Strongest Guard

C561 I will Leave First

C561 I will Leave First

Bai Linger's face and neck were red from being choked by others. It was impossible for her to lose her temper, but the bigger picture was more important. For the time being, she endured her anger and walked into the club with her two subordinates.    


Because Huang Zhiqiang was born a violent person, he grew up practicing Taekwondo. Before he committed any crimes, he was already a famous expert on the South Korea Stage, so if they wanted to capture him, they had to consider his killing power.    


The seven men who had followed Bai Linger were all chosen by her and the bureau chief. They were all in the police force of the city and were ready to fight in close combat.    


If the price was ten dollars a chapter, Bai Linger would buy eight tickets and pay for herself.    


But darn it, no, it was the lowest price of three hundred dollars. She could only bring two of her most skilled men into the arena.    


Bai Linger was still too naive.    


Or it could be said that she grew up in this big greenhouse in China. Other than eating when she met someone, she had basically always been in a smooth sailing situation. So when she arrived at the complicated underground black boxing arena in Thailand, she realized that things weren't as simple as she had imagined.    


Not to mention arresting Huang Zhiqiang, she didn't even see a single hair on his head.    


Huang Zhiqiang, nicknamed Kaka, was the champion of the autumn league stage. He was currently resting at the end of the month in preparation for the championship finals at the end of the month.    


He was the golden boxer of the Mango Club. An ordinary person would not be able to see him during his rest period.    


Bai Linger wanted to reveal her police certificate, wanted to be domineering, but when she thought about the attitude of the conductor at the entrance, and then looked at the rifle in Internal Protection's hands, she felt that it was better not to.    


If he wanted to see Huang Zhiqiang, he had to wait until the end of the month.    




Bai Linger gradually came to understand the taste of a thousand American Golden Flowers after they had gone out.    


Even if she waited for Huang Zhiqiang to show up, she would not have a good ending if she wanted to capture him directly in the club.    


How could a club that even the local police didn't care about foreign police?    


Whoever dared to capture one of their employees would shoot without a second word.    


Therefore, in order to catch Huang Zhiqiang, he must first smash this protective leather jacket that he was wearing.    


Obtaining help from Qingshan City Board, immediately report to Provincial Hall, through diplomatic means, pressure on Thailand -- If we don't cooperate, we will reduce the number of times Dong Province travels to Thailand, the route.    


Zi Fann felt that travel is a fat country, and would rather kill himself than offend the powerful China Tourism Group. This was already the consensus of the people of the world, so when Dong Province took out this big magical equipment, Thailand immediately gave in.    


After arduous negotiations, Bai Linger and the others finally met Huang Zhiqiang.    


No, he had seen a beautiful woman.    


When Bai Linger first saw a beauty wearing a Thai national costume, her first reaction was to be confused, saying we're looking for Huang Zhiqiang, why are you introducing a beauty to us?    


Looking at the short-haired beauty dressed in the Thai national costume, the other party indifferently replied, saying that this is the Huang Zhiqiang that you're looking for. He was honest and honest, as if it was all a lie.    


In order to escape justice, Huang Zhiqiang had operated on her and became a beauty!    


This … this was not mentioned in the intelligence report.    


It looks like the hidden snitch wanted to keep this Secretary a secret in his heart. When the time came, he would take it out to ruthlessly extort Qingshan City Board, but he never thought that his dream of making money would be destroyed along with the fire.    


Actually, in the shortest amount of time, Huang Zhiqiang was transformed into a demon. As long as he knew how to keep a low profile, then don't brag about the family extermination tragedy that happened in China after drinking wine, even a spy would not hear of it. He immediately realized that the opportunity to get rich had come and began to investigate him.    


Not to mention, he had buried himself in a fatal disaster.    


This was a typical situation where one wouldn't die if they didn't seek death.    


After pinching her thighs a few times to force herself to believe that the Thai police weren't trying to trick her, Bai Linger started questioning Huang Zhiqiang about the details of the family annihilation tragedy.    


What if this beautiful woman was the scapegoat that someone brought out to protect Huang Zhiqiang?    


It turned out that Huang Zhiqiang was indeed a man of his word. In front of the righteous Officer Bai, not only did he not deny repeatedly that he was not a hitman, but he was also a degenerate man forced by the circumstances of his life. Instead, he said something crazy, saying that laozi, no, it was laozi who was Huang Zhiqiang!    


The details of what weapon the old lady had used, who she had killed first, who she had killed afterwards, how she had calmly evacuated after the crime had been committed — they all matched exactly what Bai Linger had controlled.    


I am the sect annihilator, but what can you do to me?    


To punish me through the law?    


Haha, this is a joke. This is Thailand's underground black boxing arena, not in China!    


There was only one way to capture me, and that was to cripple or kill me on the ring.    


There was no other way.    


Ever since that woman betrayed me, I hated all Chinese people, so right now my biggest hope is to use the ring to kill a few more Chinese people.    


If you have the ability, come to the arena and kill me.    


After Huang Zhiqiang said those words, he waved his sleeves and left.    


Bai Linger was about to make a move when several guns were pointed at her.    


The local police chief who had come to assist her shrugged his shoulders helplessly and spread out his hands, saying, I'm sorry, but I can only help you to this point.    


All right.    


Wasn't it just a group arena competition?    


Aunt will fight with you!    


Bai Linger was also an arrogant person. She immediately made the decision to kill that trash in the arena!    


Of course, due to certain reasons, Bai Linger would not appear as a Chinese police officer when she was fighting in the arena.    


Of course, the seven subordinates that had followed Officer Bai here would not allow a single girl to participate in this life-and-death competition. They all volunteered to go out and kill the criminals.    


As a result, the match on the eve of the finals began. It was a match between Kaka and a Chinese expert.    


There were a lot of onlookers.    


It was only after the Gasseys had started that Bai Linger knew how big of a mistake she had made!    


Huang Zhiqiang, who had undergone transsexual surgery, had no place to vent the male hormones in his body. Thus, he converted all of them into strength and speed.    


Among the seven elites that came with Bai Linger, the first one to go on stage was a member of a special squad from one of the large military regions in the country. After coming on stage, he was actually kicked off his left leg and his right arm was twisted.    


If it were not for Bai Linger risking her life to be attacked by the audience and leading her men to the arena to save the man, the policeman's neck would have been twisted!    


Fortunately, the Thai police knew the identity of Bai Linger and her men and didn't dare to act too unscrupulously. They sent several plainclothes men over to protect them and didn't let the Internal Protection of the club take action and shoot out their guns just because they violated the rules of the underworld.    


Huang Zhiqiang was also very 'magnanimous'. With both of his hands held high, he jumped nonstop on the stage and used all kinds of vulgar actions to ridicule and provoke Bai Linger and the others.    


Can you imagine a beauty with short, maroon hair, wearing a pair of large underwear and a black hood, doing all those bedraggled actions?    


Huang Zhiqiang's actions caused waves of screams to erupt from the audience. Countless men shouted, "Ka ka, I love you so much! I will send you flowers and essence!"    


The Chinese police, who were extremely angry, immediately sent someone onstage. In the end, it was even worse than the one that just came out. They would probably never be able to walk upright again for the rest of their lives.    


It was said that beauties had big chests but no brains. Bai Linger wasn't like that.    


When Huang Zhiqiang kept on provoking her and told her to "present herself on stage", she actually calmed down and left the club along with her colleagues under the weight of two injured subordinates, amidst many jeers and insults.    


She could already see that if she wanted to capture Huang Zhiqiang according to the rules, all eight of them would die here.    


That transvestite was simply too powerful!    


Even though she didn't want to, she also felt that Huang Zhiqiang, whose speed and strength had reached an unfathomable level, would only be able to deal with him when a character from China's legendary Longteng December appeared.    


However, would those powerful figures come here to fight against these small fry?    


I don't think so.    


Then, what other way was there to apprehend the culprit?    


There was no other way.    


Just like that, he returned home dejectedly. Tell the bureau chief that we met Huang Zhiqiang, but he crippled two of us and escaped back with his tail between his legs?    


Bai Linger would rather die than do this!    


If he didn't do so, wouldn't he be allowing more of his subordinates to be crippled by the criminals?    


Bai Linger made the most difficult choice. She asked five colleagues to escort her two seriously injured colleagues back to the country. She stayed behind by herself.    


She was going to die in the arena!    


Before he died, he had to bite Huang Zhiqiang's flesh!    


Only then would she be worthy of her two seriously injured colleagues, worthy of the badge on her head.    


She wanted to use her own blood to wash away the stains the criminal had left on his badge.    


Her five colleagues naturally wouldn't listen to her orders and helplessly watched her die.    


If we're going to die, then let's die together!    


Turn off your cell phone, cut off all contact with the country, and drink a glass before you die.    


After drinking this wine, we will still be good brothers in the next life.    


Persuading Bai Linger, whose stern orders had no effect, could only bite her lips, raise her head with tears in her eyes, and drink the wine in her cup in one gulp. Let us be brothers in the next life!    


There were some things that, even though they knew they would die if they did it, they still had to do it.    


If all six of them stayed behind, then who would escort the two injured colleagues home?    


Insurance company.    


Someone in the Thai police department who specializes in this business immediately contacted the general manager of an insurance company in Maine, Dupona, and asked them to send a special person to escort the two people back to their home country. The entire cost would be borne by the Thai police.    


After all, they were on the same side.    


No matter how much of a bastard they were, they were moved by the Chinese police officers' noble attitude of not letting their police badge be shamed.    


Tonight was the night of the bloody battle between Bai Linger and her five brothers, Huang Zhiqiang!    


At the scene, there were over a thousand onlookers shouting and shouting. Dear Kaka, kill those Chinese experts.    


Especially that girl, she looked very pretty — a very beautiful girl, wasn't she very pretty when she died?    


Bai Linger and the others also started their match after careful analysis.    


She wanted to be the first one to step up.    


Bai Linger was the first to enter the stage, not because her martial arts were the highest, but because she was a girl, not a transvestite.    


Zi Fann is a girl. His heart is always softer and more sensitive than a man.    


If she was the last one to appear and saw her five colleagues sacrifice themselves, she swore that she would be greatly affected and lose her mind. She then quickened her steps to her death, unable to deal a fatal blow to Huang Zhiqiang.    


Therefore, she hoped that she would die first.    


"I, will leave first. I'll be up there, waiting for you. "    


When the bell that urged the contestants to go up on stage rang again, Bai Linger took off her windbreaker, pointed to the ceiling and said to her colleagues.    


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