Strongest Guard

C498 Night God Has a Strange Disease

C498 Night God Has a Strange Disease

The act of snatching Lee Nanfang from the Qingshan Central Hospital had begun today at midnight.    


Not long after Yue Zitong was scared away, Helan Xiaoxin slightly recovered her agitated mood. She immediately commanded her subordinates to carry Scumbag Lee onto the car, ignoring the hospital nurse.    


Under broad daylight and night, if someone forcibly robbed a patient, the hospital would have to take full responsibility. Dean Lv, who knew of the news and rushed over quickly, could he let them take Lee Nanfang away?    


He took it with him. After a few slaps, he put a gun to his head.    


Dean Lv immediately knelt down. He was scared to the point that he didn't know whether he had peed or not, but he was actually scared to the point of crying. He begged Sister Xin to reconsider.    


However, tears were useless in the face of power.    


This was especially the case for the tears of a man. Sister Xin could only mock him because he had nothing more to offer.    


Before deciding to take Lee Nanfang away, Sister Xin, of course, thought twice before leaving, but she didn't need to explain to Dean Lv. After slapping him down again, she ordered her subordinates to immediately drive to the highway, and step onto the journey of Southern Frontier during the night.    


Dean Lv would call the police, and he didn't dare to hide it from them.    


However, Helan Xiaoxin didn't care because she felt that when Chief Zhang Honggang of the Municipal Public Security Bureau heard that it was she who had taken away the patient, he should know how to keep a low profile if he still wanted to rise above the rest of the officials.    


Of course, this didn't preclude the bureau from committing a foolish act of not abiding in power, preferring to throw away the black muslin hat in order to make decisions for the people. Therefore, Helan Xiaoxin ordered her subordinates to keep a close watch on the police at all times.    


Now, his men reported something and found the police car.    


At the end, the subordinate in the car used his binoculars to observe the police car and confirmed that it was wearing a green mountain license plate.    


"Hmph, I didn't expect Zhang Honggang to be so righteous as to take charge of this people."    


Helan Xiaoxin snorted coldly as she lowered her body and retreated back into the car.    


"Sister Xin, should we accelerate?"    


Secretary Huang suggested.    


Helan Xiaoxin shook her head. "There's no need. We'll just wait for them to catch up." "I would like to ask Zhang Honggang where he got the guts to interfere in my business."    


Secretary Huang nodded. She picked up the communication device by her collar and whispered a few words into it.    


The convoy of five cars maintained their current speed and moved forward at a uniform speed.    


Soon, two blue and white police cars chased after them at lightning speed.    


Looking at the license plate of the car in the lead, it was indeed from Qingshan's side.    


Just as the driver was about to hit the brakes, the police car didn't slow down at all. It kept close to the left side and whizzed past.    


The man in the passenger seat of the second police car looked at the van as they were about to pass it.    


This was also an instinctive action. After all, a RV was rarely seen on high speed roads.    


Helan Xiaoxin, who was looking out from between the curtains, also saw this person and was slightly stunned. Eh, it's Bai Linger?    


The police officer in the passenger seat of the police car was the captain of the Green Mountain Criminal Police, Bai Linger, nicknamed Little Tiger.    


Of course, Bai Linger couldn't see Helan Xiaoxin. She casually glanced at the caravan and then looked to the front.    


Soon, the two police cars drove away. The car did not slow down at all.    


The police car was indeed from Green Mountain, but they didn't come to intercept Helan Xiaoxin. They might be on a mission somewhere.    


"At least Zhang Honggang understands what's good for him."    


Helan Xiaoxin closed the curtain and said lightly to Secretary Huang, "Hurry up. "Let's stop at the next rest stop for a while and let everyone have a good rest."    


In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, from early in the morning to now, Helan Xiaoxin's group, other than cheering for the best, did not pause at all and had long left the boundaries of the Dong Province.    


Although everyone was driving in turns and would not cause fatigue, they had not eaten yet, and their stomachs were growling with hunger.    


Lee Nanfang was quite comfortable. He was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.    


When Helan Xiaoxin's two bodyguards brought him out of the Qingshan Central Hospital, they followed her orders and hung him up with vials that allowed him to sleep obediently.    


Whether he was pretending to have a stroke or if he had one, he could only fall asleep.    


After the car had been driven off, the two nurses who had a high attainments in traditional Chinese medicine examined his pulse and concluded that Mr. Scum had indeed suffered a stroke.    


The medical skills of these two specialists were much better than those experts in Qingshan Central Hospital. Of course, they were able to diagnose how Lee Nanfang had suffered a stroke.    


Fortunately, he was physically strong and had rescued him in a relatively timely manner, thus he was not burned to the ground as a retarded patient.    


However, if he wanted to completely recover, he would need a week or so to be able to recuperate peacefully.    


In short, the results of the two diagnosis were exactly as Yue Zitong had said.    


At that time, Sister Xin was a bit confused.    


If it weren't for the fact that she was absolutely sure that the two Special Protectors were trustworthy, she would have suspected that Yue Zitong had bribed them.    


Holy shit, Lee Nanfang actually had a stroke?    


That is to say, I was wrong about Yue Zitong?    


It wasn't a mistake, but a coincidence. This was definitely a coincidence.    


Hehe, since the heavens have already arranged it like this, then what reason do I have to not follow his wishes?    


Little boy, go to sleep.    


When you wake up, you will find that we have already reached the Southern Frontier.    


Rest assured, I will be like the most beloved husband in the world, cherishing you well. After I return, I will do my best to help you fly away from Nanfang Group in the shortest amount of time.    


Of course, that's only if you listen to them obediently.    


Of course, you can be disobedient and use your temper, but don't blame Sister Xin for ruthlessly destroying you.    


Oh, I hate to ruin you, so please don't push me.    


The corner of Helan Xiaoxin's mouth slowly raised into a heavenly motherly smile. Her bare hand slowly caressed Lee Nanfang's pale face, ignoring Secretary Huang beside her and the two special guards who were standing at the side as if they were nothing.    


The sun gradually set in the west. It was almost dusk, and a day was about to pass.    


When the street lights in the distant busy city quietly opened their eyes, a very ordinary black Buick stopped in the Mountain Resort's parking lot in the south of Qingshan.    


Having received the call, Manager Chen, who was waiting here, immediately walked up to the car and bent over to the door. "Sister Xing, you're here."    


Zhan Hsingshen, who wore a black windbreaker and a big mouth mask, was much younger than Manager Chen. However, sometimes the ladies don't have to be older than others.    


After getting off the car, Zhan Hsingshen didn't have time to chat with Manager Chen and hastily asked, "What happened to Sister Shen?"    


"Director Hua's condition isn't too good. She has been in a semi-conscious state from start to finish. Dr. Tu was also at her wit's end. She made a few phone calls and gathered experts from the related fields to rush to Qingshan as fast as she could. "    


Dr. Tu was Hua Yeshen's personal doctor, an old woman who appeared to be in her seventies. She was short and fat, and she seemed very happy and unremarkable.    


Before Dr. Tu retired, she was the Vice President of Beijing's numbered hospital, a famous figure in Apricot Forest who had seen a lot of storms and waves.    


Dr. Tu's area of expertise was to solve difficult problems. Now that Hua Yeshen was in a coma for no reason, she was at her wit's end. This proved how serious Sister Shen's condition was.    


"Quick, take me to see Sister Shen."    


"Sister Xing, please come with me."    


Under Manager Chen's lead, Zhan Hsingshen soon arrived at Hua Yeshen's room.    


Dr. Tu, on the other hand, didn't know what Zhan Hsingshen was doing. When she took off her mask, she was slightly stunned. She thought to herself, isn't this the singing Zhan Fei?    


"Hello, Dr. Tu. I'm Director Hua's best friend."    


After hearing Zhan Hsingshen's words, Dr. Tu came to a realization. She shook hands with him and without further ado, she directly introduced Hua Yeshen's condition.    


According to Dr. Tu's repeated diagnoses, she had not suffered any external injuries, including blood tests and urine tests. Everything was normal.    


Not only was her body normal in every aspect, she far surpassed the majority of her peers, yet she had a high fever and refused to retreat.    


A high fever was not a light, nor was it low.    


It was sometimes high, sometimes low.    


When it was high, it could reach the forty-three degrees of life, but when it was low, it could decrease by eighteen degrees in a few minutes. It was only thirty-five degrees or so, almost comparable to the temperature of cold-blooded animals.    


The high and low temperature repeatedly changed as if they were riding a roller coaster. However, Hua Yeshen was tormented so much that she felt like she was in a furnace. The heat made her entire body turn red as if she was a prawn that had been scalded by hot water.    


After a while, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He shivered as he curled up into a ball, and his lips were dark green.    


Dr. Tu, who had great medical skills, had no other options.    


From the afternoon until now, she had already called more than a dozen people and consulted them. They were all outstanding figures in the medical field, some from within the country, some from abroad. However, after listening to her detailed description, they all expressed shock.    


The most likely cause of repeated symptoms of fever was a blood problem.    


Leukemia, for example.    


But Dr. Tu was one of the top apricots in China. With her rich experience, after repeated diagnoses, it was impossible for her to not notice leukemia.    


But she just couldn't see it.    


Hua Yeshen's symptom was leukemia, and the blood indicators were normal to the point that she wanted to curse.    


"Ah, hot, dead hot!"    


Just when Dr. Tu was introducing Hua Yeshen's illness to Zhan Hsingshen, she suddenly lifted her foot and kicked off the quilt, revealing her mature and delicate body.    


"Here it comes again."    


Dr. Tu forced a smile and ordered her assistant, "Xiao Ma, quickly bring me the ice bag!"    


While the horse was holding the ice bag, Hua Yeshen put her feet on the bed and used all her strength to lift her head up. After taking a deep breath, she opened her mouth and took a deep breath before landing with a thud.    


Worried that she would fall under the bed, Dr. Tu ordered her limbs to be firmly attached to the bed head and the end of the bed, as if they were imprisoned on top.    


Hua Yeshen, who was in a semi-conscious state, had long since been tortured by the high and low heat. She couldn't get rid of the cloth strips that she used to lightly struggle with, so she could only roll back and forth on the bed. Her originally cold and white skin was quickly covered with a layer of rouge.    


"Sister Shen, Sister Shen, are you alright?"    


Zhan Hsingshen quickly bent over and reached out his hand to hold her shoulders, trying to make her quiet down.    


The moment his hand touched her skin, he was startled, as if he had touched a soldering iron. He subconsciously retracted his hand.    


The extra large ice sack was quickly put on Hua Yeshen's forehead, chest, lower abdomen, and legs by the small pony. Dr. Tu led the other assistant and put it on the ice bag as well.    


The effect of the ice bag was very obvious. Hua Yeshen soon stopped tossing and turning it. The moaning slowly faded away. After exhaling a long breath, she calmly fell asleep.    


Zhan Hsingshen stretched out his hand and placed it under Hua Yeshenjun's nose for a moment. Then, his eyes lit up with joy. "Dr. Tu, the ice bag is very useful. Sister Shen has already fallen asleep …"    


Before she could finish her sentence, Hua Yeshen suddenly curled up her body, trembling all over and her teeth chattered. "Cold, cold."    


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