Strongest Guard

C434 Saliva Wipe Your Mouth

C434 Saliva Wipe Your Mouth

If Yue Zitong wanted to let go of her Demon Claw, she couldn't use brute force to persuade Yue Zitong. However, if begging for mercy was impossible, suddenly shouting 'Viper' was undoubtedly the most effective method.    


According to the relevant experts, ninety-nine out of a hundred women are afraid of two things: a mouse and a poisonous snake.    


However, these two creatures were not the only ones who were afraid of them. There was still a big difference between them.    


Generally speaking, a kind-looking, hardworking girl would be especially afraid of mice, but she didn't care too much about poisonous snakes.    


As for girls, who were born with the appearance of being the bane of an entire nation, they were not afraid of rats, but rather of poisonous snakes.    


Those who were afraid of mice were not afraid of snakes, those who were not afraid of rats, those who were not afraid of anything, and those who were not afraid of anything were all over fifty years old aunts. This experiment proved that what kind of creatures young girls were afraid of had a lot to do with their appearance.    


There was no doubt that Aunt Yue was the one who brought calamity upon this nation. Wearing beautiful clothes and walking in circles on the street would definitely cause a lot of traffic accidents, so she was especially afraid of poisonous snakes.    


Sure enough, before Lee Nanfang could finish his sentence, Yue Zitong's body felt refreshed. She quickly covered her mouth and screamed, "Ah, where's the snake!?"    


"I just ran past your feet and went to bathe in the stream."    


Taking the opportunity to leap up, Lee Nanfang repeatedly gave himself a Like in his heart. I am too f * cking smart, using a little trick, I was able to avoid a tragedy where I was cut to the roots.    


"Lee Nanfang, how dare you lie to me!"    


Yue Zitong finally understood that she had fallen for the trap. She was so embarrassed that she became angry. Just as she was about to roll over and get up, she suddenly froze.    


"Hehe, if I'm not lying to you, then your bro is really unlucky … Cough, I remember that there's mineral water in the car, I'll go get it for you. Don't be angry, and don't be furious. Girls are always angry, so they get old especially quickly. "    


Lee Nanfang's eyes flashed as he looked at Aunt Yue's mouth. He no longer cared about the numbness in his limbs and staggered towards the car. His speed was as fast as if he was being chased by a wild dog.    


It might be even more brutal than a wild dog.    


If it was just a wild dog, then Lee Nanfang could just casually kick it and take half its life.    


But what if it was his aunt?    


If they really chased after him, and he still dared to kick them aside, then the heavens might really know how to thunder. Boy, you actually dared to use such a malicious method. It was simply too black-hearted. Why did your aunt want to kill you? Wasn't she scared by you? She instinctively covered her mouth to wipe it clean of certain proteins?    


Look, even the heavens are calling it protein, so why be angry?    


Why, when Little Nephew walked over with a smile on his face and asked her to rinse her mouth, he was still smitten. He glared at her without moving, ignoring the long protein dripping from the corner of his mouth.    


From the looks of it, she was probably angry and disgusted.    


Can you blame Lee Nanfang?    


Who told her to turn a deaf ear to persuasion and pretend to provide him with services? After being shocked, she stuffed her right hand into her mouth.    


Lee Nanfang dared to swear to God that from the moment she wielded the spear until now, he had not done anything disrespectful. The reason for this was because she was asking for it.    


"Who's that, aunt? Drink some water and wipe your mouth?"    


Being glared at by her like that was not a big deal. Lee Nanfang, as a man, should have a heart as broad as the sea. He should consider it as his own fault to break the deadlock and restore Aunt Yue's spirit.    


This child's injuries were too great. Lee Nanfang asked seven or eight times but didn't do anything. Only his watery eyes were locked onto his throat.    


It seemed that she was thinking about how to make Scumbag Lee die the most.    


The best way to deal with the threat was to strangle it in its cradle, don't let it thrive or else it would bring endless trouble.    


Smart people did this, after his aunt had accidentally eaten his dirt — gently and very carefully, wiping her chin, lips, wiping them clean with a paper towel, throwing them away with disgust, putting her arm around his aunt's thin shoulders, pouring the mineral water into her mouth little by little.    


Seeing that she didn't even know how to rinse her mouth, Lee Nanfang grabbed her chin and moved it up and down a few times before helping her lower her head and spit it out.    


After chewing it a few times for her to make sure that the breath she puffed out again smelled so good, Lee Nanfang finally put down what he was holding in his hand, covered his head with his hands, and obediently squatted down in front of her with his back facing her, looking like he was guilty of her crimes. Damn it, I'm willing to accept the punishment of justice.    




After an unknown amount of time, Yue Zitong finally let out a sigh when the phone screen in the bushes lit up again.    


The nerves and muscles throughout Lee Nanfang's body immediately tensed up.    


An unpredictable storm of danger was coming.    




Yue Zitong let out a shriek that pierced through the air as she suddenly jumped up and viciously kicked the damned person.    


With too much force, it caused his movements to become out of shape. Just as his thin and tall sandals were about to touch Lee Nanfang's back, they were sent flying. Her delicate feet kicked heavily on his back, producing a dull thumping sound like the beating of a drum.    


The words "violent storm" could not even describe the rage of Aunt Yue when she was trying to beat Scumbag Lee to death. Every step was faster than the last, and every step was fiercer than the last.    


However, Scumbag Lee had already prepared himself for the beatings. He hugged his head with both hands and kneeled in the grass, touching his forehead to the ground. His butt was raised high up, allowing the lightning to strike him.    


After kicking for a long time, he didn't make a sound. Instead, he made her feet hurt. Aunt Yue knew it was useless to continue like this. Scumbag Lee was like a hedgehog now, making the tigress unable to bite him.    


Screaming again, Yue Zitong threw herself onto his back, bent down to pick up a pebble from the ground, and raised it high in the air to smash it against the back of his head.    


Your body is tough, your head is tough, I admit that, but no matter how hard you are, can you be tougher than a rock?    


Today, if I don't smash your head into a rotten watermelon, I'll f * cking be raised by you!    


The flustered and exasperated Yue Zitong had now completely lost her reason. The murderous intent in her eyes made the whole world tremble.    


Covering her head with both hands, Lee Nanfang saw what she was doing from the corner of his eyes. He frowned and became a little impatient. Damn, this is the time to murder her husband.    


This is no big deal. This brother has already assumed the role of your trampling master, but why are you still so unrelenting and even thinking of killing him?    


Yue Zitong, don't blame me for turning hostile. You forced me to do this!    


Lee Nanfang sneered in his heart. Just as he was about to shake his head and shake his tail to throw this unreasonable little bitch out, he heard someone not far away shout: "Tongtong, stop!"    


At this call, Tongtong stopped, just like a beacon in the dark night, tearing open the lightning clouds, causing Yue Zitong, who was trapped in a state of insanity and unable to extricate herself, to suddenly wake up. She immediately regained her senses and dropped half of her motion, retracting her punch sized pebble, which was less than ten centimeters away from the back of Lee Nanfang's head.    


Lee Nanfang looked over from the corner of his eyes and saw Helan Xiaoxin, who was wearing a black cheongsam with a white knitted shawl on her shoulders. She was walking down with small steps while swinging her arms on her leather shoes.    


Sister Xin had been here for a few minutes. She saw the scene where Lee Nanfang wiped Yue Zitong's mouth with a tissue and rinsed it for her. She was wondering what kind of tricks these two were playing.    


Yue Zitong shouldn't have been touched by a man. It was fine if she didn't react like a wooden sculpture, but why did Scumbag Lee hug his head obediently after helping her clean her mouth and squat down there, looking like he was willing to accept punishment?    


What kind of show was this wretched couple playing?    


When Helan Xiaoxin pushed the door open and got off the car, she was so shocked that Lee Nanfang was too engrossed that he didn't notice her arrival.    


Only when Yue Zitong woke up from her daze, she suddenly shouted and leaped up, kicking Lee Nanfang repeatedly with her foot, then Helan Xiaoxin realized something. Damn, the two of them never answered my call.    


Looking at how furious he was and how he was willing to accept the punishment, it should be Lee Nanfang.    


That's not right. If Overlord forced himself on Tongtong and knocked her over, then according to her personality, she shouldn't even let Scumbag Lee pull up her pants.    


Sister Xin, who didn't know what was going on, just stood there with her arms crossed in front of her chest, enjoying the scene. Her heart was cheering Yue Zitong on, 'Beat this disobedient scum to death!'    


Seemingly hearing Sister Xin's cheers, Yue Zitong became more and more excited the more she beat him up, and her state became more and more crazed. Finally, she rode on Scumbag Lee's body, bent over and picked up a pebble, wanting to smash his head like a watermelon.    


I can't let Scumbag Lee die. Sister Xin just tasted the taste of the Qilin Green Dragon once, okay?    


When she thought of the blissful sex life she had for the rest of her life, Helan Xiaoxin's shout woke Yue Zitong up.    


Only then did Yue Zitong realize that she was playing big. She almost knocked Little Nephew's head out. She was stunned and quickly threw away the stone. She threw herself on his back, opened her mouth and took a bite of his right shoulder.    


F * ck, it really hurts!    


But at least it's better than having your stone cut open.    


Lee Nanfang silently endured the pain of being bitten while tears streamed down his face. He silently asked the heavens, "What did I do wrong to allow me to receive such a brutal beating?"    


"Tongtong, Tongtong, let go!" No, it was loose! "If you continue to bite, if you continue to bite, the meat will be bitten off."    


Helan Xiaoxin ran over and dragged Yue Zitong to the side.    


Yue Zitong now transformed into a leopard, biting on a piece of flesh and swinging it left and right. She made a "hu hu" sound from her throat, and when she was hugged by Sister Xin, she swung her elbow backwards without thinking, hitting her right in the chest.    


After all, she had been a secret service agent since she was 16 years old. Although Yue Zitong's small skills were like embroidery for the sake of maintaining a good figure, she was still very powerful when dealing with normal people.    




Helan Xiaoxin screamed miserably and let go, falling to the ground with a crash, as if her heart had been heavily hammered by an iron hammer.    


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