Strongest Guard

C172 Unplanned Killers

C172 Unplanned Killers

Director Yue was a loyal person. He would never run away alone while Dong Jun was injured in order to save her. If that happened, her conscience would not be able to live.    


However, Dong Jun's subsequent shout reminded her: "Director Yue, their target is you!"    


Assassins, why did you spend so much effort to move Holan Fusu away from her?    


It was all to assassinate her.    


As long as she could escape, the killers would lose their target. They would definitely leave Dong Jun behind and chase after her. After working in the country security for so many years, she was very clear on the principle that killers rarely kill innocent people for free.    


If she had to stay, the killer would kill Dong Jun in order to get rid of him to assassinate her, instead of kicking him like she did now, in an attempt to make him let go of his right leg that was being held.    


Yue Zitong's dissatisfaction with Dong Jun's reckless actions instantly vanished into thin air. All she could do was to express her gratitude as she kicked away the killer who was charging at her with the dagger and rushed down the embankment.    


To the south of the dike was a vast expanse of alkaline soil. There was no place to hide. Yue Zitong was wearing a professional suit, so she had no confidence in getting rid of the killer that came after her.    


The two employees who had gone down to survey the humidity of the saline-alkali ground, after hearing the commotion, were also rushing over. However, could they stop the killers?    


When Yue Zitong met up with them, she could only cause trouble. Only by hiding in the cemetery and making sure that the killers could not find them, could they get out of the way.    


Not caring about anything else, Yue Zitong jumped off the dike and rolled down the slope. Soon, she disappeared into the underbrush that reached her waist.    


"Hurry up, they can't stop Young Master Fusu!"    


When Yue Zitong jumped down the embankment, Dong Jun raised his head and whispered to the killer that he was hugging.    


The hitman nodded and kicked Dong Jun's head.    




Dong Jun screamed and lost all signs of life.    


The kick that the killer used to kick Dong Jun seemed extremely vicious, but in reality, when his foot landed on Dong Jun's head, he didn't have much strength left -- they were just acting. If it wasn't for Dong Junqiang's request, they would have had to stab him, and the killer wouldn't have dared to hurt him.    


Only when he was injured would Yue Zitong feel grateful to him and repay him with her body. It was impossible, but it would definitely close the gap between the two of them. Helan Xiaoxin had racked her brains to help Dong Jun get Yue Zitong.    


After taking care of Dong Jun, the killer lifted his hood and gave a sharp whistle, informing his comrades who were still fighting with Holan Fusu that their target had escaped and their mission had failed. Hurry up and evacuate!    


Hearing the whistles, out of the five assassins surrounding Holan Fusu, there were only three that could be killed. The other two were laid flat on the ground, and even if they didn't die, they would still become disabled.    


In order to save Yue Zitong, Holan Fusu didn't care about his own life anymore. Every move he made was a battle where both sides were heavily injured. It made the killers tremble in fear.    


There were at least a dozen knife wounds on Holan Fusu's body, but he seemed to have no idea what was happening as he continued to play with his life like a mad tiger.    


Seeing that the remaining three assassins couldn't stop him, the signal to retreat finally came. They all shouted and stabbed with all their might, then turned around and rushed into the depths of the cemetery.    


As for his two companions who were laid out on the ground, they were not worried. Young Master Fusu was determined to get back to Yue Zitong's side at this moment.    


As expected, Holan Fusu didn't chase after them. He didn't even look at the two people who were flattened. He endured the pain from the knife wounds on his leg and rushed up the embankment.    


As soon as he rushed up the embankment, the three assassins who had escaped immediately returned. They dragged away two of his comrades with them and quickly disappeared into the underbrush.    


Seeing Dong Jun lying on the ground from a distance, Holan Fusu, who was running forward after the two killers ran into the cemetery to chase after Yue Zitong, suddenly stopped and looked at the slope of the dike more than ten meters away.    


Another masked man appeared.    


Although the man was masked, he was different from the other five assassins. He wore silk stockings and was wearing a dark blue tracksuit. He was holding a half-meter long sword in his arms.    


His intuition told Holan Fusu that this person was much stronger than the five assassins that surrounded him earlier. Holan Fusu's body was emitting an aura of death as if he had crawled out from a grave.    


Rib difference?    


Holan Fusu's gaze swept across the long sword in the masked man's arms. His body that had just stopped moved once again and he rushed forward.    


The masked man arrived at a distance of over ten meters in the blink of an eye. When he pounced on Shi Mu, he had already stepped onto the dike. He waved his left hand, and the scabbard flew out of his hand.    


Who was that person?    


Dong Jun, who screamed and pretended to be unconscious, was shocked when he saw the masked man blocking Holan Fusu.    


Wu Tie had practiced Taekwondo for a few years, and although he was only good at dealing with hooligans on the street, his eyes were very sharp. From the way the man with the stockings and mask hacked at Holan Fusu, one could tell that he was a real Professional Killer.    


Helan Xiaoxin's plan did not involve the existence of this person, so why did he suddenly appear?    


Could it be that someone really wanted to kill Yue Zitong?    


Suddenly, Dong Jun stopped pretending to be unconscious after thinking about this. He sat up and shouted to his two subordinates that 'finally' ran over: "Quickly, quickly go find Yue -- ah, quickly carry me to the car!"    


There was no reason for an unplanned killer to appear out of nowhere to stop Holan Fusu. Other than this person, there were others hiding in the cemetery. Maybe they had already gone to kill Yue Zitong.    


It was also possible that there was a killer using the waist deep weeds as cover to sneak in like a venomous snake, preparing to chop off Dong Jun's head with one strike.    


In order to get involved with Yue Zitong, Dong Jun didn't mind getting stabbed in his thigh when he tried to take advantage of her. However, he wasn't willing to lose his head, even if Yue Zitong tried to pursue him in the opposite direction.    


At the moment, the most important thing was to hide in the car and put on the electric lock. Then, he immediately called Sister Xin and reported what had happened.    


His two men, who knew about the plan, also saw that something was wrong. They hurriedly picked him up from the ground, dragged him to the car, opened the door and pushed him in.    


They were about to get in the car when the door slammed shut.    


The two of them looked at each other and saw the three words' motherf * cker 'in each other's eyes, but they didn't dare to force their way into the car. They could only tightly hold onto their shovels and nervously look around.    


They were all people who knew their own limitations. When facing a punk like Lee Nanfang, they would not hesitate to slaughter everyone around them. However, when they met a real hitman — Mom had said that no matter where they were, they had to be careful of their safety.    


When Dong Jun called Helan Xiaoxin's cell phone, he was worried that she would not answer, so he might as well say she was asleep.    


Thankfully, Sister Xin's lazy voice could be heard after she had tooted for seven or eight times. "Did you finish your job perfectly?"    


Helan Xiaoxin, who was behind all of this in Beijing, had absolute confidence in the success of her plan. Even if the results weren't ideal, she still had a series of moves to help Dong Jun win Yue Zitong's favor and subsequently break off his relationship with Holan Fusu.    


When he first made this plan, Dong Jun was also a bit worried that he would expose a flaw. After all, Holan Fusu wasn't easy to fool. His eyes were like torches.    


Sister Xin smiled faintly and said, don't worry, she had long since found a scapegoat.    


The scapegoat that Sister Xin had been honored to choose was none other than Zhan Fei, who had fled from the Qingshan City in a sorry state.    


With the end of Zhan Fei's money-grubbing operation and her reputation, Yue Zitong played a crucial role in the process. It was precisely the merciless acting that she scolded that caused such decisive harm to Zhan Fei.    


Sister Xin said that for a pop star like Zhan Fei who was extremely popular in Southeast Asia, it was impossible for her not to be in the dark. After Teng Qingshan suffered a setback, she would probably send someone to take revenge on Yue Zitong.    


Regardless of whether or not Zhan Fei had sent anyone, she was still the best scapegoat. After the assassination here happened, Helan Xiaoxin would manipulate public opinion to target Zhan Fei.    


As for the wronged Zhan Fei — the life or death of a playboy, would Helan Xiaoxin care about it?    


Sister Xin only cared about her plan and whether it was a perfect ending.    


"Something has happened to Sister Xin! A real killer has appeared!"    


Dong Jun raised his head and glanced at Holan Fusu and his companion who were fighting in the distance. He wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead and quickly explained the current situation.    


Helan Xiaoxin, who was on the other side, was shocked and asked sternly, "How is Fu Su? Is he in danger?"    


She didn't care if Yue Zitong was being hunted down or not. She only cared about Jack, and before Dong Jun could answer, she shouted, "Go help Fu Su! If anything happens to him, none of you are coming back! "    


As Sister Xin's trusted subordinate, Dong Jun knew better than anyone how terrifying and heartless she was hiding underneath her seductive appearance. If anything really happened to Holan Fusu, the only thing he could do was to quickly commit suicide in the Yellow River. Otherwise, his life would be worse than death!    


"Hurry, get in!"    


After he hung up the phone, Dong Jun pushed open the door and shouted to the two men outside: "Go help Young Master Fusu, ram that person to death!"    


However, what Yue Zitong didn't know was that her only best friend that she trusted so much didn't take her life seriously at all.    


Actually, even if she knew, so what? It was normal for others to care for her brother's safety more than she did.    


What she needed to do now was to use the complex environment of the cemetery to escape from the killers.    


Director Yue's luck was pretty good. After rolling and crawling deep into the cemetery, he raised his head and looked up the embankment, just in time to see the two killers that were hacking at her with a knife randomly slash in the grass for a few times. Then, he quickly escaped towards the east and disappeared in the blink of an eye.    


She also saw from a distance that Holan Fusu, who had gotten rid of the five assassins, ran into another one on the way, so he was forced to fight with nothing in front of him.    


Yue Zitong was very confident in Holan Fusu's martial prowess. She believed that no matter how powerful the killer was, they would be dealt with in the end. She only needed to hide here and not get distracted by any other killers.    


Who sent these people?    


Yue Zitong slowly laid down on the grass and exhaled. She then started to analyze which one of them had been struck by the knife. Was she not afraid of being struck by lightning if she wanted to kill her charming aunt?    


"Could it be her?"    


Yue Zitong's IQ was also very high, so she quickly thought of her biggest suspect. After she muttered this sentence with a frown, she suddenly turned around and looked up.    


A masked man with a pair of stockings on his head slowly stood up from behind a grave. He was holding a long saber in his hand.    


Two round holes had been gouged out in the stockings. The pair of eyes that was staring at her had a cruel, malicious smile.    


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