Strongest Guard

C481 The Spur of the Hog's Brain

C481 The Spur of the Hog's Brain



A loud sound was heard. Under the gazes of dozens of spectators, the seemingly crude jeep, which was like a barrelled stick, fiercely crashed into the seemingly cute and charming white sports car.    


The body of an expensive sports car worth millions of dollars was immediately deflated by the collision. It rolled over for a total of three somersaults before finally coming to a stop with its four wheels facing the sky.    


When the jeep got out of the jeep, it also sunk into the big one. The bumper was dragged along the ground, and the headlights were like eyeballs popping out of their sockets — colliding with each other in a suicidal manner could only result in mutual destruction.    


"What should we do?"    


Satisfied with the spurs, he let out a long breath and asked Ye Xiaodao.    


It was not a matter of driving a car over hundreds of balloons and chasing down a gentleman in pursuit of a lady and making him jump like a monkey.    


Didn't he get killed?    


How much is a thousand balloons? A dollar each, only a thousand. It's not even enough to buy a glass of wine for my brother-in-law when he's picking up girls.    


The key issue was the recently defunct white sports car.    


According to Spur's visual estimation, this is a world-limited version of Maserati, worth at least $1 million.    


It was a brand-new car, and it hadn't even hung up yet, but it was already trampled by the spurs. With so many people watching and the surveillance footage that faithfully recorded everything, the spurs couldn't be relied on. That was why he asked his brother-in-law what to do.    


However, her brother-in-law rolled his eyes and asked, "What do we do about what?"    


Spurs laughed heartily and pointed at the sportscar.    


"You bumped into him. What does it have to do with me?"    


Ye Xiaodao's reply stunned Ma Pao. He had the urge to vomit blood and muttered, "Sis, brother-in-law, you told me to drive this car over, okay?"    


"Yes, I let you crash your car over, but I only let you crush those balloons to scare that idiot. I didn't let you cripple his car."    


Ye Xiaodao opened the door and got out.    


Holding on to the car door, looking at the stupefied spurs, Master Dao sighed, resenting the fact that he couldn't handle it, "Sigh, you've been following me for so long, why is your brain always so funny, you don't even understand what should be hit and what shouldn't be hit. I'm really drunk. Spurs, do you remember how I used to repeat your words every day? "    


"Yes. Brother-in-law, you said before that I had to have no teeth, no teeth, and I can't forget. "    


The spurs vaguely sensed that things were not going well, and when they spoke again, they used honorifics.    


"I'll never forget the one next door!" How many times have I told you? You're a human with a pig's head, but you just can't remember it. "    


Ye Xiaodao raised his foot and kicked the car door: "Then recite it aloud for me now."    


"What sh * t, what the f * * k!"    


These words were easy to understand, crude and hard to understand. No matter how stupid the spurs were, they would be firmly engraved in her heart after being recited by her brother-in-law for a long time.    


"Yes, that's it. No, you knocked over the car, it has nothing to do with me. How to be forgiven by the owner of the car and let you go is a question for you to consider. Don't bother me anymore. "    


After saying this, Master Dao smiled at Feng Dashao, whose legs were trembling as he walked over. He shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms to show that he had nothing left. Then, he walked towards the stairs.    


He didn't pay the slightest attention to the spurs behind him, who were staring at him with an aggrieved expression.    


Just as he walked to the front of the stairs, Ye Xiaodao suddenly turned around with a smile on his face. He bent down slightly and ran towards a white Bmw.    


Even the heavens had to admit that Master Dao's eyes were so vicious that they could not be described if he searched within a hundred meter radius.    


Just as he was about to take a step up the stairs, he caught sight of the white Bmw from the corner of his eyes. He realized that the woman sitting in the backseat was looking out.    


F * ck, a beauty, an absolute beauty!    


Master Dao, I've been traveling around the world for so many years, and I've seen countless beauties, but other than Suya Qier, that little bitch, I've never met such a super great beauty.    


If I could get her on the bed, I would have to admit that even if Master Dao had to carry a hoe down to the ground every day, not to mention watching over Lee Nanfang's aunt's house.    


Crack, crack, crack!    


This beauty was actually a rare super charmer?    


He jogged to the front of the Bmw and saw Helan Xiaoxin's face even more clearly. Master Dao Hu's body trembled, his eyes widened, and he felt the urge to shout towards the sky.    


Master Dao had admitted that he was number two in the world when it came to judging women, so no one dared to claim to be number one.    


Charming, also known as sultry.    


As the Black Wood Ear was given a new meaning, the flirtatious endearments that had once been despised by gentlemen and gentlemen of the past had evolved into attractive and positive descriptions of women. It was just like how girls were now proud of their chests and buttocks.    


Charming women were basically divided into three levels.    


The charm that could be revealed through one's temperament, which was also known as' waves', made one feel that this was only the elementary level.    


As for the intermediate beauties, they would not be exposed by their temperament. Instead, through the eyes of a woman, there was a certain type of woman who would look at a particular man and discharge their power outwards, conveying the desire to sleep together with him.    


A woman with a high level of inner beauty would not release her aura or her eyes. Instead, she would release it through the corners of her eyebrows.    


Her eyebrows were filled with spring. That was the perfect sign of a beautiful woman releasing her sleepiness when she wanted to be together with a handsome man.    


According to Master Dao's experience in the past few years, he was basically certain that a woman with a high level inner strength could be said to be one in a million.    


Among ten thousand women, only then would it be possible to produce a high class and seductive beauty.    


Even though it's rare, but the planet we live on is not just billions of women.    


Therefore, from the billions of women, it wasn't difficult to coincidentally meet a high-level beauty. As long as you diligently searched for her, you would definitely be able to get something out of it.    




But — A beauty with a high temperament was not enough to make Ye Xiaodao want to raise his head and shout in ecstasy.    


The reason he was so excited right now was because he had seen a superb beauty that was a thousand times better than a high-class beauty.    


Super seductive. It wasn't something that could be released through one's temperament, eyes, eyebrows, or eyes. It was something that could only come out of one's intuition.    


Yes, intuition!    


Only a beauty hunter like Ye Xiaodao, who had been through countless flowers, could use his intuition to recognize Helan Xiaoxin, who was a super seductive woman.    


Every strand of her hair, every cell of her body, was filled with active and seductive molecules.    


As the ancients had said, a woman like Helan Xiaoxin was a natural talent that could only be found by luck.    


Ye Xiaodao, who was determined to die under the peony flower, couldn't help but tremble. He ignored Secretary Huang's berating in a low voice and politely opened the car door for Sister Xin. Taking a step back, he gestured with his hands to show that he was a man of good character.    


"Out of the way, who are you?"    


Seeing that guy suddenly run over to pay his respects, Secretary Huang, who had never looked at the locals since she arrived at Qingshan City, couldn't help but feel angry, and immediately lifted her hand to push him away.    


Ye Xiaodao remained immobile, acting like a huge mountain.    


On the other hand, Secretary Huang staggered and was instantly enraged. She raised her leg and kicked his left leg.    


The pointed, thin, high-heeled leather shoes were not much thicker than a awl.    


Besides, Secretary Huang had used a lot of strength in her rage. After landing a solid kick on her leg, most people would have already wailed in pain and spun around like hugging a monkey.    


However, Ye Xiaodao was still as tall and majestic as a mountain.    


Without even looking at Secretary Huang, as if a fly had landed on his leg, Master Dao stared at the coquettish face in the car and softly said: "Hello beauty, let me introduce myself. My surname is Ye, the leaf of the leaf, the name is Xiao Dao, and the knife is sharp."    


"Ye Xiaodao?"    


Helan Xiaoxin was not like Secretary Huang, who had no manners. After being pestered by a man, she did not care about her status and openly scolded him, threatening to call the police, and so on.    


They would only raise their hands and place them in his palm. Then, with his help, they alighted the carriage.    


As for whether she buried him alive or fried him, only she knew the answer to that question.    


Seeing that Sister Xin didn't reject Ye Xiaodao and instead kicked him, Secretary Huang tactfully retreated after seeing that Sister Xin did not reject Ye Xiaodao and instead kicked him.    


Glancing at the jeep not far away, He Lan Xiao Yanran smiled and said softly, "Good name, you have a personality."    


"Beauty is too kind."    


Ye Xiaodao, who called himself a flower protector, was much more elegant than those perverts who wanted to push down the sexy beauties on the spot. Although he could not bear to let go of his tender hands, but when Sister Xin first showed signs of retracting, he still decisively let go and took the opportunity to adjust his hairless hair and asked with an elegant smile: "May I ask, beautiful lady, what's your name?"    


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, there was no need for Helan Xiaoxin to hide her name. She pursed her lips and smiled, "My surname is He Lan, and my name is Xiaoxin."    


"Helan Xiaoxin?"    


Ye Xiaodao raised his eyebrows and praised from the bottom of his heart, "A flower of the Helan Mountain is so fresh and fresh. May I ask beauty He Lan if you would mind sharing a lunch with me? "    


"It's not convenient, I still need to work."    


She let out a long sigh and said, "Hai, I can't help myself."    


"Where does a beauty work?"    




Following the direction the round chin was pointing, Ye Xiaodao turned around and smiled: "So, the beauty is in Kaihuang Group. Heh, heh, like I said, other than our Kaihuang Group, other companies would be able to defy the heavens and produce beauties like you. "    


"Our Kaihuang Group?"    


Helan Xiaoxin's beautiful eyes moved around as she looked Ye Xiaodao up and down, "You, are also an employee in the company?"    


"Yes, yes." Me too, hur hur. "    


After discovering the top quality beauty, Master Dao had long forgotten to take care of Yue Zitong's family guards. Instead, he was grateful to his good brother for giving him this opportunity.    


"But I don't seem to know you."    


Helan Xiaoxin hadn't been in Qingshan for long, and since she was the aloof Vice President, she couldn't possibly know every single one of the employees.    


Yet, she knew Feng Dashao from the Cloud World.    


She could say bluntly that in the entire Kaihuang Group, other than her, no one else, including Yue Zitong, would dare to drive into Feng Dashao and pay a price worth a million dollars.    


Oh, she remembered. Other than her, there seemed to be another person who dared to do this.    


Scum, Lee Nanfang.    


However, how could Sister Xin not be surprised that Ye Xiaodao, who claimed to be an employee of the company, did the same?    


"Ha, um, I just came to work today."    


"Oh, I told you."    


Sister Xin blinked and asked again, "Which department?"    


Ye Xiaodao answered with a question, "Beauty He Lan, which department are you in?"    


Helan Xiaoxin laughed. "If you ask me that, then can I understand that you want to work in the same department as me?"    


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