Super Golden Eye

C1911 Golden Whip

C1911 Golden Whip

It was unknown whether it was intentional or not, but Faang Yang stayed outside for two hours before he came back with two roasted pheasants.    


Almost at the moment Faang Yang stepped into the temple, Chiang Bochu immediately opened his eyes and stared at him.    


Faang Yang shook the pheasants in his hand. "We ran a long distance before we found something. Which one of you wants to eat something?"    


Chiang Bochu did not even look at the pheasant in Faang Yang's hand. "At your level, do you still need to eat these? We wasted so much time. Let's start quickly! "    


Zi Huan heard this and frowned. The last bit of good impression she had towards Chiang Bochu also disappeared. Faang Yang was very carefree. He sized up Chiang Bochu for a while.    


"Oh, it seems like you have recovered quite well. The time is just right."    


Chiang Bochu's face looked a little unnatural. "What do you mean just right? I don't know what you are talking about!"    


"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You just need to listen." Faang Yang sat down in the previous seat and called Zi Huan, "Sect Master Zi Huan, do you want to try some?"    


Zi Huan was extremely disappointed in Chiang Bochu now, so she naturally did not hesitate anymore. She took a pheasant from Faang Yang's hand and ate it.    


"Of course, I feel a little hungry. This chicken is very tender. It is much better than the deer meat you roasted."    


Chiang Bochu did not expect Zi Huan to eat like Faang Yang. He wanted to get angry but lacked confidence. He simply closed his eyes and meditated, pretending that he could not see anything.    


Fortunately, Faang Yang did not want to embarrass him. He ate the roasted chicken in two or three bites and wiped his hands. "Only when you are full will you feel energetic. How do we compete in the second round?"    


Chiang Bochu walked towards the open space outside the temple. "This place is too small. We can't use it. Let's compete outside."    


Faang Yang stretched his body and did not show any expression. "As you wish."    


Zi Huan did not know why, but she found that she liked Faang Yang's lazy look more and more. It was as if everything was not difficult in front of him.    


The three of them went to the open space outside one after another. Chiang Bochu and Main Yang were three meters away from each other. He asked in a deep voice, "Are we only competing with fists and legs, or are we not limited to magic treasures?"    


Of course, Faang Yang knew that Kunlun Sect had always been famous for having many magic treasures. As Chiang Bochu was the main target of nurturing, he would definitely have a lot of magic treasures with him. If it was restricted, he wouldn't be willing to give up.    


Since he wanted to subdue Chiang Bochu, he naturally had to let him use all of his strength. Faang Yang stood at his feet and said lazily:    


"There are no restrictions. There is only one rule to determine the victor. That is to make the opponent admit defeat. What do you think?"    


"There are no restrictions?! Are you sure? At that time, even I might not be able to control it." Chiang Bochu was very surprised. He never thought that Faang Yang would be so generous!    


Chiang Bochu was still thinking about how to make Faang Yang relax his conditions so that the various treasures he brought could be put to good use. Who would have thought that Faang Yang would turn on the green light!    


Faang Yang nodded seriously. "That's right. You can use any method you want. As long as you think it's appropriate, there won't be any problem.    


I know you have many methods to use, so I can test them out. If we really go to the Upper Realm Passage, we will definitely encounter something much more serious than you. Just treat it as an adaptation. "    


Initially, they thought that Faang Yang made concessions out of respect and respect for the Kunlun, but they didn't expect that it was actually to find a free sparring partner!    


Anger rose on Chiang Bochu's face. "Good, good, good. At least this arrogant attitude is definitely the number one of the second generation disciples. Then let's see who's the real deal! Please! "    


Faang Yang also cupped his hands. "Please! Bring it on! "    


As Heavenly Devil Sect Master, Zi Huan was quite familiar with Kunlun and could not help but remind him in a low voice, "Faang Yang, don't be careless. There are all kinds of strange magical treasures in Kunlun and they are very difficult to deal with."    


Faang Yang smiled slightly, "Haha, thank you for your concern. If even the small Kunlun Sect is afraid, how can we enter the Upper Realm Passage? Why don't you go back and sell sweet potatoes?"    


Zi Huan opened her mouth, but there was nothing she could say! However, Faang Yang was probably the strongest person in the world who could look down on the Kunlun Sect.    


There might have been some in the past, but now, there might not even be any ashes left. Kunlun was not a good place to be. It would allow him to live until now.    


"Please enlighten me!" Chiang Bochu had a stomach full of resentment. It was fine when he heard that Faang Yang did not put him in his eyes, but after all, his skills were not as good as Faang Yang's.    


However, from what Faang Yang said, it seemed like he did not even put the Kunlun Sect in his eyes! Even if he said he did not want to steam the steamed buns, he still had to fight for it!    


Chiang Bochu was proud and arrogant since he was young, but he also knew that Faang Yang was a formidable opponent. He couldn't afford to be careless. He drew out his sword and unleashed one of his ultimate skills, the Kunlun Sword Art.    


The Kunlun Sword Technique was one of the two great sword techniques, which was also known as the Shu Mountain Sword Technique. Although it didn't have enough offensive power, it was both offensive and defensive. It had a long and powerful aura.    


Faang Yang wanted to test his limits, but he didn't even light up his Dragon Scale Sword. He only circulated his speed to the maximum and circulated the Golden Eye with all his might.    


His eyes, hands, body, and feet cooperated with each other. Like a dancing elf, he moved freely and freely in the sword light that filled the sky.    


In an instant, Chiang Bochu finished executing the thirty-six sword styles of Kunlun. He did not even touch the corner of Faang Yang's clothes! This made his expression extremely ugly.    


Zi Huan, who was watching the battle from the side, was also shocked. She admitted that Faang Yang was very strong, but she absolutely didn't dare to think that he would be this strong!    


Facing Chiang Bochu using the Kunlun Sword Technique, he actually moved freely without using his weapon... At least Zi Huan admitted that she absolutely could not do it!    


Chiang Bochu angrily shouted, "Faang Yang! You actually dare to humiliate me like this! Show me your sword and fight me fair and square!"    


Faang Yang was immersed in an ethereal state. After being shouted by Chiang Bochu, his state of mind disappeared, which made him feel very regretful.    


"We only said it was a competition. We told you that there was no limit to what you can do. How could I humiliate you? You want me to show you my sword? Sure, show me some real skills! "    


" You will pay the price for your arrogance! Seven Voice Soul Pursuing! "    


Chiang Bochu waved his hand, and the magic sword disappeared. A jade flute appeared in his hand, and it transformed into a sky full of flute shadows that covered Faang Yang.    


The most peculiar thing was that when the jade flute was waved, it produced a sound that sounded like crying and crying, and it was soul-stirring. Faang Yang had many kinds of rare treasures, but he was still a bit distracted by the sound of the flute.    


Even his body and aura seemed to be unable to circulate properly! He couldn't help but admire the Kunlun Sect for being the leader of the Ancient Martial Realm for a long time. It wasn't an undeserved reputation for the Kunlun Sect.    


Chiang Bochu used the Seven Voice Soul Chasing Flute. It was said that he had used seven ferocious spirits to refine it. Although its effect was unique, it would never show itself in front of others.    


For some unknown reason, it had fallen into Chiang Bochu's hands. At the beginning, it had indeed caused Faang Yang's movement to stagnate.    


Just as Chiang Bochu thought that he would be able to see the result of the strike, he wanted to severely injure Faang Yang in one go. Faang Yang's eyes suddenly regained clarity, and he dodged his killing move once again!    


Chiang Bochu's Qi had already been vented. He knew that if he continued to fight, he would be defeated sooner or later. The most exaggerated thing was that Faang Yang had not used a single move up until now, and he had not even shown his weapon!    


A trace of ruthlessness flashed through Chiang Bochu's eyes. He took out a grey Talisman Paper with his left hand and shook it. He shouted in a low voice, "Golden Whip Divine Strike!"    


The Talisman Paper immediately lit up with a dazzling golden light and entered Chiang Bochu's body. Not only did it increase his strength greatly, but a strange whip-shaped weapon also appeared in his hand!    


Faang Yang was still thinking about what this thing was, when he heard Zi Huan exclaim, "God Beating Whip?!"    


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