Super Golden Eye

C2060 Decision

C2060 Decision



Guu Luosi was stunned for a moment. He quickly took out a map from his pocket and opened it in front of Faang Yang.    


"Where are you going next?"    


Faang Yang glanced at the map and asked, "I will follow you, but you can decide the specifics."    


"After all, these matters will affect the survival of Dark Council."    




Guu Luosi rolled his eyes and gritted his teeth, "Faang Yang, you are also a member of Dark Council! I believe in you. You can say whatever you want!"    


"Are you sure you want to listen to my suggestion?"    


Faang Yang shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Tell me what you want to say first. We share the same views."    




Guu Luosi said in a deep voice, "My idea is to hide it and secretly control a family to slowly recuperate."    


"But if that is the case, it is too slow."    


"It's very likely that after a dozen years, the Dark Wing will take over the entire world. We haven't recovered yet."    


Guu Luosi couldn't help but smile bitterly when he said this.    


"Of course."    


Faang Yang nodded and said, "What time is it now? We have to give it our all. Otherwise, we won't have any chance."    


"So, I plan to occupy a city directly!"    


Guu Luosi said fiercely, "Most of the people of Dark Wing are in the east now! There is only one Heavenly Sovereign and three Evil Gods in the west!"    


"If both of us are here, as long as the Heavenly Sovereign doesn't come in person, we don't have to be afraid!"    


"Even if the Heavenly Sovereign comes, we won't be afraid. At most, we'll just run away! If the enemy retreated, I will advance. If the enemy advanced, I will retreat! I don't believe that they'll be able to catch us! "    


" If that's the case, aren't you afraid that Dark Wing will suddenly mobilize other forces? "    


Faang Yang shrugged his shoulders and said, "What if that Dark Lord comes?"    


"Furthermore, according to what I know, that Dark Lord isn't an absolute ruler. Any one of them who comes back will put us in danger!"    


If Lu Lingyu wasn't here, Faang Yang would definitely agree to this idea and draw most of the people from the Dark Wing back. At the very least, he would arrange for the battlefield to be in the West World.    


However, with Lu Lingyu by his side, Faang Yang had to be careful for her safety.    


"What do you mean, Faang Yang?"    


Guu Luosi looked at Faang Yang curiously.    


"Fight guerilla warfare!"    


Faang Yang said in a low voice, "guerilla warfare is the most suitable method at the moment."    


"Guerilla warfare?"    


Guu Luosi was stunned when he heard that. He did not understand what guerilla warfare was.    


"Cough cough."    


Faang Yang only reacted when he noticed the change in Guu Luosi's expression. Guu Luosi did not understand the meaning of guerilla warfare. He immediately said, "Do you know the H & R tactic?"    


"It's time!"    


"Attack once, and move to another place!"    


"Oh, so it's like that!"    


Guu Luosi came to a realization, clapped his hands and said, "Not bad, this tactic is not bad! We have few people. After we leave, we can find a place to hide. They won't be able to find us at all!"    


"But we can quickly change our position and attack, making them tired of dealing with us!"    


"Faang Yang, you are indeed powerful!"    


After understanding this tactic, Guu Luosi looked at Faang Yang with admiration.    


Lu Lingyu could not help but laugh proudly and looked at Faang Yang from the side with a smile.    


Although she did not understand what the H & R tactic was, she could see that Guu Luosi had been subdued by Faang Yang!    


"The surrounding cities are all part of Dark Wing. We can attack quickly, disrupt their line of sight, and then gather in QCity! "    


Faang Yang pointed at the map and said, "QCity is relatively remote and close to South America. If something really happens, we can leave as soon as possible.Edited by: Lifer, Fingerfox Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio"    




Guu Luosi looked at the map for a moment and nodded with a smile. "I will listen to you."    


"Swish, swish, swish!"    


At this moment, the rest of the people from the Dark Council rushed over with unsatisfied expressions.    


Faang Yang turned his head and saw that the area where those people from the Dark Wing were at had become hell on earth. It was an extremely bloody and cruel place.    


This made Faang Yang feel disgusted, but since he didn't have much relationship with the Dark Council, he didn't say anything. He continued, "Guu Luosi, do you need some time to rest?"    


"Of course I do."    


Guu Luosi said helplessly, "We haven't rested for a few days."    




Faang Yang nodded and said, "Let's take a break in batches. We will discuss the specific plan."    




Guu Luosi nodded, then turned around and instructed the others.    


Everyone knew that this was the time for them to escape, so they did not resist Guu Luosi's words at all. They had a clear division of labor. They looked out for the wind, went out to collect food, and rested.    


After instructing all of this, Guu Luosi, Faang Yang, and Lu Lingyu went to a hidden place and continued to communicate with each other.    


"Faang Yang, do you know the strength of these cities?"    


Guu Luosi asked curiously. He had never been here before, so he didn't know anything about it.    




Faang Yang pointed at the map and said, "This is a small city. In this city, the experts of those families are mostly Profound Rank or Earth Grade."    


"Even if there is a Heaven Rank Expert, they are all rogue cultivators. It's very easy to deal with them."    


"There are a total of five cities. Besides the places where the two of us went, the other cities will be equipped with three Heaven Rank Experts each."    


"They are all rogue cultivators. It's indeed easy to deal with them."    


Guu Luosi raised his eyebrows and said, "What are we going to do? Kill them all?"    




Faang Yang shook his head. "If we want to occupy a certain area, we have to kill them all. But now, we are not strong enough. We cannot kill them. "    


"If not, after the news is spread out, the people of the other cities will fight to the death if they meet us again!"    


"At that time, if we want to take root, it will be very difficult. They will reject us! "    


"Then we'll injure them?"    


Guu Luosi frowned slightly.    


"That won't do."    


Faang Yang said, "Kill half, leave half!"    


"The higher ups can kill a little more, and ordinary people should be killed less."    


"This way, they will help us send a message to the Dark Council, and ordinary people won't resist us."    


"If we want to take root here in the future, the managers of those families will definitely oppose us. It doesn't matter whether we kill them or not, but those ordinary people are different. If we are friendly to them, even if they rebel... Go and welcome us!"    


"Alright, in a moment, I will give the order."    


Guu Luosi sighed and said, "I have really committed a grave crime! I have actually gotten myself into such a situation, and I still want to rob other people's territory! "    


"Once the Dark Wing is eliminated, the entire west will belong to you and the Bright Church!"    


Faang Yang said with a smile, "What are you worried about? You should prepare to deal with the Dark Wing."    


"If the Dark Wing is not destroyed, you will not have the chance to turn the tables!"    


After saying that, Faang Yang and Guu Luosi confirmed some more things, and Guu Luosi went to rest.    


For the past few months, he had been in an extremely nervous state all the time. He was already very tired, and urgently needed to rest!    


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