Super Golden Eye

C1818 A Compromise

C1818 A Compromise

If you can't find yourself a good sister, then it's necessary. Therefore, even though it was his first time meeting Han Mei, Lee Anqi still showed a very cordial expression.    


"Thank you elder sister. Your skin is very good. You look like a 15-16 year old little girl. How do you take care of it? Can you teach me?"    


The biggest vanity of a woman was to be praised for being beautiful. Han Mei could not be exempted from being vulgar. After being praised by Lee Anqi without revealing anything, her smile became even wider. :    


"Haha, sister is joking. Compared to you, I am an old hag. But I do have a few prescriptions for skin maintenance. If you're interested, let's study them together "    


Lee Anqi said happily, "Okay, thank you sister!"    


Faang Yang was originally worried that there would be some conflict between the two girls after they met, but he did not expect it to be such a result. He could not help but be surprised.    


Seeing the two girls walk out intimately, Faang Yang whispered, "They are about to become spirits, return sister..."    


Although the voice was not loud, Han Mei still heard it. She could not help but turn around and give a fierce look, which made Faang Yang very embarrassed.    


After a simple meal, the three of them sat in Han Mei's room. Faang Yang asked, "How has the situation over here been recently? Those guys are not in a bad mood, right?"    


Han Mei cooked the Gongfu Tea and her hands did not stop. "What kind of mood can there be? However, in order to let them vent their excess energy, I made a few plans for them and let them out. "    


Faang Yang was stunned. "They let them out? Don't you know that this force is my secret plan? What if someone finds out about it or loses something?"    


Han Mei waved her hand. "Don't worry. This place is not in the east. It is not as complicated as you think. Besides, the gangs in the E People are not new.    


If they hide in the gangs, they can train their abilities and not easily attract attention. At the same time, they can also rope in their own forces. It is killing two birds with one stone. "    


Faang Yang was still worried. "Your idea is not bad, but you must not make a mistake! Especially the situation here, other than the few core members, don't let anyone else know about it! "    


Han Mei was very confident. "I have thought of this long ago. All the people sent out were sent out from the secret exit."    


Since he had handed all the matters here to Han Mei to manage, Faang Yang could not say anything more. "In a while, I will set up an illusion array in the Teleportation Array room to ensure that there is a possibility."    


"That's good too. Anyway, you are the boss. You have the final say." Han Mei's expression was a little unnatural. She must have heard that Faang Yang was not satisfied with her arrangement.    


Faang Yang said earnestly, "Han Mei, I hope you can understand that I am not targeting you, but this secret force is too important.    


It could even be said without exaggeration that if it is really in a crisis, I need to rely on it to save my life. Of course, I cannot make any mistakes."    


Han Mei's hand paused in midair. "Then let's stop the plan. Fortunately, I have only sent a few people to scout the situation outside. It has not officially started yet."    


Faang Yang asked, "How many people? What identity?"    


Han Mei thought for a while. "Five. Their strength is not strong but they are still considered smart. Prepare to let them stand before and decide on the next plan."    


Faang Yang said lightly, "Find an opportunity and cut it off."    


Han Mei was shocked in her heart, "Broken? But we do not have enough manpower right now. Huaide and Lobo are optimistic about these few people..."    


Faang Yang was unmoved, "You have experienced so much too. Is it very difficult to make these people disappear quietly?"    


Han Mei originally wanted to fight for a few unlucky people, but she did not expect Faang Yang to be so resolute, so she did not insist.    


"You know that I do not mean that. Since you have decided, then do as you wish. I have no objections."    


Faang Yang could see that Han Mei was very uncomfortable in her heart. The plan that she had made with great difficulty had been completely rejected, and even people had to be sacrificed. Anyone else would have been upset.    


Faang Yang casually turned the teacup in his hand. "Han Mei, I have a plan. Since you can't bear to part with those few people, I will arrange a good place for them to go."    


Han Mei's eyes lit up. "Where to?"    


Faang Yang said, "I also made a gambling boat in River Song, but it has not officially opened yet. At that time, they will definitely have to operate in the open sea and need people to take care of it. We can let them go.    


This way, we can use this opportunity to contact the outside world and recruit talents. At the same time, we can train their abilities. "    


Han Mei was afraid that Faang Yang would go back on his word." No problem! I will give them the order to directly go to River Song? "    


Faang Yang shook his head, "The gambling boat is now in a hidden place to undergo modification and final adjustments. I estimate that it will take at least a week before they can return to River Song.    


You and those few people have discussed it. Go to Jiangbei and wait for me. After the gambling boat returns, I will bring them there directly. At the same time, I will explain the corresponding matters clearly. "    


Han Mei said," No problem. Later, I will give you their contact details. Have some tea. It is almost cold. "    


When the problem was solved, the scene became much more relaxed. Lee Anqi was also led up. He started to ask Han Mei how to take care of the skin. Faang Yang naturally did not listen and went out for a walk.    


Relying on his memory, Faang Yang came to the training room. Seeing Huaide and Lobo training there while sweating profusely, he smiled and walked over. "How long have you practiced? Is it boring? "    


Huaide and Lobo hurried over when they saw Faang Yang. They wiped their sweat and answered respectfully.    


"Master, we have only practiced for less than two hours. We have not completed the task for today."    


Faang Yang could clearly feel their improvement. He could not help but be very satisfied. "It's good that you are thoughtful. Don't be too anxious. Be careful that things go the opposite way when they reach the extreme. Learn to combine work and rest."    


Huaide asked cautiously, "Master, do you have any task to give to us this time?"    


Lobo was also very excited. "Finally, there is a mission? You must send me out this time!"    


Judging from their performance, although they did not say it explicitly, they must be bored of staying here. If this continued, there would definitely be problems.    


Faang Yang and Huaide discussed, "It's like this, I have a plan. Although Blagoveshchensk is hidden, it is still a fixed stronghold. If someone really set their eyes on it, it would be very easy to target it.    


After a week, the gambling boat that I have customized will be completed. When the time comes, I will count your manpower. Those who are willing to stay behind can stay here.    


If you want to go out and take a breather, then split into two groups, one group for a month, and replace each other. What do you think?"    


Huaide took a deep look at Faang Yang." Master, I'm afraid this arrangement is not as simple as managing a gambling boat, right? "    


"Smart!" Faang Yang still admired Huaide. "In addition to gambling boats on the surface, I have a submarine for you as the main activity area.    


When we reach the Western Sea Region, I will give you the order to help me attack the stronghold of Dark Wing and teach them a lesson! "    


"Strike the Dark Wing?" Huaide's expression changed dramatically. "Master, do you want to think about it again? With our current strength, we don't have the ability to fight the Dark Wing!"    


Faang Yang's words were frightening. "It's because the Dark Wing is too powerful now. That's why I want you to attack or harass them as much as possible!    


We need to disrupt their plan, otherwise, everything will go according to their plan, and we will be able to deal with them in a more relaxed manner. "    


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