Super Golden Eye

C2013 I Want You

C2013 I Want You

"Not ill?"    


Lu Lingyu opened her mouth slightly and said in surprise, "How could it be? But the others all say that I am sick! There are also many doctors who prescribe me a lot of medicine. It is very hard to drink!"    


Speaking up to this point, Lu Lingyu stuck out her tongue.    


"You are really not sick. It is just that your body is too weak."    


Faang Yang shook his head slightly. He could feel that there was a powerful force in Lu Lingyu's body. The reason why her body was weak and weak was because her body was unable to withstand that force.    


This made Faang Yang very surprised. Why did Lu Lingyu's family not let her try to cultivate? As long as her body was strong enough, she could withstand that force.    


She could even control that special force and become a powerful person.    


But this was after all another family's matter, so Faang Yang didn't have much to say.    


Along the way, Lu Lingyu started a topic several times, but Faang Yang did not cooperate. Lu Lingyu was so angry that she gritted her teeth.    


However, after walking for half an hour, they still did not reach Lu Lingyu's home. Faang Yang could not help but glance at Lu Lingyu.    


Sensing this, Lu Lingyu's face was slightly red. She whispered, "I haven't been back for a long time. I forgot the road."    




Faang Yang nodded slightly and said, "I will be leaving in an hour."    


"Ah, where are you going?"    


Lu Lingyu exclaimed.    


"Of course I'm going to earn money."    


Faang Yang shrugged his shoulders. In the DLD area, although the Lu family had the largest casino business, they did not have a monopoly.    


Now that they had offended the Luce family, they naturally had to go to the casino of the Kolby family and provoke them.    


As long as the Luce family and the Kolby family were in chaos, the attention of the Dark Wing would be attracted. At that time, no one would notice the shift of the Bright Church.    


"Make money?"    


Lu Lingyu pouted and suddenly said, "How about you play with me for a while and I will give you your salary?"    


"Sorry, you can't give me the salary I want!"    


Faang Yang glanced at Lu Lingyu.    


"How could that be?"    


Lu Lingyu waved her fist. "In this DLD, my dad said he was the second richest man, so no one dared to say he was the first! I don't believe that I can't even afford your salary! "    


Hearing this, Faang Yang could not help but feel helpless. It was not his fault for being handsome. Why did you insist on pestering me?    


"Hmph, tell me, how much do you want?"    


Lu Lingyu said with a smile, "Don't worry. I will not have any excessive requests!"    


"If you continue to take me around, I will leave."    


Faang Yang did not answer Lu Lingyu's question. He changed the topic. "You look so happy. It seems that you have recovered. I will be fine if I am not around."    




Lu Lingyu stuck out her tongue and pouted. "I will not be out for a long time after I return home. I just want to stay a little longer..."    


"Alright, then let's go home first!"    


Speaking up to this point, Lu Lingyu suddenly thought of something and her face suddenly turned slightly red.    


... ""    


When Faang Yang heard Lu Lingyu's words, he could not bear to let her go back earlier and took the initiative to slow down.    


Realizing this, Lu Lingyu smiled brightly.    


After walking for more than an hour and walking around more than half of DVD City, Lu Lingyu felt tired and made a call.    


Not long after, a luxury car rushed over.    


Faang Yang helplessly looked at Lu Lingyu. It turned out that Lu Lingyu wanted to go home. One phone call was enough!    


"Alright, since someone came to pick you up, I won't send you off!"    


Faang Yang waved his hand and was about to turn around when his arm was pulled by Lu Lingyu.    


Instantly, Faang Yang became depressed. You belong to the monkey category, right? Your body is weak, but you are still so agile. You directly pulled your arm.    


Faang Yang did not dare to use force to break free. What if he hurt Lu Lingyu?    


"Faang Yang, you have helped me so much this time. No matter what, I have to go home and have a cup of tea before leaving!"    


Lu Lingyu pouted and said, "Besides, I offended Aerqi just now. What if he finds someone to stop me?"    


"Our family does not have that many Martial Artists!"    


"You are a good man to the end. Send me home, okay?"    


As she spoke, Lu Lingyu shook Faang Yang's arm. A soft feeling immediately passed through Faang Yang's heart.    


"Okay, let's go back together!"    


Faang Yang hurriedly pressed on Lu Lingyu's shoulder and said helplessly, "Don't shake it anymore!"    




Lu Lingyu revealed a victorious smile.    


After getting into the car, Lu Lingyu sat beside Faang Yang. She looked at Faang Yang carefully and suddenly asked, "Brother Fang Yang, are you a student, or are you working?"    


Ever since he started cultivating, Faang Yang's essence, energy, and spirit had been greatly revitalized. He looked very young.    


However, the temperament on his body did not seem like a student, so Lu Lingyu was curious.    


"I am a jobless wanderer..."    


Faang Yang did not want to talk too much with Lu Lingyu, so as to avoid involving her in this matter. He closed his eyes and closed his eyes to rest, no longer paying attention to Lu Lingyu.    


Seeing this scene, Lu Lingyu was so angry that she gritted her teeth, but there was nothing she could do.    


When the driver in the car saw the two of them like this, he almost laughed out loud.    


Very quickly, the car drove into a luxurious manor and stopped in front of the villa.    


After getting out of the car, Faang Yang looked around and sensed something. He couldn't help but be surprised.    


According to the information in Kunlun Mountain, Lu family was just an ordinary power. Although they had wealth and didn't have many experts, Faang Yang could sense that they had several Earth Rank Experts!    


This kind of strength could be considered extremely powerful in a city!    


"It seems like this Lu family is not that simple!"    


Narrowing his eyes, Faang Yang's mind raced. Since the Lu family also had the strength, should he involve the Lu family in this storm?    


In order to protect the Bright Church, the more chaotic this storm was, the better!    


However, when he thought of the Lu family being dragged into this storm, it would be very difficult for Lu Lingyu to escape, so Faang Yang gave up.    


"Big Brother Fang Yang, how is it? Is my house alright?"    


Lu Lingyu smiled and said, "Now you still doubt whether I can afford to pay?"    


"The salary I want is not money!"    


Faang Yang looked at Lu Lingyu with interest.    


"Ah, Mr. Faang, don't scare me!"    


Lu Lingyu was shocked by Faang Yang's look and quickly took a few steps back.    


"I didn't scare you."    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "If you are willing to marry me, I can always protect you and use everything I have to protect you!"    




Lu Lingyu's cheeks turned red and she hesitated. She did not know what to say.    


Faang Yang smiled and said, "Okay, I have sent you safely. I should leave now."    


After saying that, Faang Yang took the opportunity when Lu Lingyu was stunned to turn around and leave.    


However, it seemed like the heavens did not want Faang Yang to leave. With a buzzing sound of the engine, another luxury car drove over and stopped in front of Faang Yang.    


"Ah, why did mom and dad come back so soon?"    


On the side, Lu Lingyu reacted and covered her mouth. Her face was full of surprise.    


The car door opened and a couple came out.    


The couple seemed to have known about Faang Yang a long time ago. They were not surprised and carefully sized him up.    


"Little brother, thank you for bringing my daughter back this time."    


The man suddenly smiled and said, "Since we are already here, why don't you let me do some hospitality?"    


"This should be your first time coming here. The DLD environment is not bad. Ling Yu can accompany you to take a good look."    


"DLD's gambling city is also one of the best in the world. If it's interesting, I can let Ling Yu take you there to play."    


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