted Han Mei while answering, "There's no other way. A cunning person can avoid three holes. My enemies are getting stronger and stronger. I have to think of a way to protect myself.    


Hello, Han Mei. Anna and I are on the Teleportation Array's side. Think of a reason and pick us up. Alright, I will wait for you. "    


With the crisis resolved, Faang Yang sat down with Lee Anqi in a relaxed state of mind, and simply told her about the functions and composition of the underground base.    


Of course, he skipped Han Mei's introduction. After all, Han Mei's identity was too sensitive, so he tried his best to keep it a secret.    


In less than ten minutes, Han Mei rushed over in a hurry. When she saw the two of them, she could not help but laugh. "Haha, you two just fought in the wild station? You are really in a sorry state."    


Although these words were mostly mocking, they still gave people a sour feeling. Faang Yang rubbed his nose.    


"Don't make sarcastic remarks. If it wasn't for your good luck, I'm afraid you wouldn't have the chance to see me again in the future. Hurry up and get some food. We're all starving. "    


"It's not your first time here. If you want to eat, go to the canteen yourself." Han Mei came over and held Lee Anqi's arm.    


"Sister Anna, come with me. I only stewed a pot of old ginseng black chicken. The heat is just right. Let's go and have a taste."    


Although it was Lee Anqi's first time meeting Han Mei, from Faang Yang's conversation and their attitudes, he could tell that she definitely had a high position in Faang Yang's heart.    


After experiencing so much, Lee Anqi's thoughts had a tremendous change. He was no longer as possessive as before.    


Besides, Faang Yang was such an outstanding and powerful man. Which woman could tie him down with just her strength and charm? At least Lee Anqi himself could not!    


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