Super Golden Eye

C1842 We'll See You in Qh

C1842 We'll See You in Qh

Faang Yang patted Baofu on the shoulder. "You're the only one who can say that. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been able to leave Jiangbei and run around."    


Looking at the time, Faang Yang was ready to move. "This is the most difficult period for us. If we persist, we will win!"    


Baofu clenched his fists. "Master, don't worry. I won't let you down! Do you need me to send you away?"    


"No need. I can do it alone." As he spoke, Faang Yang walked out of the hotel and bought a plane ticket to QH.    


Before boarding the plane, Faang Yang called Chiang Huawen. "Elder Jiang, how have you been?"    


"Faang Yang?" Receiving Faang Yang's call clearly surprised Chiang Huawen. "Call me today. Is there something urgent?"    


Faang Yang said slowly, "Yes, I did. A while ago, I had contact with the forces of Ancient Martial who robbed people from outside Death Valley."    


"When I heard this, Chiang Huawen was a little excited." What? Is this true? Who are they? How can you prove that this is true?"    


Faang Yang had his own plans. Of course, he would not say anything out loud. "Because I saved Master. Oh, the plane is taking off. Let's not talk about it for now."    


Of course, Chiang Huawen knew that Faang Yang's master was Ann Hongtao, one of the top missing persons in Death Valley. "Where are you going? I am going to find you! "    


This was what he had been waiting for! Faang Yang smiled and said, "Then I'll see you in QH!"    


As soon as the call ended, the flight attendant said to him with a smile, "Sir, the flight is about to take off. For the safety of you and the other passengers, please don't use any mobile devices."    


Faang Yang very cooperatively put away the phone. "Sorry, I have some urgent matters to attend to."    


The flight attendant's voice was sweet. "Thank you for your cooperation. Is there anything else you need?"    


Faang Yang said, "Please give me a blanket. After getting off the plane, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to sleep well again."    


"Okay, please wait a moment." The flight attendant quickly brought him a blanket, and Faang Yang closed his eyes to rest.    


It was impossible to really sleep, but it was just to adjust his condition, and also to carefully plan what to say after meeting Chiang Huawen.    


The disappearance of the mysterious missing person in Death Valley was not important to a major power like Kunlun Sect. What was important was to know who did it!    


To be able to make such a big decision under their noses, their strength must not be underestimated. Don't look at things that were different, the investigation information was interconnected.    


They believed that the Dark Wing would do whatever they wanted in the West World, pulling the Light Church and Dark Council off their horses. This had already made some of the Ancient Martial's forces, including the Kunlun Sect, sound the alarm.    


The structure of the forces had been passed down for thousands of years. Not only was it a symbol of strength, it was also a symbol of status.    


After the mysterious disappearance in the Death Valley, it could be said that everyone was looking at how the major powers of the Kunlun Sect would deal with it.    


It was a good solution. This was what they should do. This meant that they still had the ability to do so. If they couldn't solve it, they would be regarded as having lost their prestige and ability. Naturally, they wouldn't be as obedient as before.    


Faang Yang went to QH alone. Chiang Huawen, who was talking to him, returned to his study with a solemn expression.    


Upper Man Zitong of the Sovereign Sect, Elder Jian Wufeng of the Shu Mountain Sword Sect, Fairy Linghuan of the Three Immortal Island, and a few Fellow Daoists that had appeared together with Chiang Huawen in Jiangbei were all waiting inside.    


Seeing Chiang Huawen's return, Elder Wufeng was the most anxious. "Elder Jiang, what is it that you can't talk about in front of everyone? Why are you still hiding?"    


In his mind, Chiang Huawen looked down on Wufeng, but he couldn't afford to offend him because of his seniority and status.    


"Don't think too much about Edgeless Fellow Daoist, it's just that this matter is extremely important. Poverty-stricken People doesn't want to complicate things, so he doesn't have any other intentions."    


Fairy Linghuan's eyes turned and she smiled sweetly. "Hehe, it's surprising that Elder Jiang thinks that it's extremely important."    


Upper Man Zitong put away the horsetail whisk in his hand. "Brother Jiang, since we are sitting together, we have to be open and honest. I hope you don't hide anything from us about important information."    


"Of course not." Chiang Huawen's expression was a little unnatural and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart. "I will arrange a plane to go to QH now!"    


Although these super forces appeared to be harmonious on the surface, in reality, they were also scheming and competing against each other in secret.    


Due to special reasons, the Kunlun Sect had always been a supreme existence in the Ancient Martial Realm, and the other sects had always given them face.    


But now, someone had openly challenged the authority of the Kunlun Sect and even the entire Ancient Martial Realm. If they didn't do anything, it would be hard for them to convince the public.    


"Go to QH? Don't tell me you want to explore the Holy Ancestor Treasure again?" Fairy Linghuan was stunned for a moment and then thought of the crux of the problem. "That phone call just now, was it from Faang Yang?"    


She did not expect Fairy Linghuan to be so meticulous, to be able to guess the key to the problem so quickly. Chiang Huawen nodded.    


"That's right. It was Faang Yang who called. He also said that he had come into contact with the forces behind the disappearance of the Death Valley!"    


These words immediately made all of them stand up. Wufeng even shouted, "What are you waiting for? Quickly call that kid over and ask him about it."    


Chiang Huawen felt his head grow bigger, "Wufeng Fellow Daoist, this matter needs to be considered carefully. I know that you have a very big opinion of Faang Yang, but you can't act as you wish.    


Previously, there were also people who thought that he was just a junior and was expelled from the sect, wanting to suppress Faang Yang. What was the result?    


Faang Yang is still alive and well. Those who suppress him are either dead or injured. If they didn't get any benefits, wouldn't that explain the problem?"    


Upper Man Zitong and Chiang Huawen shared the same opinion. They were also very dissatisfied with Wufeng." Brother Jiang is right. Although Faang Yang is young, he is a very special existence.    


Besides, there were still many secrets about him. Don't get on bad terms with him until we find out everything about him. "    


Fairy Linghuan was even more straightforward." Wufeng, isn't the yearly Great Competition of Shu Mountain about to begin? I don't think it would be appropriate if you didn't go back. "    


The difference between the Shu Mountain Sword Sect and other sects was that the ranking of its disciples was not based on the first place, but on the strength.    


Every five years, there would be an inner sect competition. All disciples would compete according to their seniority, and the ranking would be redetermined.    


Those with strength would have better resources and receive better training. Those with insufficient strength, no matter where you came from, would be directly eliminated!    


It was precisely because of this kind of benign competition mechanism that made the Shu Mountain Sword Sect's competition, which was held once every five years, attract a lot of attention.    


Wufeng was just about to say that it was fine if he didn't want to go back, but Chiang Huawen quickly opened his mouth and said, "Look at my memory. I almost delayed the Edgeless Fellow Daoist's big matter. I'll arrange a return trip for you now."    


"I..." Seeing the three of them leaving him behind, no matter how stupid Wufeng was, he knew that he was isolated! Helpless, he got up and returned to the mountain gate with hatred.    


On the other side, Chiang Huawen, Upper Man Zitong, and Fairy Linghuan rushed to QH. After checking the flight information, Faang Yang's flight would arrive at Hong Kong in ten minutes.    


He found a place with a good view and sat down, paying attention to the situation below. Soon, Chiang Huawen saw Faang Yang walk out of the exit and immediately went up to him. "Faang Yang, we meet again!"    


Faang Yang put his hands in his pockets and turned his head to see Chiang Huawen and the others. He could not help but be surprised. " Oh, Elder Jiang is really fast."    


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