Super Golden Eye

C1880 The Power of Negligence

C1880 The Power of Negligence

In the main hall, Faang Yang saw Wuh Tu and Wuh Li. They weren't much stronger than ordinary people after their cultivation was crippled by Faang Yang. In this cold weather, they were shivering from the cold.    


Lucky moved Faang Yang to the main seat, and everyone bowed respectfully under his feet. "Zhu Gu has returned to the holy land. My Secret Sect will surely rise once again under the illumination of the Buddha Light!"    


Faang Yang didn't want to be tied down here. "Lucky move, the time isn't ripe yet. It seems like you didn't manage to improve the lives of the people of the holy land."    


Lucky was ashamed. "Zhu Gu, it's not that I don't want to improve it, but that the conditions are limited! In the past, we did not even know the way, and all kinds of resources could not be transported in.    


The resources that were painstakingly transported in, the people of the holy land unanimously requested to rebuild Zhu Gu Temple first. Compared to our own enjoyment, everyone values our beliefs more."    


" So that's how it is... " When Faang Yang came, he had already seen how harsh the environment was and knew that what he said was not false. "How many people are there in the Holy Land now?"    


"There are 138 people in the temple who practice in the Holy Land, about 1,06 followers and pilgrim."    


Faang Yang frowned. "Such a large piece of land, and such a small population?"    


It's already not bad!" Lucky said with a sigh. Because of Zhu Gu's support these few years, at least they did not have to worry about food and clothing. In the past, every winter, there would be a discount of over a hundred people."    


Faang Yang reproached, "Since you know that the conditions here are so bad, why don't you organize for the people to migrate and find a better place to settle down?"    


The Holy Land is our root, our faith, our everything! All the people will not betray Zhu Gu.    


The suffering of life is only the cultivation of entering the world. If one abandoned their beliefs, they would become a walking corpse. There was no meaning in living!    


Fortunately, Zhu Gu has returned. I believe that under the leadership of the Lord, the Holy Land will prosper and regain its glory!"    


Loyalty! Absolute loyalty! Under such circumstances, he was still able to maintain his faith. This was truly too rare.    


Faang Yang's gaze swept across the crowd one by one. He discovered that although these red-clothed monks did not look impressive, their strength was quite good. "Lucky move, discovered that they have entered the temple to cultivate. How is their strength?"    


Lucky lowered his head and reported, "There are five great Dharma King in the central region of the temple, the Eight Vajras, twelve Protectors, and more than twenty people with Deacon inside and outside the temple.    


Other than me, Wuh Tu and Wuh Li have lost their cultivation. Zachery Renren and Gongbu have left the temple and have yet to return. All of them had reached the Heaven Rank Late Period.    


The Eight Vajras's strength was at the Heaven Rank Middle Period, and the Twelve Guardians' strength was at the Heaven Rank Early Period. As for the other Hongfa's Holy Disciples, the requirement to enter the temple is to at least reach the Earth Rank."    


" So strong?! "    


Fang Yang was shocked. He knew that the Holy Land had a certain level of combat strength, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful!    


Ji Jie thought that Faang Yang did not believe his words and was a little anxious. "Because no one else knew that Zhu Gu suddenly returned and was in the Holy Tower, Hongfa. It will not end until noon tomorrow. "    


No wonder the red-robed monk who entered their sights, although his strength was not bad, was still far from what Ji Jie had said. Back then, he had only been trying to coax Seigo out of goodwill. He had never imagined that he would obtain such a powerful force!    


Now was the perfect time to use people. Faang Yang's greatest weakness was that there were too few people he could use, especially the High Battle Power.    


With his own hard work, he had three to five good friends around him. It would be useless for him to take in a few small aristocratic families. There were even fewer people who were at ease with him.    


But now, as long as the Holy Land was organized, the situation would be very different. At least in terms of loyalty, there was no problem at all.    


In order to protect their faith, there would be people who would doubt their loyalty?    


Before this, Faang Yang had rejected the idea of inheriting Zhu Gu's position. But now, he had a different idea.    


"Lucky, you guys have been living too hard. I will do my best to help you complete the foundation building as soon as possible and improve your living conditions."    


Ji Jie said very seriously, "As long as Zhu Gu returns to the Holy Land, no matter how hard it is, we will not care!"    


The red-clothed monks behind Lucky also bowed and said loudly, "Zhu Gu, please return!"    


Faang Yang looked troubled. "It's not that I don't want to, but there are still many things that I need to do. There are also some very powerful enemies that want to deal with me..."    


Ji Mo's eyes instantly became sharp. "There is actually someone who dares to challenge Zhu Gu's dignity! It is no different from declaring war on the Holy Land!"    


Faang Yang pressed his hands down. He was calm. "This matter started because of me. Naturally, I have to end it. But I'm a little curious. There are only a thousand people in the Holy Land. How can they be so strong?"    


Lucky said proudly, "Because we have been Zhu Gu's loyal followers for generations! Almost every resident of the Sacred Land will be sent to the Sacred Land for a cultivation imparting baptism after a full month.    


Children who have undergone the baptism not only have strong bodies and are not prone to sickness, but they are also stronger than ordinary people in terms of cultivation.    


It is because of this continuous continuation and accumulation that the Holy Land is able to survive in harsh environments and maintain sufficient strength."    


Faang Yang said emotionally," Inheritances are indeed the most abundant capital! "    


In a small circle of more than a thousand people, to have so many experts, excluding the old, the weak, and the disabled, it was already quite terrifying.    


Looking around, Faang Yang saw two figures in the corner. "Wuh Tu, Wuh Li?"    


Wuh Tu and Wuh Li heard Faang Yang call their names. Their bodies shook and they said loudly, "Disciple is here."    


Faang Yang looked at the two of them. Compared to before, they were much thinner and looked older. However, they seemed to be in good spirits. "I crippled your cultivation. Do you hate me?"    


Wuh Tu shook his head. "No. He had sinned and repaid his debts. It's all our fault. No one can blame us. "    


Wuh Li was also very calm," We have to pay the price for what we have done wrong. After this incident, I understand that the Holy Land is the root of my existence. Only at this moment can my heart be truly at peace. "    


Faang Yang was very satisfied with their answer." Very good. A prodigal son will never turn back. Since you have the intention to repent, I will give you another chance. "    


After saying that, Faang Yang's figure flashed and appeared behind the two of them. Both of his palms were placed on Wuh Tu and Wuh Li's back. He activated the Heaven Earth Geomantic Omen Power and injected it into their bodies.    


Although Faang Yang had crippled both of their cultivation, his foundation was still intact. Under the nourishment of the Geomantic Omen Power, their broken dantian regained its vitality. The broken meridians were restored once again.    


Faang Yang also used this opportunity to help the two of them refine the impurities in their bodies and remove the chronic disease.    


The Spirit Power of Heaven and Earth was originally Whitty. Faang Yang used his mind and mixed the palm force of the Secret Sect Palm Print into it. In an instant, it shone with a dazzling golden light, making it look very beautiful.    


Including Ji Jie and the others, they could feel the pure True Essence Power of the Secret Sect. All of them were so excited that tears were flowing down their faces. They knelt on the ground and could not get up. "Zhu Gu's Buddha Light has illuminated the entire Sacred Land. The Sacred Land has once again regained its glory!"    


Lucky's words had stirred up another thought in Faang Yang's mind. Since he had already made his move, he would play it big.    


Faang Yang circulated the Golden Compass with all his strength. He used his mind power to precisely inject the huge Geomantic Omen Power into the bodies of all the believers present.    


The entire hall was shining with a golden light, and it was filled with a majestic aura. After the time it took to make a cup of tea, it was finally time for rain and dew to fall on the floor.    


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