Strongest Guard

C171 The Man Who Killed You

C171 The Man Who Killed You

When a person looked at another person speaking, they would usually speak the truth.    


Yue Zitong also thought the same way, but after she said that, she immediately lowered her head and jumped out of the car.    


Her heart was thumping hard, and her face was actually a little hot. This was an instinctive reaction that came back to her after she had done wrong to her lover. She shouldn't have run away, Holan Fusu could definitely see that she didn't mean what she said.    


How could I be like this?    


The only person I care about, isn't that Fu Su?    


Yue Zitong's mind was in a mess. She took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down. She pretended that nothing was wrong and turned around with a smile.    


Holan Fusu also smiled. The way he looked at her was still gentle and full of love, as if he didn't notice that she didn't mean it.    


"The two of you should go down to survey the moisture in the soil. It has been raining heavily recently, so I heard that the water permeability of the saline soil is poor. Don't let any accidents happen during the excavation and delay the progress of the project."    


Dong Jun, who got off first, ordered his two subordinates to take out two shovels from the trunk of the car and instructed them to work downstairs. The two of them understood what he meant, looked at each other, and quickly walked down the Yellow River levee with their tools.    


Yue Zitong was calm on the surface, but she didn't mind the chaos in her heart. She turned around and looked at the Yellow River in the north. The wind blew and lifted her hair, covering her eyes.    


Holan Fusu, who was standing beside her, also looked at the river but did not say anything.    


Dong Jun walked over and brought them two bottles of mineral water.    


Understood, in the protection forest below the cemetery, the intermittent shouting is very annoying.    


A worn-out agricultural tricycle was driving over from the east side of the levee, emitting black smoke.    


This kind of farming vehicle was not seen in the city and would only be used in remote rural areas. The farmers' uncles would use it to pull crops without a license plate, and they wouldn't even have to test if the exhaust gas reached the standard.    


A middle-aged man wearing a red advertising T-shirt was sitting on it. His body was moving up and down in the puddles beneath the wheels of the car, but he looked to be enjoying himself.    


At the same time, a sour smell could be smelt from far away. Yue Zitong didn't despise the peasants, but she couldn't stand the smell. She raised her hand to cover her nose and retreated to the wind.    


As for Dong Jun, he had already ran into the cemetery and was cursing something under his breath.    


Holan Fusu, on the other hand, who was the most respected, didn't make any action of covering his nose and frowning. He just dodged to the side of the road and smiled amicably at the middle-aged man who was covered in dirt when the tricycle passed by.    


He had never thought that he was born into a wealthy family. Like some self-righteous people, he looked down on country folk, because he knew very well that the superior living conditions of the rich were created by the sweat of the masses.    


With a clanging sound, a diesel tricycle spewed out black smoke as it passed in front of them. It smelled even worse, and there was also the smell of alcohol. The driver was actually driving while drinking wine.    


The villagers' understanding of the dangers of driving with alcohol was rather shallow. He didn't think that driving with alcohol was anything impressive. Instead, he was curious about the sight of such a high quality beauty in such a desolate place.    


Judging from his wretched appearance, if it weren't for Holan Fusu and Dong Jun, the two men would have gotten off the car. With their dirty shirts, they clasped their fists and bowed deeply.    


The consequences of driving off were sometimes severe, especially on such a bad road, where the middle-aged man, after driving for more than a hundred meters and looking back at Yue Zitong, had dropped the front wheel of the car into a pit and, due to inertia, had suddenly turned, heading straight for the graveyard in the northern part of the road — the car turning over, the person not dead, for the time being unknowable.    


"Oh no."    


Dong Jun, who was walking on the road after the stench was dispersed by the wind, was the first to notice and let out a scream.    


Regardless of the reason why the middle-aged man overturned the car or how dirty he was, there was one thing for sure. This was a person, and after his accident, Yue Zitong and the others would definitely not be able to ignore him.    


"Don't go, I'll go!"    


Seeing that Yue Zitong was about to run over, Holan Fusu raised his hand to stop her.    


If the middle-aged man's tricycle was carrying crops, Holan Fusu would not stop Yue Zitong.    


But he was dragging chicken dung with an odd smell. What could he do if he spoiled a beauty?    


"Alright, let's see if he's alright."    


Yue Zitong hesitated for a moment before she stopped.    


Holan Fusu nodded and rushed over. If he could get there earlier, the middle-aged man who was smashed under the car would have a little more hope of being rescued in time.    


Without another word, Dong Jun ran towards that direction. However, it was normal that he could not catch up with Holan Fusu since he was not a secret agent. He spent most of the year on the training field.    


Looking at Holan Fusu's figure running forward like a cheetah, Yue Zitong was at a loss.    


When Dong Jun ran 50 to 60 meters away, Holan Fusu had already jumped off the embankment. In the weeds that were waist-deep, he went around the four wheels of the tricycle and bent down to observe the middle-aged man who was pressed down below.    


Dong Jun threw out the water bottle and sped up his running speed.    


"I hope that person will be fine, sigh."    


Yue Zitong sighed, sincerely wishing that the middle-aged man would be safe. From the corner of her eyes, she saw two figures suddenly pouncing from the grass in the northern cemetery, pouncing towards her.    


What was going on?    


Yue Zitong was shocked. She turned around and heard a loud shout coming from a distance. It was Holan Fusu's voice. It was filled with the sudden anger of the incident.    


She wanted to see what was going on with Holan Fusu, but the two people that pounced out were very fast. Under the sunlight, a cold flash of a blade could be seen, it was very glaring.    




In an instant, Yue Zitong realized what had happened. With a low growl, she threw her body back and swept a cold beam across her chin.    


Borrowing the momentum of her body, Yue Zitong rolled to the side and dodged another sabre chopping over her head. The short sabre ruthlessly slashed on the broken concrete road, creating a dark-red spark.    


It could be seen that the assassin was determined to cut Yue Zitong into two.    


At this critical moment, Yue Zitong had already taken care of everything else. After quickly rolling a few times on the potholed road, she jumped up and shouted harshly, "Who are you people?"    


The two of them were wearing camouflage clothes, and they also had the same color headgear on their heads. Only their eyes could be seen.    


"The person who killed you, hehe!"    


After the two failed the surprise attack, they looked at each other and laughed coldly. Then, they waved their short sabers and roared together. Then, they charged at each other again from left to right.    


Yue Zitong was truly worthy of being at the National Security Agency for six years. After the assassination attempt, she had no time to think about who would kill her. She dodged the slash, raising her foot as she shouted, and her high heels kicked the other person's wrist.    


For some inexplicable reason, two assassins suddenly jumped out and started hacking at her, which angered Yue Zitong. After kicking away the others, they didn't take the opportunity to run away, but clenched their teeth and took the initiative to attack …    


Today, she's going to let these two little thieves experience just how powerful I am!    


Holan Fusu, who had stabbed his left leg with a knife, staggered back a few steps. Four masked men suddenly jumped out from the grass next to him and surrounded him with their sabers. The sabers flew up and down, the sabers didn't leave his vital parts, it was definitely going to be a desperate situation.    


It is said that experts do not care if their opponents possess weapons. That is nonsense. There is a famous saying in the martial arts world, 'no matter how high one's skill is, one brick is enough to knock you down.'    


From this sentence, one could see the importance of weapons. No matter how powerful Holan Fusu was, he could use his fists to clash with the enemy's sharp knife?    


If everyone was empty-handed, with Holan Fusu's ability, he could definitely take care of these five people within a few minutes and then go to rescue Yue Zitong.    


The problem was that they had a knife, and they knew very well that he was going to risk everything to save Yue Zitong, so they all took up defensive positions and surrounded him tightly. Even if he kicked them, they wouldn't give way.    


At this point, even the stupidest person could tell what was going on.    


These killers, who knew where they got the news, knew that Yue Zitong was here to investigate and lay in ambush. They also knew very well that Holan Fusu, who came with them, was very powerful, so they arranged for the middle-aged man to drive a broken car three times to come to their ambush place to pretend to be in a car accident and attract him over.    


Their real target was Yue Zitong.    


The five of them were dealing with the most threatening Holan Fusu. No matter the cost, as long as they could get rid of Yue Zitong successfully when the other two went to assassinate their main target, they would be able to escape at the first possible moment.    


Yue Zitong had been a secret service agent before, and she seemed to have some skills. It was very clear that the two people who had killed her were pretty good at kung fu. Two short knives were waved around her like quicksilver.    


Fortunately, Director Yue was also very skilled, and with every move of his feet, he revealed the true colors of a top-notch expert. In just a few seconds, the bottom of the Prada suit was pierced by the sweeping edge of the knife, if the knife tip was extended a little bit more, she would be able to have a cesarean section on the spot.    


Yue Zitong seemed to know that a knife could kill, and panicked. She took a step back, and with a heavy stomp on her left shoulder, she fell to the ground with a loud thud.    


Without waiting for her to make any move, a blade slashed through the assassin's clothes. He grinned fiendishly as he raised the blade and stabbed towards her heart.    


My life is over!    


Yue Zitong, who had no time to dodge, screamed in her heart. Just as she was about to close her eyes and wait, a white object flew over like a guest from outer space and landed accurately on the killer's wrist.    


"Director Yue, don't worry, I'm here!"    


With a shout, Dong Jun arrived in time to slap his horse. With his eyes wide open, he charged towards an assassin without a care for his own safety.    


That white thing was the mineral water that Holan Fusu threw on the roadside when he rushed to save Dong Jun. It was used as a projectile weapon by Dong Jun and hit the killer's wrist, giving Yue Zitong a crucial chance to escape.    


It was obvious that the assassin didn't expect that just as he was about to get his hands on it, Cheng Yanjin would suddenly appear on the way. Caught off guard, he actually knocked him down onto the ground.    


Seeing that his good plan was about to succeed, the assassin who was thrown onto the ground got angry from embarrassment. He stabbed Dong Jun's left leg backhandedly, causing him to scream: "Ah — — Director Yue, don't worry about me, run!"    


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