Strongest Guard

C493 Something in the Dark

C493 Something in the Dark

"You should remember that I said that death penalty can be avoided and that living punishment can't be forgiven, right?"    


Helan Xiaoxin's five fingers suddenly tightened.    


Yue Zitong couldn't help but let out a soft cry in pain.    


"Don't worry, Sister Xin, I'm just reminding you. Don't get away now, or Sister Xin will get angry. "    


Helan Xiaoxin stretched out her hand and forcefully pulled Yue Zitong out of her embrace before hugging her again.    


Yue Zitong was slightly embarrassed and angry.    


Usually, when she was with Helan Xiaoxin, she would act coquettishly and flirt with each other. It was also very normal for her to flirt around.    


Most of Mo Ni's best friends, didn't they all like to play this kind of game?    


But now, she could clearly feel that what Helan Xiaoxin was playing, was not the kind of game that sisters played, but rather, a man.    


She wanted to break away, but she didn't dare.    


Yue Zitong definitely couldn't tell what kind of person Helan Xiaoxin was, but she knew that this was a cruel and merciless move. The scene at Jindi Club where she ruthlessly stomped Brother Hu and his son's vitals seemed to have happened just now.    


A girl friend turned hostile, just like a brother. It was a hundred times more than a hatred towards an outsider.    


Yue Zitong had always been afraid of being overheard as a "conspiracy." Therefore, she didn't have the courage to go against Helan Xiaoxin. She could only bite her lip and endure it.    


"Right, good girl, that's more like it. Sister Xin likes you so much."    


Helan Xiaoxin raised her head and mumbled: "I know, you planned for Lee Nanfang to pretend that he suffered a stroke and didn't let him follow me to Southern Frontier, but you just worried that I would find an excuse to make him disappear. Or take him away from you. "    


"I don't blame you for having such thoughts. Because even if it were me, I would do the same. "    


Helan Xiaoxin moaned once again. With her trembling left hand, she lifted Yue Zitong's skirt.    


"What are you doing?" It's up to you! "    


Yue Zitong could not tolerate Helan Xiaoxin's increasingly outrageous actions. She pushed her out of the way, turned around, and ran away.    


Yue Zitong already had some skill to begin with. She pushed with great strength due to her embarrassment and anger. Helan Xiaoxin, who had already fallen into a state of infatuation, staggered back a few steps and squatted on the ground with a thump.    


Her butt was almost split in two, causing her eyes to darken from the pain. Cold sweat trickled down her face, but she didn't get angry. She giggled, "Tongtong, you won't be able to run away. Neither you nor Lee Nanfang can escape! "    


"Sister Xin is crazy. She must be crazy. Otherwise, why would she treat me like this?"    


Yue Zitong jumped into the car as if she was escaping. She turned left and ran wildly for ten minutes before slowing down. Xinn'er, however, was still jumping around.    


She didn't understand why Helan Xiaoxin had suddenly become so evil.    


Yes, not only did Helan Xiaoxin often go out into the night to use money to smash the male PR officers into dogs, but she also enjoyed a bad taste from them.    


But that was in a game, especially when sisters were flirting with each other. They might cause trouble until their hands would go soft and their legs would go soft, which was even bigger than before. However, Yue Zitong had never felt that anything was amiss.    


Something was wrong just now.    


Helan Xiaoxin's hands wouldn't have trembled if they had met face to face.    


After recalling Helan Xiaoxin's reaction over and over again, Yue Zitong was sure what she was doing.    


This made her somewhat afraid.    


Most of them were at a loss.    


As far as she could remember, Helan Xiaoxin, who was noble, pressing, and friendly, was rather normal. After all, the two of them had already been sisters for a year or two.    


So what happened to Helan Xiaoxin tonight?    


The ghost had stepped on his body?    


This idea suddenly rose up in Yue Zitong's mind.    


In the past, if someone told her that someone had been hit by a ghost, even if Yue Zitong didn't slap him on the face, she would have disdainfully curled her lips and told him to scram.    


But now she believed that Lee Nanfang was a living example.    


Dr. Wang, while explaining why Lee Nanfang suffered a stroke, of course did not mention the "ghostly body", but repeatedly said that he was infected by the evil aura after indulgence.    


What was that evil qi?    


According to the folklore, the homeless ghosts would become evil spirits. When a living person's spiritual force was at its weakest, they would take advantage of this situation and attach themselves onto his body, causing him to have symptoms of a live apoplexy, or a strange mental state, and so on.    


Legend has it that a long time ago, when a woman of indecent style was found pregnant with someone else's child, the clan leader immediately called a critical meeting to hang her on a tree at the entrance of the village.    


Then, he hastily buried her body at a crossroads in the wilderness. After she died, she would be trampled by thousands of people and wouldn't be able to live a peaceful life.    


The woman after death resented this world with her soul, especially the fact that she was still carrying a child that had taken shape in her belly. As time passed by, she became a ghost, and her resentment rushed towards the bull fighting.    


One rainy evening, a pregnant woman who had lost her way in the rain was passing this junction when a bolt of lightning exploded above her head. The ground at the junction cracked, a black light flashed, and the pregnant woman fainted as if she had been struck by lightning.    


Later, she was carried home by her husband and others, and that night she was born prematurely.    


Her baby, born with a mouth full of teeth, was as sharp as a bat's. Her eyes shone with an evil red light as she squeaked and bit anyone she saw.    


The wisest chief in the village vaguely knew something and hurriedly shouted to stop the villagers who wanted to beat the Ghost Infant to death. He said that if the entire village were to beat it to death without permission, a disaster would befall them.    


Yue Zitong could no longer remember how the Daoist Priest had dealt with this matter after he had invited her.    


She had also forgotten where she had heard of this legend. Now, she suddenly recalled that it was because Jack and Helan Xiaoxin were both abnormal.    


Lee Nanfang was out of danger. He only needed to rest for a week and he would be back to normal.    


What about Sister Xin?    


What the hell did she get?    


Yue Zitong became even more frightened when she thought about how she would tremble unspeakably when she was being molested by Helan Xiaoxin.    


On the contrary, to prevent Lee Nanfang from plotting against Southern Frontier, being exposed was nothing.    


Yue Zitong was afraid that not only would she tremble when she was molested by Helan Xiaoxin, she would also be scared that she would do something irrational when she was insane.    


While his imagination was running wild, the car had already stopped in front of his house.    


Looking into the dark living room, Yue Zitong suddenly felt as if there was something strange hidden inside that would rush out of the darkness when she entered.    


"This is my own home. I've lived here for many years, why should I be afraid?"    


Yue Zitong calmed her uneasy heart and then got out of the car.    


After walking a few steps, he turned around and took out a handful of Short Dagger s.    


The appearance of the two Death Killing s not only reminded Helan Xiaoxin that she would carry a gun with her no matter where she went, but also made Yue Zitong be more cautious and place a Short Dagger in the carriage.    


Yue Zitong slowly pulled the Short Dagger out of the leather sheath. Sensing its cold edge, Yue Zitong's mood calmed down a lot. Her eyes stared unwaveringly at the living room's door as she walked towards it step by step.    


Perhaps it was due to Lee Nanfang and his sister's abnormality that Yue Zitong felt such a sense of danger at home and decided to take out the Short Dagger s to enter.    


Normally, no matter how late she returned home, Yue Zitong wouldn't hear the door creak when she opened it.    


Now she heard the sound of the door, like a woman tortured to the point of death, moaning, and she couldn't help but shudder, and goosebumps sprouted all over her body.    


"Afraid? What is there to be afraid of? This is my own home, alright?"    


Yue Zitong, who had mustered up her courage, pretended to smile disdainfully and whistled as she walked in.    


Damn it, how could the whistling sound be so ear-piercing?    


What the heck was he doing? Why did he recall the story of that demon!?    


Yue Zitong, it's not like you did something shameful, why do you feel guilty?    


She stopped whistling and laughed disdainfully once again. Then, she reached out her hand to press the switch on the wall.    


Yue Zitong touched something when her left hand reached her usual distance from the light.    


Soft, like her crappy, pretty face -- but cold, like a dead pork.    


"Who, who!?"    


Yue Zitong quivered for a moment, her soul about to leave her body. With a shout, the Short Dagger in her right hand stabbed forward.    


If it was an ordinary girl who suddenly encountered such a thing while turning on the lights and wasn't scared to death, then she would just lie paralyzed on the ground.    


Yue Zitong was not an ordinary girl. She had six years of experience as a secret service agent, and a while ago, she had made a name for herself with her Mexico. Her courage had long since been tempered out, and many men couldn't keep up.    


Therefore, she was not scared senseless, but rather had a soul-shaking, soul-stirring reaction, just like how she did the motion of piercing a Short Dagger, it was all out of instinct.    


When a person was in extreme fear, they would either be scared to the point of losing all their strength, or they would have extraordinary strength.    


Yue Zitong was the latter. If she could pierce through this Short Dagger's strength, she could probably pierce through a 3 mm steel plate. How could she block that thing that she did not know was?    


There was no "Puff" sound that she hoped for, but she could truly feel that the Short Dagger had stabbed into something.    


Then she shrank back, ready to do it again, but she couldn't.    


How was this possible?    


Yue Zitong jumped down and let go, retreating quickly.    


She would not fight with that thing in the darkness, whether it worked or not, and retreat as soon as she realized it was not working.    


He hid himself in the darkness and pressed himself against the wall behind the door. He held his breath and listened attentively.    


There was no movement, as if there was nothing there.    


Time seemed to stand still. The luxurious villa that was decorated seemed to have turned into an ancient tomb with many invisible shadows floating before her eyes.    


This kind of deathly stillness made Yue Zitong want to go crazy.    


She wished she had a little light now.    


It's fine even if it's daylight, but why is it a cloudy night?    


Yue Zitong couldn't stand it any longer, so she decided to stick close to the wall and slowly retreat into the yard.    


Slowly, she held out her hand — an instinctive gesture in the darkness.    


Then, she touched Bing Bing's skin again.    


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