Super Golden Eye

C1821 The Mysterious Black Robe Protector

C1821 The Mysterious Black Robe Protector

The black-robed protector walked over to Faang Yang and sat down opposite him. "If I had that thought, I wouldn't have said so much to you. I told you just now, this is my personal wish."    


Of course, Faang Yang wouldn't believe his words easily. "Is that so? Then I will have to trouble Lord Protector to tell me. There must be a reason, right?"    


The black-robed protector said, "Because you have helped someone very important to me, so I specially came to thank you. Is this reason okay?"    


"Helped someone very important to you? Who is it?"    


Hearing such an answer, Faang Yang was indeed confused. He had helped a lot of people, but he couldn't think of anyone who could be related to the black-robed Protector.    


Obviously, the black-robed protector didn't want to talk too much to him. "You don't need to ask who it is, and I won't tell you either. Just treat it as a mystery.    


Actually, I can also tell you the truth. Because of this matter, I have completely overturned a plan targeting you.    


Otherwise, even if you aren't dead now, you won't be able to live a good life! Thus, your feelings, I can be considered to have repaid them. In the future, we don't owe each other anything. When we meet again, we'll see who's the real deal."    


Faang Yang narrowed his eyes." There is no need to say any more. I just want to know. Your purpose of coming here this time is really to see what kind of person I am. It's that simple? "    


After a period of silence, the black-robed protector finally spoke again. "Of course not. Besides personal reasons, I still have to be loyal to the Wings of Darkness.    


If I think I have a chance to get rid of you alone, then I will not hesitate at all and choose the best time to make my move "    


" After saying so much, only this sentence sounds real to me. I'm really sorry to make you come here for nothing. "    


Faang Yang wasn't surprised by his words. The two of them were on different sides. They were like fire and water, and there was no room for negotiation.    


The black-robed protector's tone was full of praise. "No one would have thought that you could grow so quickly in such a short period of time.    


I think that if we had time to start over, the leader would definitely not make the same mistake again. He would kill you at the first possible moment. It's obvious that it's already past the best time to suppress you."    


Faang Yang retorted without showing any weakness," How can the rise of Dark Wing not be like this? If it was not for being careful and pretending to be confused, would it be possible to deceive the Church of Light and the Gathering of Darkness?    


Compared to my growth, the Wings of Darkness are more legendary. Tsk tsk, in less than twenty years, I was able to defeat two giants of the Western World. Who would have thought that I would be the one to dominate?"    


The black-robed Protector was speechless." Surviving is the truth. In the past, I only understood you through various information and videos. Now that I've seen you in person, you truly live up to your reputation. "    


Faang Yang chuckled. "Haha, is this daily poisonous milk? I am no longer the hot-blooded young lad from before.    


To be honest, I'm very shocked. It is one thing for you guys to be lawless in the Western World, but you are still able to reach out your hands to the Ancient Martial Realm! I have to admire the Wings of Darkness' courage and charm.    


After so many things, I keep feeling that there is an undercurrent behind him, but I can't find his shadow.    


It wasn't until the Wings of Darkness completely exposed their claws and teeth that I realized that it was you guys who were playing a big game of chess!"    


" All living things are moving, you and I are chess pieces. You are not bad, I hope you don't die too early. I don't have much time. The next time we meet, it'll be a situation where we'll fight to the death."    


Following the voice of the black-robed Protector, his body was once again enveloped by thick Black Aura. Ten seconds later, the black fog dispersed, but there was no longer a shadow of the black-robed Protector.    


Faang Yang's face was gloomy, and his brows were tightly furrowed. The Wings of Darkness were indeed powerful! A black-robed protector had already given him no chance of winning.    


He didn't think that there would only be one powerful general like the black-robed Protector who would dare to challenge both the Church of Light and the Dark Parliament at the same time!    


Thinking back to what the black-robed Protector had said earlier that he had rejected a sure-kill plan on his behalf, it was highly likely that it was true!    


It was probably because the plan to conquer the Church of Light and the Council of Darkness was not fruitful and was tied down that they did not have enough strength to launch another attack.    


In that case, he really owed him a huge favor. Of course, Faang Yang would never admit it.    


"It's necessary to add fuel to the fire for them!"    


Faang Yang thought of an idea and called Baofu. "Baofu, how is Ruth doing recently?"    


Baofu replied, "Master, Ruth asks Master if he is coming back in the morning, middle, and late at night. The rest of the time, she stays in her room and never goes out."    


Faang Yang said, "You tell her that I am back and ask her to come and see me."    


Baofu replied," Yes, Master. I'll inform her right away. "    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang simply washed up and changed his clothes. He heard someone knocking on the door.    


When he opened the door, Ruth was still wearing a black robe and her expression was calm. "Mr. Fang, you are finally willing to see me."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "You know, I am very busy. I can't stay here at all. Didn't I inform you as soon as I came back? Come in and take a seat."    


Both of them sat down on the sofa. Faang Yang asked," What do you want to drink? "    


Ruth thought for a while. "Fruit juice, please. Thank you. When talking to Mr. Fang, I need to be 120% awake at all times to avoid saying something wrong."    


Faang Yang poured himself a glass of red wine and handed her a glass of fruit juice. "Is there a need to say that I am so scary?"    


Ruth took a sip of fruit juice symbolically and placed it on the table. She looked at Faang Yang and said, "Mr. Fang, you have a lot of time. You must have something important to ask me to come this time."    


Faang Yang nodded. "Yes, I encountered some extremely dangerous experiences when I went out this time. By chance, I also found the place marked on the scroll."    


Ruth's body trembled and she was shocked. "You mean... you have been to the ancient ruins?"    


"That place is called the ancient ruins?" This was the first time Faang Yang heard this name. "When the plane crashed, the place where I fell happened to be nearby.    


As he was injured and there were pursuers, he had no choice but to escape. But what I want to say is, the situation inside doesn't seem to have any records on this scroll!    


If it wasn't for my good luck and my tough life, I'm afraid I would have died inside this time. I wonder if you can give me a reasonable explanation?"    


As Devil Princess, Ruth was able to communicate with Devil God. After the initial shock, she quickly calmed down and replied with a question.    


"Mr. Fang, how can you prove that you have entered before and not speak nonsense?"    


Faang Yang lightly shook the wine cup in his hand and lightly said eight words, "Twelve Yellow Dao Palaces, Protector!"    


These simple eight words, Ruth immediately shut her mouth. Her eyes flickered, and it was unknown what she was thinking.    


Faang Yang saw the change in her expression. "If you don't understand what this means, we have nothing to discuss. Please go back."    


Ruth looked up. "Mr. Fang, I believe you have indeed been to the ancient ruins. Did you also get the treasure inside?"    


Faang Yang shook his head. "No, I did not walk to the end. I left halfway."    


"Impossible!" Ruth did not even think about it and asked directly, "Master Devil God once said that the ancient ruins are an extremely special existence.    


As long as one entered it, one would enter a completely independent space. Unless you can walk to the end and borrow the power of the treasure to break it, you will never be able to come out!"    


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