Super Golden Eye

C617 New Base

C617 New Base

Chu Bingqing was a little surprised, "There are still people in Imperial Capital who dare to find a house for you? No wonder you asked us to pack our things when we came out. I thought you wanted us to live at the construction site. "    


Faang Yang naturally would not tell anyone about Liu Fei. He pretended to be mysterious and said, "I have my own plan. You will know in the future. I am very capable!    


If I let two beautiful girls live in the temporary building of the construction site, I will be scolded to death. "    


Chu Bingqing obviously did not believe him. "Tsk ~ ~ You can only fool a little girl like Lu Wei! If she really is that powerful, why would she need to transfer Construction Team from Jiangbei?"    


"Uh ~ That is called fertilizer that does not fall into the fields of outsiders. We're almost there. The environment is pretty good." Faang Yang laughed and changed the topic. Soon, the car stopped in front of a villa.    


Although it was not as good as the one Lu Wei bought in the sky garden, it was still a pretty good house. Faang Yang took out the key and opened the door.    


"Please come in. I will move everything over in a while. In a very long time, this place will be our base."    


Chu Bingqing looked around. The entire villa had three floors, about 400 square meters. The first floor was the kitchen, the dining room, and the second floor was a master bedroom and three guest rooms. The third floor was the activity room and the study room.    


Chu Bingqing sensibly made way for the master bedroom and chose the innermost bedroom. The three of them did not have much stuff. After a simple tidying up, they all returned to the hall on the first floor.    


Faang Yang suggested, "Since we are going to stay here in the future, shouldn't we work together? Although it is convenient to eat outside, I feel like there is something missing."    


"Less taste? Can you make the taste of a hotel at home? Wang Yao asked." Chu Bingqing really did not know why Faang Yang had so many evil ideas. "Running for a day is already tiring enough. Who still has the mood to cook?"    


"We can't make the taste of a hotel at home, but eating in a hotel, we can't eat the taste of becoming a monk!" Lu Wei finally found the reason.    


Faang Yang agreed. "That's right! Although we can't make our own food at home every day, today is the first time we checked in. We must eat at home.    


Since Bingqing is tired, then you can rest at home. Lu Wei and I will go and buy some food before coming back."    


Chu Bingqing said," You guys come back quickly and don't walk too far. "    


Faang Yang said, "I have already seen it. There is a supermarket outside and it will not take long."    


Lu Wei was also very tired, but when she thought about being alone with Faang Yang, she immediately became energetic. She hung herself on Faang Yang's body and went to the supermarket to buy things.    


Faang Yang did not want to cause too much trouble. He bought three steaks, a fresh bass, and some fresh vegetables, fruits, and milk drinks. He bought some daily necessities before heading back.    


Chu Bingqing looked at the bag on Faang Yang's body and was a little speechless. "What time is it? Are you going to let us have supper?"    


Faang Yang looked at the time. It was almost six o'clock. "It will not take long. There will definitely be dinner before seven o'clock! You two go wash up first. I will call you when the meal is ready. "    


Lu Wei felt a little heartache for Faang Yang. "Why don't I help you? The two of them will always be faster."    


Faang Yang said, "What is it? Feeling heartache? It's only a few dishes, there's no problem. You've also been tired for the whole day. Hurry up and go wash up. Otherwise, it'll stink so bad that it won't smell good."    


Chu Bingqing almost had goosebumps all over the floor when she heard this. She rubbed the nitrogen hard." Hey, the two of you don't need to be so lovey-dovey, okay? Don't forget that there is still a poor single dog here. Please torture him lightly! "    


Lu Wei ran over with a smile and hugged Chu Bingqing, saying, "Hehe, Ms Bingqing. Why don't I give half of Faang Yang to you?"    


Chu Bingqing's face was slightly red and she lightly snorted. "Hmph, who cares!? Only you treat him as a treasure! I'm going to go take a shower. You guys slowly show off."    


" Ms Bingqing, wait for me! " Lu Wei was now even more lively than before.    


Faang Yang carried big and small bags into the kitchen. He swiftly killed the fish and pickled it with salt, pepper, and seasoning wine. The steak was unfrozen and the vegetables were washed.    


Although Liu Fei's villa was not used to support Little Brother Mo, it still had a lot of things.    


He first boiled some water and used it to boil the vegetable heart, spinach, and vanilla water to cool it down. Then, he boiled the water and added some green onion slices to the pickled bass's belly. He then added some ginger slices to it and steamed it.    


At the same time, Faang Yang took out a frying pan and fried the frozen steak. The steaks he bought were all half-finished, so they were very cooked.    


Very quickly, three steaks were fried and the sauce bag he brought was boiled. He sprinkled it on top and a dish came out of the frying pan.    


Then, he picked out the ginger slices from the steamed bass's body and the green onion slices in its stomach. He poured soy sauce on it and covered it with green onion slices, ginger slices, and chili slices. He boiled some hot oil and sprinkled some seasoning on it. The steamed bass was also ready.    


The remaining two braised spinach and mushroom vegetable hearts were even faster. He also made another seaweed egg soup. Sure enough, at 6: 37 PM, Faang Yang made four dishes and one soup. He stood below and shouted, "Two great beauties, come down for dinner!"    


He did not expect Faang Yang to really be able to make four dishes and one soup in such a short period of time. Moreover, the color, fragrance, and taste were all there. It was not much worse than the hotel's.    


Chu Bingqing asked in surprise, "This was really made by you? Don't tell me you ordered take-out?"    


Faang Yang said, "How could I!? When I first started working, I didn't earn much. If I wanted to eat well, of course I couldn't afford to go to the hotel. I could only buy ingredients and cook them myself according to the menu online. "    


Lu Wei knew that Faang Yang cooked good food. She impatiently picked up a piece of fish meat and stuffed it into her mouth. "It's delicious. I like eating fish the most."    


Chu Bingqing was also a little hungry. She tasted a mouthful of the vegetable heart, which was crisp and delicious. Immediately, she didn't care about anything else and also started to eat.    


After a meal, Chu Bingqing and Lu Wei sat on the chairs and were unwilling to move. Faang Yang said helplessly, "You guys are not going to do that, right? Why do you look like refugees?"    


Lu Wei said softly, "It has been a long time since I have eaten such good food at home! Don't talk to me. I am afraid that if I talk too much, I will vomit out the food I eat. "    


These words made Faang Yang speechless! Other than Lu Wei, there was probably no one else who could eat him like this.    


Chu Bingqing was still a little better, "Let me help you pack your things."    


Faang Yang said, "Rest for a while first. There's no hurry. Anyway, there were no outsiders. Oh right, how's the recruitment for the company going? "    


When it came to the company's matters, Chu Bingqing started to worry again." There is no progress at all. No one will give us a chance to promote it. "    


Faang Yang also said fiercely, "If it really doesn't work, let Miao Yu recruit people from the East Sea and transfer them over here! I don't believe this! "    


Chu Bingqing quickly advised, "Faang Yang, don't be rash. The matter is not that simple. Recruiting people from the East Sea is a good move, but with so many people coming, where are you going to arrange food and lodging?    


Even we found a place with great difficulty to settle down, how many more houses can you find to settle the employees?"    


Faang Yang spread out his hands." Then what should we do? Do we have a solution just by sitting here and staring at each other? "    


Chu Bingqing said, "Of course not. I was thinking whether I could start from the root. I am thinking of a way to resolve the conflict.    


Since we have decided to develop in Imperial Capital, then it won't be a matter of one or two days. We haven't even started our business yet, but we have already made such a powerful enemy for ourselves. Is it appropriate?"    


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