Strongest Guard

C315 The Forgotten Man

C315 The Forgotten Man

No one is allowed to let that person go without my permission.    


Four days ago, when the two policemen brought Lee Nanfang to the police station, they received an urgent notice asking him to go to the province to assist in an important investigation. They immediately left and bought him a plane ticket.    


As soon as Lee Nanfang left the station, a good thing happened to the two policemen in the station. They both took part in the closed training of the cadres at the base level. During the closed training, outsiders were not allowed to be seen and communication tools were taken away.    


Just like that, the three people who had handled Lee Nanfang's matter left the unit for various reasons. No one mentioned him. Even when they thought of him, they would think that someone else had taken over.    


As for Lee Nanfang's temporarily confiscated phone and other things, they were all locked in the cabinet by the police. Not long after, there was no electricity and the computer automatically shut down.    


Detention cells for dishonest people in the police station, in the southernmost corner of the station, next to the garbage dump, had been abandoned because of the smell and had not been used for nearly two years.    


If Director Cheng hadn't hinted at this, he wouldn't have locked him up here and wanted to give that guy a hard time.    


It was a forgotten corner.    


Actually, if Lee Nanfang was awake, all he had to do was knock on the door and shout loudly for someone to come in. The other policemen could still hear him.    


But who would have thought that not long after Lee Nanfang was locked up, he actually slowly entered the mask's state. He did not make a sound nor move, it was as if he became one with the mildewed cell.    


Forgotten corners, forgotten people.    


This morning, the Institute successfully completed its mission and returned to the Qingshan City from the other provinces.    


He went out to establish a meritorious service for a while, but when he returned, he didn't think of this matter. It was only when Director Cheng called him to ask him about it-- What, that person from West Branch, Unit 10, Yanshan District # 3? Director Cheng, who are you talking about?    


After being stunned for a moment, he suddenly recalled that on the day before he left, he did send two of his men down to the Yanshan District to apprehend such a person and lock him up in the detention room.    


"Could it be that during the two days I've been gone, that guy has been locked up?"    


Yu quickly summoned the two policemen in charge of the case, but learned that they had already gone to closed training two days ago and that no one could contact them now.    


"Then, what about the person who was arrested two days ago?"    


Yu asked again.    


The policeman was at a loss and asked, "What kind of person are you? We don't know."    


Fuck, could it be that that person is still in the detention cell?    


That's not right. If he was still here, how could the people in the station not know about it?    


The Yu Clan finally realized that something was wrong. They no longer cared about anything else as they immediately ran towards the detention cell and shouted for people to open the door.    


The door opened and everyone saw Lee Nanfang, who was curled up in a corner of the cell.    


F * ck, there was actually someone locked in here!?    


The few policemen that accompanied them were all taken aback. How could we not know?    


Yu Li's body swayed and almost fell to the ground. He turned his head and shouted, "In the four days I was gone, didn't any of you know that a person was being held in here?"    


Everyone shook their heads, saying they didn't know and that no one had told us.    


No one knew that someone was being held in a holding cell, but he was here all the time, which meant that he hadn't eaten or drank for four days.    


Yu Hui was so scared that he did not have time to ask any further questions and hurriedly rushed inside.    


The other policemen also noticed that something was wrong and ran in after him to help carry out Lee Nanfang, who was in a deep coma.    


"Ambulance, call the ambulance!"    


Yu Wei was scared to the point that he almost went crazy. His howls had changed, and there was a thick sense of fear in them.    


On the orders of Director Cheng, he ordered someone to detain Lee Nanfang in the detention center for twenty-four hours on the charges of 'not knowing his place'. After knocking on the door for a while, he told him to scram.    


However, the bureau did not intend to lock Lee Nanfang up for four days in a row. Neither did they expect that in the four days after he left, no one knew that there was a person locked up here.    


Looking at Lee Nanfang's defeated face and the way he seemed to be on the verge of death, he even felt like committing suicide.    


If anything happened to Lee Nanfang, he would be stripped of his position. The key point was that he would be severely punished for not taking human life seriously. It was certain that he would be sent to jail.    


After that, the Yu Clan immediately sent someone to the Yanshan District to inform his family.    


The police officer heading to the Yanshan District quickly called back and said that the owner named Lee Nanfang was only a tenant. He was renting a house here on his own, and there was no one at home.    


"F * ck, f * ck, then what about his phone?"    


"Can anyone tell me where his cell phone is?"    


Everyone answered in unison, "I don't know, we've never seen him before. This is done by you and Little Zheng. They went to attend the closed training and will be back in a few days."    


"Hurry up, open the cabinets of Little Zheng and the others and check if they have his phone!"    


Under the roar of Yu Di, Lee Nanfang's phone was found in Zheng's cabinet, but it ran out of battery.    


"Charge immediately! Are you still waiting for a dried bird?"    


"Elder Yu, the cellphone is in arrears …"    


The civilian police officer who has been charged up shall report to the station.    


"Damn it, give him the phone bill. Do you need me to teach you this?"    


Director Cheng, who had felt bad after receiving the news, also rushed over when he was screaming with a pale face.    


When such a strange thing happened, Director Cheng was even more terrified than the clawed Yu Dai. He was the one who called the station and arrested Lee Nanfang.    


What did Lee Nanfang do?    


How could Director Cheng know? He had just received a call request from Director Loong of the Bureau of Insolence, and would have to trouble him to teach a certain owner of the Yanshan region a lesson.    


To help Director Loong teach a nobody a lesson was as easy as flipping his hand to Director Cheng. He forgot about this matter as soon as he gave the order, because he believed that he would be able to handle this matter beautifully. Who would have thought that things would go this far?    


If Lee Nanfang really died, not only would he be imprisoned, but Director Cheng would also have to pay a heavy price.    


This matter must not be exposed!    


The scheming Director Cheng immediately made a decision. He snatched the cellphone from the policeman's hands and personally held it. He sternly ordered: "No one is allowed to spread this news. The most important task right now is to save him as much as possible."    


As long as Lee Nanfang was saved, the responsibility of the big boss would be reduced by half. Talk to him again and try to agree to his request for compensation.    


No one dared to listen to Director Cheng's orders, because everyone knew clearly that if Lee Nanfang really died, none of them would be able to escape and they would all be held responsible.    


Thus, Lee Nanfang was secretly sent to the Central Hospital's intensive care unit and personally escorted to the entrance of the hospital.    


Director Cheng didn't stay idle either. He immediately went to the hospital's Vice President Lu and asked him to dispatch the best doctor to rescue a patient who had suddenly fainted from illness while in custody after making a mistake.    


Lv Mingliang and Director Cheng were good friends. They rushed over to take a look and were stunned. "Yo, aren't you my brother?"    


"Ah, Dean Lv, you know him?"    


Director Cheng did not expect Dean Lv to know Lee Nanfang, really scared.    


"Yeah, he's my bro. He's so close that I can't even say bro. What's wrong with him?"    


"About that, he made a small mistake."    


Director Cheng found an excuse and urged them to save him, so there was no need to talk about it.    


Very soon, under the direction of Doctor Lu, the hospital carried out a thorough examination of Lee Nanfang's body. The conclusion they came to made Director Cheng and other people who didn't understand medicine feel at a loss. What? The patient is not suffering from any sudden illness, just a coma?    


No, he fainted?    


Whose family would be in a coma for four consecutive days, or perhaps even longer?    


Director Cheng and Lv Mingliang were good friends--under Director Cheng's tactful request, Dean Lv promised not to leak the news for the time being, Lee Nanfang was sent to the hospital for rescue, will only send out the most powerful expert group to closely monitor his every move.    


After communicating with Dean Lv, Director Cheng immediately dialed Director Loong's number and told her in detail about this matter.    


"So be it. It's not like it's a big deal. You guys can decide for yourselves."    


After listening to Director Cheng's report, Director Loong replied with an extremely indifferent tone, as if he heard an ant being stepped on to death.    


Director Cheng's mouth was full of bitterness: "Director Loong, can you give us a reasonable suggestion, how do you want us to deal with Lee Nanfang's family? "We …"    




Director Loong, who never really took people seriously, suddenly raised his voice. "Chengguo, what did you say?"    


"I said. "Director Loong, can you give us a reasonable explanation?"    


Just as he said that, he was interrupted by Director Loong: "What's that person's name?!"    


"His name is Lee Nanfang." Mu Zili, south side, square. "Director Loong — you, you don't know him, do you?"    


Director Cheng finally understood something from the change in Director Loong's voice.    


Director Loong did not answer and just hung off the phone.    


"What's going on?"    


While Director Cheng was still in a daze, Lv Mingliang was in his office, gathering experts for a meeting to study the cause of Lee Nanfang's unexplained coma.    


Everyone was talking all over the place. They were talking all over the place.    


There was an old Chinese doctor who suddenly put forward his own diagnosis opinion, saying that the patient had been unconscious for a long time without reason, and that he had probably been possessed by an evil spirit.    


[So evil … So evil …] Could it be that the one who said these three words was the number one expert of the Central Hospital, TCM?    


If Lee Nanfang hadn't seen with his own eyes that there was no disease even after repeated inspections, he would have just been lying there unconscious. After hearing what the old doctor had said, the big guy would have surely scoffed.    


Old Chinese doctor, we are all atheists who do not believe in ghosts and gods, how can there be evil in this world?    


But this time, no one said anything, only silently looking at Vice President Lu.    


"Who knows this master? For example, a high monk from a temple, or an immortal elder from a Taoist temple. "    


Lv Mingliang frowned and asked softly a moment later.    


Ah, Dean Lv really wants to invite someone to treat the patient?    


If word of this got out, wouldn't our hospital be utterly humiliated?    


Just as the experts were looking at each other in dismay, a call from a nurse came in from the corridor outside the door: "Dean Lv, the patient has woken up, the patient has woken up!"    


What, the patient is awake?    


After hearing the shouts, Lv Mingliang and the others stood up and ran outside.    


"Director Cheng, I'll trouble you to leave first. We need to check the patient's condition!"    


Lv Mingliang immediately ran into the intensive care unit. Seeing that Director Cheng and the others were all in front of the bed, he hurriedly took out a towel to wipe Wu Tie's blood and immediately shouted in a low voice.    


Director Cheng and the rest did not dare to be slow and quickly left.    


"You're finally awake. How are you feeling?"    


Lv Mingliang came to the bed and asked with a caring expression.    


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