Super Golden Eye

C1826 Mysterious Number

C1826 Mysterious Number

But now there's an unknown number on the phone! After hesitating for a while, Faang Yang pressed the button and answered the call.    


Before Faang Yang could speak, an electronic voice came through the phone. "Faang Yang, if you want to save your master's life, come to Death Valley alone! Don't tell anyone! Pa ~"    


The other party just said one sentence and directly hung up the phone! Faang Yang held the phone in his hand and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.    


After waiting for so long, he finally received a message from his master! However, the other party didn't give him any chance to ask. He didn't even know whether Ann Hongtao was dead or alive!    


Obviously, the other party had already calculated it. As long as he couldn't be sure that Ann Hongtao was dead, he wouldn't dare not come!    


Wang Qiang, Huaide and the others were standing beside Faang Yang. When they saw his ugly expression, they couldn't help but ask, "Faang Yang, what happened?"    


Faang Yang said in a deep voice, "Someone called and said that there was news about Master."    


Wang Qiang was stunned for a moment. "Your Master? Daoist Ann? What did the other party say?"    


Faang Yang answered vaguely," He only said to let me go alone. He didn't say anything else. I'll leave this to you guys. If there's anything, call me. "    


Wang Qiang obviously knew what Ann Hongtao meant to Faang Yang. He could also understand his feelings. "There's a helicopter on the top deck. It will send you directly back to Jiangbei."    


Faang Yang's mind was no longer on this. "En, you make the arrangements. The sooner, the better."    


Ten minutes later, Faang Yang took a helicopter and left the "Sea Royal Palace". He flew directly back to Jiangbei. He greeted Baofu in advance and asked Hundred Eyed Daoist to take good care of his private plane.    


After the helicopter stopped in Jiangbei Airport, Faang Yang turned to his private jet and said to Hundred Eyed Daoist, "Go to the QH, Death Valley! Do you know how to drive this?"    


Hundred Eyed Daoist skillfully operated the control disk. "Of course! What era is it now? Besides, this is not hard to learn. "    


Faang Yang sat down beside Hundred Eyed Daoist." If Baofu hadn't told me, I wouldn't have believed that you would know all this apart from playing with zombies. "    


Hundred Eyed Daoist sighed helplessly. "What can we do? The Corpse Sect has declined. Sometimes, in order to escape, it is impossible not to learn. It is forced by life."    


The reputation of the Corpse Sect had always been bad. After the decline, it was even more hated by everyone. In order to save his life, the plane was indeed the most convenient tool.    


Faang Yang did not ask any more questions. "Thank you for your hard work. I will rest for a while. Call me when we are almost there."    


Hundred Eyed Daoist nodded. "Yes, no problem."    


Faang Yang returned to his bedroom and laid down. It was not that he really wanted to sleep, but he forced himself to calm down and conserve energy.    


Since the other party dared to ask him out alone, he was afraid that they would need his help for this trip. It was very likely that they were going to explore the Holy Ancestor Treasure again.    


What Faang Yang wanted to know the most right now was, who had taken Ann Hongtao and so many people from the Ancient Martial Realm away without making any noise?    


Chiang Huawen had once said that even if the Kunlun Sect did everything they could, they would never be able to do it so quickly! In other words, the opponent was even stronger than the Kunlun Sect?    


The more he thought about it, the heavier his mood became. A few hours later, Hundred Eyed Daoist's voice came from the loudspeaker. "Master, get ready. We will arrive at the designated location in ten minutes!"    


"Got it."    


Faang Yang got up and walked to the cabin door to wait. The plane was quickly pulling down the altitude. Ten minutes later, the cabin door opened. Hundred Eyed Daoist said, "Master, below is the entrance to Death Valley."    


Faang Yang replied, "Go to the airport nearby and wait. If you go back, I will contact you again."    


After saying that, Fang Yangshun slid down with the rope on the plane and landed steadily on the ground. He looked up and saw the bright red words Death Valley.    


Faang Yang had just stabilized his body when his phone rang again. Without thinking, Faang Yang pressed the answer button.    


The mysterious man's voice came again. "Very good. I like dealing with people who keep their promises."    


Faang Yang asked directly, "I'm sorry, but I don't like dealing with people who try to mystify me! Before that, it's best to let me confirm my master's safety. Otherwise, don't expect me to do anything!"    


"As you wish!" The mysterious man was also straightforward. He turned on the camera on his phone and Faang Yang immediately saw Ann Hongtao who was locked in the cell.    


"Master?!" It had been a few days since they last saw each other. Ann Hongtao looked even slimmer. There was no usual color between his brows, but his back was still straight.    


Unfortunately, the mysterious man did not let him see it for long. He cut off the image. "Are you satisfied now? As long as you cooperate well, I will never hurt your master."    


Faang Yang took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down. "Tell me, what do you want me to do?"    


The mysterious man was very satisfied with Faang Yang's attitude. "Very good. Actually, you should have already guessed it. I asked you to come here because I want to bring my people into the Holy Ancestor Treasure!"    


Faang Yang said, "Sure, as long as I bring you guys in, it will be fine, right? When will my master and the disciples of Azure City Mountain be released?"    


The mysterious man seemed to have expected Faang Yang to make such a condition. "Don't worry, I will bring your master and the people of Azure City Mountain in.    


So, if you want to ensure their safety, you better cooperate with me! Otherwise, the consequences will be very serious! "    


Faang Yang sighed. "Do I have the right to bargain?"    


Amazing! The mysterious man's trick was too vicious! He had brought Ann Hongtao and the people from Azure City Mountain along with him the Holy Ancestor Treasure. No matter how capable Faang Yang was, there was no way he could save all of them.    


Although he had been expelled from the sect, Faang Yang had no choice but to save Ann Hongtao when he was in trouble. As for the disciples of Azure City Mountain meeting in front of him, how could Ann Hongtao not care about them?    


Therefore, the only way was to pray that everything went smoothly and that the mysterious man would get what he wanted. Only then could he ensure that nothing happened.    


The mysterious man said with a proud smile. " Hehe, it seems like you have no other choice"    


Faang Yang rolled his eyes and said snappily, "Since you know I have no other choice, why are you asking such pointless questions? When are we going to act? "    


The mysterious man pondered for a moment and said, "Your speed of arrival has exceeded my expectations. It will take about a day for me to bring people over now."    


"Then speak to me one day later. Remember, I must see my master with my own eyes and speak to him! Otherwise, I will not agree! Pa ~"    


As soon as he finished speaking, Faang Yang didn't give the mysterious man a chance to speak. He directly hung up the phone! Each of them hung up the phone once. This was also to let Faang Yang find some balance.    


It would take at least another day for the other party to come over. Faang Yang did not know what he was going to do. He might as well go around the Death Valley and familiarize himself with the terrain.    


When Faang Yang turned to the west side of the Death Valley, he suddenly saw a shadow moving in front of a cave on the opposite side.    


Confused, Faang Yang carefully hid his figure and quietly moved forward.    


A few minutes later, Faang Yang sneaked to the bottom of the cave. This time, he could clearly see that there were four guards at the entrance of the cave. They were wearing the uniform of Demon Spirit Clan!    


Recalling the information he had received earlier, Faang Yang was shocked. "Could it be that the Demon Spirit Clan is so fast? They have already made their move?!"    


Furthermore, the entrance that Demon Spirit Clan had chosen was located in the dark corner of Death Valley, which was extremely remote.    


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