Super Golden Eye

C2513 Anger

C2513 Anger

Faang Yang ran into the room like a madman. When he entered the room, his heart skipped a beat, and his eyes became bloodshot.    


Chen Mo and Lee Anqi were lying on the bed. Their breathing was very weak and they would moan in pain from time to time.    


Faang Yang walked to the bed with difficulty and reached out his hand to gently stroke Chen Mo and Lee Anqi's cheeks.    


Chiang Huatian and the others saw Faang Yang's actions. Their noses were sore, and their eyes were red as they lowered their heads.    


"Faang Yang!"    


Moon Shadow called out to Faang Yang, and the words that were about to come out of her mouth were comforting words. When she saw Faang Yang's bloodshot eyes and ferocious face, she finally let out a sigh.    


"Faang Yang, we are late..."    


Ouyang Qianqian ran in anxiously. Guo Chao and Zhou Hee followed behind her.    


Faang Yang took a deep breath and closed his eyes. His ferocious face gradually calmed down.    


Everyone's heart was like a clear mirror. Under the seemingly calm surface, there were surging waves.    


"How are their injuries?"    


Faang Yang's voice was soft, so light that it made Ouyang Qianqian and the others nervous.    


"Listen to me first. Evil Spirit Hall will attack this time..."    


"How are their injuries?" Faang Yang interrupted Yue Ying's words and repeated it once more.    


Yue Ying opened her mouth and let out a sigh.    


Faang Yang's eyes fell upon Chiang Huatian, and his face was calm.    


Chiang Huatian's facial expression changed. Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Faang Yang, it was our fault. We didn't protect him well..."    


"Tell me about their injuries!"    


"The two of them were hit in the chest by an elder of Evil Spirit Hall. Their internal organs were shifted, and a murderous aura attacked their bodies. It's possible that... they won't be able to live! "    


Even though Faang Yang was calm, his body swayed a little when he heard this.    


"Faang Yang..."    


Moon Shadow hurriedly supported Faang Yang.    


Faang Yang waved his hand and sat down on the chair.    


"Is there any possibility of saving them?"    


Chiang Huatian sighed and turned his head to the side.    


There was nothing they could do.    


Moon Shadow also became silent.    


His internal organs had shifted. This injury was too severe.    


If it wasn't for Chiang Huatian and the others using their true qi to keep Chen Mo and Lee Anqi alive, the two of them would have died a long time ago.    


The room became quiet, only Chen Mo and Lee Anqi's painful groans could be heard.    


Faang Yang looked at them.    


At this moment, Faang Yang's phone rang.    


Faang Yang looked at it and was about to hang up when he seemed to have thought of something. He picked up the phone. "Senior Yue Ling, how is it?"    


Yue Ling felt strange about Faang Yang's tone, but he did not think much about it. He said truthfully, "Just as you guessed, the mutation of those ordinary people is indeed related to drugs!"    


Killing intent appeared in Faang Yang's eyes. "Okay, I got it!"    


After hanging up the phone, Faang Yang looked at Chiang Huatian.    


Chiang Huatian stood up straight. "Faang Yang, we did not protect Miss Chen and Miss Li well. If you have any instructions, just say it. No matter where we go, we will do our best to complete it!"    


"I know a Sect. Their medical skills are very strong. If we let them help, Miss Chen and Miss Li should be fine." Guo Chao saw that Faang Yang did not say anything. He sighed. This was the first time he saw Faang Yang like this.    


Helplessness, anger!    


She wanted to kill, but she could not catch the murderer.    


He wanted to save her, but there was nothing he could do.    


Hearing this, Faang Yang suddenly stood up.    


The chair he had just sat on had turned into powder!    


Everyone looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.    


Faang Yang's heart was filled with waves.    


He couldn't even control his true qi?    


Faang Yang's eyes turned red. "What Sect?"    


"Hundred Herb Pavilion!" Guo Chao paused for a second and continued," The Hundred Herb Pavilion doesn't have a good impression of the Hidden Sect. Besides, the people of the Sect have very strange tempers. Saving a life depended entirely on one's preferences! If they go and find us, they will definitely not save us. "    


Faang Yang laughed. His laughter was very terrifying, and it was filled with hostility.    


" Give them whatever they want! "    


After saying that, Faang Yang looked at Chen Mo and Lee Anqi and left without looking back.    


When he passed by the door frame, it suddenly exploded.    


Everyone took a deep breath!    


The expressions of Yue Ying and the others changed.    


"Ouyang Qianqian, quickly follow him, don't let Faang Yang do anything stupid!" Yue Ying hurriedly ordered.    


Ouyang Qianqian smiled bitterly. "It's not like you didn't see his condition just now. If anyone dares to stop him from doing anything now, he will even want to kill."    




Ouyang Qianqian interrupted her words, "There are no buts. You also saw it just now. Now Chen Mo and Lee Anqi are in danger. It would be good if he could remain calm." After a pause, Ouyang Qianqian continued, "As Faang Yang's friend, we can only support him with all our strength. Accompany him to Hundred Herbs Sect. After all, it is different from the past. We are about to launch an attack on Evil Spirit Hall. When we are in need of manpower, it would be best if we can use this opportunity to restore our relationship with Hundred Herbs Sect. "    


After saying that, Ouyang Qianqian instructed Zhou Hee, "Immediately return to the Heavenly Sea Sect and gather the Elite Team. All of them will head to the Hundred Herb Pavilion and prepare for battle!"    


Ouyang Qianqian and the others were very familiar with the matters of the Hundred Herb Pavilion.    


Previously, they didn't mention anything about the Hundred Herb Pavilion, but they knew that the Hundred Herb Pavilion wouldn't help the Hidden Sect.    


Speaking of this, it was still a very long time ago.    


In the past, the Hundred Herb Pavilion was also a part of the Hidden Sect. Although the Hundred Herb Pavilion didn't have a strong combat strength, they were very good at curing diseases and concocting pills.    


Later on, no one knew what happened, but the Hundred Herb Pavilion had cut off all contact with the Hidden Sect. They didn't even give the Medicine Pill to the Hidden Sect.    


Just like the previous gathering of the Hidden Sect, the Hundred Herb Pavilion didn't participate in it!    




Zhou Hee nodded, turned around, and walked out.    


Although he did not like Faang Yang before, he thought that Faang Yang was able to become the leader out of luck.    


But now, seeing that Faang Yang was willing to sacrifice everything for his woman, they somewhat admitted to Faang Yang.    


He was a genius of Sect, and his bones were filled with pride.    


Although what Faang Yang was about to do was reckless and foolish, they were all young men, and the blood of young men was hot!    


His woman's life was still unknown. If she hadn't done anything yet, could she still be considered a man?    


If he didn't take revenge and said that he was thinking about the bigger picture, could he still be considered a man?    


Faang Yang's bloodthirsty words made them think that Faang Yang was a man!    


Only by not being restricted by the rules would he be qualified to lead my people.    


Guo Chao and Zhou Hee thought so in their hearts, so they did not reject Ouyang Qianqian's orders at all.    


In their hearts, they even thought that it would be best for Hundred Herb Pavilion to reject Faang Yang. This way, they would be able to cause a huge ruckus.    


As for the Evil Spirit Hall, these geniuses didn't even put them in their eyes.    


In their hearts, as long as the Evil Spirit Hall dared to show up, they would be sent flying with a slap!    




Although the Hundred Herb Pavilion was also part of the Hidden Sect, they were very active in the secular world.    


Almost all of the pharmacies in the secular world had the shadow of the Hundred Herb Pavilion.    


It could be said that the Hundred Herb Pavilion had the biggest business in the secular world.    


"Leader Faang, something is wrong!" Guo Chao's expression became serious.    


The air was filled with the smell of blood. Even the flowers and plants on the mountain were broken and dead!    


Although it was not as messy as the Sacred Plateau, there were still traces of fighting.    


A bad feeling emerged in Faang Yang's heart. He did not care about the life and death of Hundred Herb Pavilion. Right now, he only cared about the life and death of Chen Mo and Lee Anqi.    


"Charge in!"    


Faang Yang was the first to run in front of them.    


Guo Chao followed closely behind.    


Just as they entered, Ouyang Qianqian and the others jumped down from the helicopter. When they saw the scene below, their expressions changed drastically.    


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