Business Journey in Immortal Tao

C94 Sunken Ship Excavation

C94 Sunken Ship Excavation

All of Li Yun's understanding of octopus came from an online video. It said that octopus was a species with high IQ. It could change its skin color according to the environment and was good at hiding itself.    


He had the ability to think logically, and very soon, he would be able to find his escape route in a bunch of tunnels with complex structures like mazes.    


Although he knew that the director had purposely exaggerated the octopus's fighting strength for the sake of the plot, this octopus in front of him was eight meters long, four to five meters long, thick as a thigh, and had a body like a calf, Li Yun still did not dare to be petty.    


Suddenly, Li Yun thought of Zhuge Liang's analysis in the empty city stratagem. The smarter one was, the easier it was for someone like Sima Yi to fall for it. Because they did not believe in instinct, but more in logic. Even octopus are logical species, and that makes it one of the easy ones to be fooled.    


Therefore, Li Yun pretended not to notice the octopus. It first scouted around the inconsequential area, and when it encountered any obstructions, Li Yun would cut it in half with a sword, especially some pillars, pipes, and handrails. Even though it was a few meters away, Li Yun would still specially go over and cut it in half with a sword.    


Suddenly, Li Yun locked his eyes on the octopus's Divine Sense s and discovered that it had an intention to retreat. The octopus's eight opened tentacles quietly withdrew, and the eight tentacles squeezed together into a fifty-centimeter diameter pipe. The tentacles were gradually becoming thinner, and its body also became flat and long.    


Li Yun secretly rejoiced in his heart. This was the tempo of running away, the octopus's tentacles were already two-thirds of the way into the pipe.    


The opportunity must not be lost, time never comes again. Li Yun immediately used Teleportation to arrive beside the octopus. With a wave of his left hand, he retrieved the big octopus back into the Ring and the abalones as a companion.    


Li Yun looked at where the octopus was, there was a perfect cabin door, probably leading to other rooms. Li Yun went up to the cabin door and tried to turn the wheel, but found it rusted, so he used his flying sword to slice open the cabin door and cut off the hinge that connected the cabin walls.    


After entering the cabin, Li Yun discovered that this was a cabin less than three meters tall, with a surface area of 200 square meters. It was filled with wooden boxes, and on the ground, a wooden box fell to the ground, shattered into pieces.    


Li Yun put away the gold bars on the ground and casually opened another box at the side. It was still filled to the brim with gold bars. Hence, he was too lazy to open all the boxes, he used the Ring s to store all the boxes. Once again, he released the Divine Sense s to check and found that there were two cabins on both sides of the cabin, each of which were about the same size and filled with boxes.    


Li Yun immediately stopped searching for the entrance, directly using his sword to break open the walls and putting away all the boxes. With so much gold, Li Yun understood that this ship must have been a Sun Kou's precious ship during the Second World War.    


Back in the South Pacific, Raikou had ruthlessly plundered a lot of gold and silver. Li Yun absolutely did not believe that a 5,000-ton cargo ship could sail with just over 3,000 tons of gold. With Japan's economy at that time, sailing like this was a crime.    


Thinking about this, Li Yun decided to leave the ship. At this depth of 1000 meters, he wasn't worried about anyone discovering the sunken ship. Li Yun had a lot of time to search for treasure, so he had to rush back and eat lunch with Natasha.    


Halfway through, he even killed a shark that was nearly two meters long. When Li Yun returned to the villa, Xiang was in the middle of making arrangements for the dishes to be served in the kitchen when Li Yun said hello to Natasha who was carrying the Leo and went to the bathroom. After going to the sea, she always felt that it would be better to wash it with water.    


After dinner, Li Yun gave the two low-rank Ring s that contained all kinds of seafood to Xiang and said to Natasha: "I will take the Leo to the mountain to help it level up. You can cultivate inside the villa."    


He carried the Leo all the way to the top of the mountain by himself, not allowing anyone to get close to it. Li Yun wanted to test if the Immortal Body and Immortal blood were indeed useful for spirit beasts to advance, so Li Yun first used the Divine Sense to check out the entire body of the Leo.    


The current Leo was around seventy centimeters long and fifty centimeters tall. When it weighed twenty kilograms, Li Yun had just carried it with him and still belonged to the underage lion cub. It had already entered the ranks of second grade spirit beasts and its cultivation speed was extremely fast.    


Li Yun took out a porcelain pot and poured out half a basin of golden immortal blood. Looking at the Leo, he happily licked it clean as the Divine Sense entered the Leo's body, discovering that the strand of immortal blood had turned into a wave of incomparably surging Spiritual Energy, washing away the Leo's meridians and flesh. Li Yun had never seen this kind of Spiritual Energy before.    


Surging but gentle, strong and long, under the constant rush of the Spiritual Energy, the Leo's meridians were widened to the thickness of chopsticks, and its body became firmer and more explosive.    


Even the blood of the Leo began to gradually seep into his veins with a hint of gold. Li Yun took out the Immortal's arm again and threw it over to the Leo, which quickly bit it into pieces and swallowed it. Then, it laid down on the ground and started to sleep.    


Li Yun's Divine Sense continued to observe, and realized that the Leo's breathing carried a strange sense of rhythm. The immortal's arm that was eaten by the Leo had also transformed into a golden Spiritual Energy, and as the Leo inhaled, it slowly fused into the Leo's body.    


The Leo's body was gradually growing at a rate visible to the naked eye, and its level had also entered the third grade. By the time the immortal's arm was completely digested, the Leo had already turned into a huge lion with a height of 80 centimeters and a length of 1.5 meters.    


He had already entered the tier of fourth grade spirit beasts. The powerful effect was within Li Yun's expectations, but it was beyond Li Yun's expectations. If a single Immortal arm had such a miraculous effect, then what about the entire Immortal Realm?    


With that in mind, Li Yun arrived at the northern side of the mountain. He used his flying sword to dig a cave with a height of two meters and a depth of five meters, placing the body of the immortal at the bottom of the cave. Based on the way Earth thought, this matter was too evil, so Li Yun didn't want Natasha to know, lest it cause unnecessary trouble.    


Li Yun called out to the Leo and sternly said to it: "You stay here and cultivate yourself. Without my permission, you are not allowed to go down the mountain. I will come visit you regularly."    


The Leo seemed to understand and whimpered a few times. It laid down on the ground and looked at Li Yun with a fawning expression, its tail wagging frantically, as if to say: "Did I do the right thing? Hurry and praise me, praise me! "    


Li Yun nodded his head, "That's right, you are very smart. In seven days, finish eating up that thing. Don't leave anything behind. Do you understand?" Li Yun pointed at the Immortal's fleshly body.    


The Leo immediately walked to the deity's side, took a bite, then turned to look at Li Yun, its tail swaying left and right.    


Li Yun nodded, "Very good, train hard, I'm going."    




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