Super Golden Eye

C1862 A Woman Is a Tiger

C1862 A Woman Is a Tiger

Faang Yang immediately asked, "What question?"    


Huaide said, "It's the sudden increase in weight of the submarine. The power consumption for sailing has increased by nearly 30%! This is definitely not normal. "    


"I thought it was something." Hearing that it was because of this, Faang Yang felt relieved. "There's no need to investigate. I know about this. Come, let me show you the truth."    


The three of them came to the door of Faang Yang's room. Out of respect for Faang Yang, no one dared to enter his room unless they had a special instruction.    


Therefore, when the whole boat was checking, they automatically ignored this room. However, they didn't expect that the problem would really be here!    


Faang Yang opened the door and the light was switched on. The golden and shiny bricks almost flashed in Huaide and Lobo's eyes.    


Huaide covered his eyes with his hand. Lobo's mouth was wide open. "Wolf God, how come there are so many golden bricks here? We didn't see anyone coming in."    


Faang Yang pretended to be mysterious. "As for how we let them in, of course I have my tricks."    


Huaide roughly estimated that although the gold bricks here did not seem to be particularly large, when all of them were added up, it was about ten tons.    


Such a sudden increase in weight must have been reflected in the power consumption. Since the problem was solved, Huaide naturally would not ask where the gold bricks came from. :    


"Master, I am relieved when I find the reason for the problem. [Don't you need to send these gold bricks back to Jiangbei?] I don't think it's appropriate to keep them on the submarine?"    


Faang Yang said, "No need. After you guys investigate the Maritime Royal Palace, I naturally have a way to transport these gold bricks away."    


Faang Yang touched the ice cold gold bricks with his hand and said with a complicated tone, "Don't look at how many gold bricks there are. Actually, if you really spend them, you won't be able to last long."    


The corner of Huaide's mouth twitched. He really couldn't figure out what kind of bottomless hole it was that required such a strong financial support.    


Although Huaide and Lobo followed Faang Yang, they did not really join his core circle.    


Or it could be said that from the beginning, Faang Yang had given the two of them the position of a chess player that was wandering outside. Usually, they did not need to have too much sense of existence. At crucial times, they were surprisingly victorious.    


Just like that, the submarine smoothly returned to the open sea area and met up with the "Sea Royal Palace". Because of this mission, Faang Yang destroyed the Dark Wing's stronghold in the South Coast, so he had to keep a low profile.    


He only contacted Wang Qiang over the phone and did not board the ship. That night, Faang Yang contacted Han Mei. "Han Mei, is your base now?"    


Han Mei's words contained some resentment. "Where else can it be if it is not here? In the past, there were still a few people to accompany her. At least she would not be too bored.    


Now that I'm here, in such a big place, I'm the only one who can't leave. It's even scarier than going to jail. "    


Faang Yang hurriedly apologized," Sorry, I've made you suffer. The situation was urgent now. Although the current base seemed meaningless, it was very important in the future!    


How about this, I will go over again in a few days and deploy all the formations outside the base. In that case, if you're bored, you can go out and take a breather."    


" At least you have a conscience. " Han Mei did not really have any dissatisfaction. To her, getting rid of the danger of her life was already a great blessing.    


In the past thousand years, she had experienced too much coldness and coldness, grudges and grudges. What else could she not understand?    


However, as a woman, no matter how old she was, she liked to find a sense of existence in front of the person she liked. This was the nature of a woman.    


Since Faang Yang sincerely apologized, Han Mei knew to stop when she saw good. "Tell me, what's the matter this time?"    


Faang Yang said, "Go to the Teleportation Array immediately and replenish the Spirit Stone. I want to send something over."    


Han Mei asked, "What is so mysterious?"    


Faang Yang kept her in suspense. "You will see it in a while. I can guarantee that you will definitely like it, and might even scream!"    


Han Mei was not convinced. "Hey, please don't treat me like a little girl who has never seen the world, okay? No matter what, I have also been a princess before!"    


Faang Yang did not want to anger her. "Yes, yes, I was just joking. I went out for a walk and got some money. I feel safer with you there. "    


Han Mei did not believe his nonsense. "Forget it! Let me be safe here? Your safest place is still Jiangbei, right?    


And there are so many capable assistants here, they are much stronger than me! Tell me the truth, what are you up to?"    


Faang Yang was a little embarrassed. "Hehe, the situation is different! Although Jiangbei seems to be very strong, everyone knows that it is my base camp.    


When there is nothing else, everything will be fine. But if someone really cares about it, they will definitely use Jiangbei as an excuse.    


Eggs cannot be placed in a basket. I don't need to say much about this, right? I'm also doing this to be on the safe side, so I'll leave a way out for myself."    


Han Mei still approved of his reason," Consider it reasonable. Then I will just place it next to the Teleportation Array and wait for you to come and arrange it yourself. "    


Faang Yang quickly said, "That is not possible. You better pack up a secret room and put it there. Safety first. It's hard on you."    


Han Mei was always putting on airs. Since Faang Yang had said so, she could not possibly not do as he said. Since he had already given her so much face, he naturally would not push her any further.    


"I really owe you in my previous life! Alright, I'll find a secret room now and place the Spirit Stone there. The teleportation will begin in half an hour."    


"No problem! It's settled then."    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang did not stay idle. He took out another Teleportation Array board, calculated the distance and position, and carefully supplemented the most crucial part. A Space Teleportation Array was instantly formed.    


Half an hour later, Faang Yang put the Spirit Stone in place and sent a cup over. He immediately called to confirm," Han Mei, the cup is over, right? "    


Han Mei was a little curious. "It's over. What is it that made you so careful?"    


Faang Yang said, "It's just some gold bricks. Since the location of the Teleportation Array is not a problem, I will start the transmission. You stand further away."    


Now that there was enough time and space, Faang Yang divided all the gold bricks into ten teleportations.    


When the last teleportation of the gold bricks was completed, Faang Yang asked, "Han Mei, there are a total of ten batches. One ton at a time, right?"    


There was no sound from the other end of the phone. Faang Yang thought something had happened and was very nervous. "Han Mei? Are you listening? Did something happen? Speak? Don't scare me!"    


After a while, Han Mei's scream came from the other end of the phone," Ah ~ Faang Yang! You bastard! You made so many gold bricks for me to move?! Do you want me to die of exhaustion?!"    


Faang Yang was so scared that his heart skipped a beat. He quickly took the phone far away from him and said loudly," Hello? Hello? What did you say? I can't hear you clearly. The signal might not be good. Let's talk when I get back. I'm hanging up."    


He hung up the phone before Han Mei went crazy and let out a long breath." My goodness. Women are tigers. This makes sense. I was scared to death. "    


The gold bricks in the room had all been moved away. However, there was still some smell after putting so many gold bricks in the room.    


Although Faang Yang did not have any mysophobia, he still felt uncomfortable and would not live here. He called Baofu and asked Hundred Eyed Daoist to come and pick him up. He went back to Jiangbei.    


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