Super Golden Eye

C1855 Nothing Could be Forced

C1855 Nothing Could be Forced

Huaide suddenly felt the pressure. "Master, this is not appropriate, is it? After all, you are the true dragon head. How can I overstep my authority?"    


Faang Yang corrected him. "What you said is wrong. What do you mean by overstepping my authority? No matter how capable a person is, it is impossible for him to overstep everything.    


The task assigned to you is for you to complete it. Don't tell me you don't even have this bit of confidence?"    


Huaide hurriedly said," Master, that's not what I meant. I'm just worried that the plan will fail and make you unhappy."    


Faang Yang looked at Huaide very seriously. "Huaide, I can tell you in a very responsible manner that whether the plan succeeds or not is not the most important.    


When you make the plan, the first thing you have to consider is the safety of all the combatants. Try to minimize casualties!    


After all, if your plan fails, you can start over again. If your life is lost, then it will really be gone forever!"    


Huaide humbly accepted the teachings." What Master said is right, it makes people enlightened. I will go and discuss with the others. I will try to hand over the complete plan to you when we are close to South Coast. "    


Faang Yang said with satisfaction, "I believe in your ability! Oh right, prepare a dinner for me at the same time. In order to rush for time, I haven't eaten anything for the whole day."    


Huaide was a little embarrassed." I'll get the kitchen to prepare dinner right away. Will it be delivered directly to the adults here? "    


Faang Yang knew that if he was here, it would definitely make them feel a burden in their hearts. "No need. Send it directly to the guest room. After eating, we can sleep."    


How could Huaide not understand Faang Yang's thoughts? He personally brought Faang Yang to the last cabin. Soon, the kitchen prepared four dishes and a soup.    


Only when Faang Yang finished eating did Huaide personally put away the tableware and called his people to study the operation plan in the meeting room.    


Faang Yang slept very soundly. Unlike other cultivators who had been cultivating since they were young, he still thought that sleeping was better than meditating and recovering.    


He slept for a while, and when he walked out of the room, someone immediately notified Huaide.    


Huaide immediately appeared in front of Faang Yang. "Master, do you want to eat something first?"    


Faang Yang stretched his body. "Just eat something. When can I arrive? How is the research of your plan going? "    


Huaide replied, "It will take about two days to reach South Coast. We have a rough outline of the plan, please take a look. "    


Faang Yang waved his hand. "No hurry, there are still two days. We have plenty of time to see, so let's eat first."    


After a simple meal, Huaide handed a proposal to Faang Yang. "Master, this is our rough plan and route."    


"Let me take a look."    


Faang Yang took it over and read it carefully. The plan was still considered to be in sync. With Blood Clan as the vanguard, they could use their agility and speed advantage to quickly understand the situation.    


The werewolf echelon followed closely behind. They were in charge of attacking and receiving. Overall, it was a normal plan, and there was nothing wrong with it.    


Huaide said with some regret, "It's a pity that we don't have the Undead Mage. Otherwise, using the Undead Army as the vanguard would be better than anything else. The safety factor would also increase a lot. "    


It could be seen that Huaide was still very concerned about the lack of manpower. Clearly, this affected his plan.    


Of course, this was related to Huaide's habit of being influenced since he was young. The Undead Mage had always occupied an important position in the dark forces.    


As long as the Undead Mage had a very small number of people, as long as it reached the level of a magister, it would definitely have a place in the Dark Council. There would never be an exception!    


Faang Yang comforted, "Nothing can be forced. As long as you do your best. Now we are carrying out the plan. If we ask Guu Luosi for help again, it will be convenient and we are not familiar with the person who came.    


It is still alright if it is reliable, but if it is not, it will affect the whole plan. The loss outweighs the gain. "    


Huaide was just making a fuss. He also thought about what Faang Yang said." Master, don't take it to heart. I am just saying it casually.    


Although the Undead Mage is powerful, to be honest, I don't think very highly of their group. "    


Faang Yang was a little surprised. " Oh? Why? I heard that Undead Mage is very popular in Dark Council."    


Huaide did not have much to worry about in front of Faang Yang." Master, I only dare to say that now that I have left the Dark Council. The problem of the Undead Mage has been around for a long time.    


No one denied the ability of the Undead Mage and the increase in combat strength. It was precisely because they were exaggerated and interpreted that their mentality gradually changed.    


It was not a new thing for them to forcefully seize, to be unreasonable, and even forcefully interfere with the various important decisions within the Dark Council.    


Therefore, don't just look at how everyone treats the Undead Mage respectfully on the surface. As for what they think in their hearts, we don't know. "    


Faang Yang nodded his head in understanding." Actually, the development of this matter is directly related to the tolerance of the entire Dark Council.    


Think about it. If we stop this from happening at the beginning, will it become more and more intense?    


If what you said is true, the Dark Council obviously has its own independent organization and its own course of action.    


If they really start to interfere with the important decisions of the Dark Council, then perhaps one day, if they don't reach a consensus on a certain decision, it might lead to a huge disaster!    


When that time comes, I'm afraid the losses caused by the Undead Mage will be even greater than the losses incurred by the Dark Wing this time."    


Huaide sighed." I've thought about this too, but what can I do? Three feet of ice is not a day of cold. It is impossible to solve the problem of the Undead Mage in a short period of time."    


"The root cause is that the Dark Council relies too much on the Undead Mage. It has become a habit, and it's not easy to change that."    


Faang Yang didn't want to talk too much about this. After all, he was only a name, but he didn't want to develop in the west.    


"When we are close to the South Coast, I will meet Fallen Lord first to see if he has any new information. I will make up for it and make as many plans as possible. "    


Huaide put away the plan book in front of him. "Okay, I will go and study it with other people and see if there is anything else I need to improve on."    


For the next two days, there was nothing special. For safety reasons, he kept moving underwater.    


On the evening of the third day, the submarine finally stopped at an undersea reef area. Huaide said to Faang Yang:    


"Master, if we go further than three seas, we will enter the sensitive area. We may be discovered at any time."    


Faang Yang looked at the map. "Let's stop here for now. I will go out alone. I will send you a message later."    


After exiting the submarine from the diving mouth, Faang Yang identified the direction and found a small island. He dried his clothes with his Yuan energy and contacted Fallen Lord.    


"I am in South Coast. Coordinates XX, XX, come here as soon as possible."    


The message was sent less than an hour later. Faang Yang was lying on the beach leisurely admiring the sea scenery when he heard the roar of a plane coming from the sky.    


An aerospaceplane hovered in the sky for a while. When it saw Faang Yang, it immediately landed on the beach.    


After the plane stopped, Fallen Lord jumped down from it. He took a few big steps and arrived in front of Faang Yang. "Master, you called me here at this time. Do you want me to do something?"    


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