Super Golden Eye

C1986 Trust

C1986 Trust

Great Commander endured the pain and ignored the Dragon Scale Sword. He threw a punch at Howling Moon with his right hand.    




How could Howling Moon be his match? He was immediately smashed up by the punch. His skin was torn apart by the violent Spirit Power, and blood instantly flew everywhere.    


"Not good, Howling Moon!"    


Faang Yang was startled. He hurriedly ran towards Howling Moon. He only heaved a sigh of relief after realizing that Howling Moon had only suffered some superficial injuries.    


Great Commander's eyes were filled with greed when he saw the blood. He quickly pulled the blood into his hand and a Silver Bottle appeared in his hand. He caught the blood that was dripping down.    


"Not good, his target is Howling Moon's blood!"    


At this time, Luh Ping and the others were furious. They suddenly jumped up and attacked Great Commander together.    


"All of you can continue to play here! Hahaha, I'll go first!"    


Amidst the laughter, Great Commander endured the pain, twisted his body, and quickly rushed forward.    


At the same time, he crushed a ball with his left hand. In the next moment, a blue barrier appeared between him, Faang Yang, and the others.    




The blue barrier appeared, and lightning appeared, flashing endlessly.    


"Not good, everyone be careful!"    


Faang Yang hurriedly stopped his charge and turned his head to look. He saw that on the other side, there was also the Thunder Light barrier.    


"Damn it, this is a formation! Everyone, be careful. Stay together. "    


Faang Yang shouted softly, and then everyone quickly gathered together.    


"Hu, that fellow actually managed to escape!"    


Luh Ping frowned slightly. He felt rather regretful in his heart. If he had known earlier, he would have attacked directly.    


With his strength, no matter how strong that guy was, he wouldn't be able to overturn the heavens.    


"Cough cough..."    


Chiang Huawen said awkwardly, "This time, it was my mistake."    


"I also didn't expect that he could suddenly unleash such a powerful force. Otherwise, even if he was defeated, I could still injure him!"    


Chiang Huawen felt ashamed in his heart. Before he attacked, he was the one who volunteered to deal with that guy. However, he didn't expect that he would be seriously injured, and that guy would be able to escape from this place.    


What was even more serious was that they were still trapped in the formation.    


"No, that guy is the leader of Holy Clan after all. His strength is beyond ordinary. You can't be blamed for your defeat."    


Luh Ping shook his head and turned his head to look at the formation. His eyes rolled and he looked at Faang Yang and asked, "Faang Yang, can this formation be broken?"    


"Yes, yes, yes."    


Faang Yang nodded slightly and said in a deep voice, "But I have a feeling that there is another strange force behind the lightning."    


"I am worried that after breaking the Thunder Light barrier, the force will explode. If it suddenly erupts, perhaps everyone will be injured. "    


After saying that, Faang Yang couldn't help but sigh.    


If there were only a few people this time, things would be much easier. Luh Ping and the others' strength didn't need to worry too much, but now that there were so many people following them, they had to be careful no matter what they did.    


"Hehe, amazing, truly amazing!"    


Sheng Bing suddenly smiled and said, "This formation is indeed composed of two layers of power. Ordinary people wouldn't be able to sense it, but you can sense it with just a glance. I'm impressed!"    


At this moment, Sheng Bing was completely convinced. Even they had suffered a great loss when they first entered this formation.    


However, this was the first time Faang Yang had entered this formation, and he was able to tell the truth and strangeness of the formation. It was truly frightening.    


"Double force?"    


Faang Yang's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, he thought of the Yin Yang Power, and he couldn't help but blurt out, "Could it be the power of Yang Lightning and Yin Lightning?"    


"You... How do you know?"    


Hearing this, Sheng Bing was shocked. He murmured, "So, that black thing is the legendary Yin Thunder!"    


"As expected!"    


Hearing Sheng Bing's whisper, Faang Yang confirmed his guess and his face turned serious.    


If it was only the Yang Thunder or Yin Thunder, he could still deal with them, but if these two types of lightning appeared at the same time, it would be difficult to deal with them.    


Even if it was the Flash Spirit, it wouldn't be able to absorb the opposite forces of Yin and Yang.    


"What's wrong? This formation is very difficult to break?"    


Luh Ping, Chiang Huawen and the others became nervous when they saw Faang Yang's facial expression.    


"If it was only us, it would be very easy to break it."    


Faang Yang shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly, "It would be very troublesome to break this formation safely."    




Sheng Bing suddenly said, and said, "Don't forget that key!"    




Faang Yang and the others suddenly woke up and looked at Chiang Huawen.    


Chiang Huawen hurriedly took out the key and asked, "Sheng Bing, this key can break the formation?"    


"Of course."    


Sheng Bing nodded and said, "I am a senior executive after all, so I can naturally enter and exit this place safely."    


"The time is short. Even if he wants to change the formation in Holy Abyss, he won't have the chance. With this key, we'll be able to travel smoothly from here to the core area!"    


Hearing this, Faang Yang and the others immediately became wild with joy.    


"Faang Yang, I'll give you the key."    


Chiang Huawen threw the key to Faang Yang. He had been injured earlier, so it was not suitable for him to be the vanguard anymore. If he encountered any danger, it would be troublesome.    


Receiving the key, Faang Yang caressed Howling Moon. After making sure that Howling Moon was not seriously injured, he led the group towards the Thunder Light barrier.    


Just as they were about to reach the Thunder Light barrier, Faang Yang raised the key in his hand. In an instant, the jade key emitted an invisible wave.    


The wave of energy was extremely strange as it passed through the Thunder Light barrier.    




The next moment, the Thunder Light barrier suddenly disappeared. Faang Yang looked up and saw a flash of black thunder clouds.    


The Thunder Light disappeared, and the tunnel appeared in everyone's line of sight once again.    


Faang Yang hesitated for a moment, then threw the key to Sheng Bing.    




Sheng Bing took the key and froze on the spot. His face was full of shock. "Give me the key?"    


"You are familiar with this place."    


Faang Yang said in a deep voice, "I will give you a chance. If you take us to the core area, after we reach the place, I can let you live. As long as you leave this place."    


"If you run away without permission..."    


Faang Yang didn't say anything, but the killing intent in his words made Sheng Bing shiver.    


"Master, I understand!"    


Sheng Bing held the key tightly with both hands. He made up his mind that he would rather die in the formation than run away.    


At first, he still had the thought of running away, but after Faang Yang said those words, he immediately felt endless killing intent in his heart.    


Although he wasn't very strong, his sixth sense was quite sensitive. Therefore, he chose to believe in his own feelings.    


"Faang Yang, this is a bit inappropriate."    


Chiang Huawen, Chiang Bochu and the others frowned slightly. They did not agree with Faang Yang's actions.    


Hearing this, Sheng Bing's face darkened, and he immediately felt relieved. After all, he was a member of the Holy Clan. It was normal for Chiang Bochu and the others to not believe him.    


"What's wrong?"    


Faang Yang asked back, "Among you, who is more familiar with this place than him?"    


"Who is confident that they can bring us safely to the core area?"    


"If you are not confident, then shut up!"    


In an instant, Chiang Bochu and the others had gloomy expressions.    


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