Strongest Guard

C477 Lee Dregs Had Better be Sick

C477 Lee Dregs Had Better be Sick

In the past, when Yue Zitongchen came back, she would always smell the fragrance of the food as soon as she reached the door of the living room.    


But not this morning. The kitchen door was closed, and there was no sound.    


With a frown, he turned around and asked Sister Xin who was doing exercise in the yard, "Is that guy still not up yet, or did he get up long ago and leave?"    


People were like this.    


Even if there were people who were giving away their efforts, once things came to an end, those who had already enjoyed peace of mind would blame him for not doing as he usually did.    


"I didn't see him come out. He must be sleeping."    


Helan Xiaoxin, who was wearing a black training uniform, slowly rolled backwards with her hands supporting her back. Her waist was bent into a bow, revealing half of her snow-like lower abdomen. Her hair was already hanging to the ground, but her feet seemed to be nailed to the ground, making her look very reliable.    


Every time she saw her showing off her soft waist, Yue Zitong had the urge to run over and kick her down.    


"It's almost time, why didn't you call him earlier?"    


Yue Zitong complained as she wiped the sweat off her forehead with a towel tied around her neck. Without changing her shoes, she walked to the door of the guest room and knocked on it. "Hey, it's snowing outside. Hurry up and enjoy the snow!"    


No one answered.    


Yue Zitong grabbed the doorknob and tried it.    


The door was unlocked.    


Lee Nanfang was still lying on the bed with his head covered with a blanket as he slept soundly.    


Men did not lie on their sides like women when they were asleep. They were basically flat on their backs.    


This time, Lee Nanfang curled up his body and lied on the side with his back facing the door.    


"Hey, what are you doing sneaking around under the covers? It's snowing, it's really snowing outside. "    


After seeing the quilt shake, just as Yue Zitong was about to walk in, she suddenly understood. Her little face blushed red as she cursed in a low voice, "Scum is scum, don't do anything serious." If I eat your food again, it'll be weird! "    


The man was lying on his side on the bed. When the quilt was shaking, he was basically chatting amicably with his brother and the five girls — Yue Zitong had seen it online.    


Since Scumbag Lee was doing that disgusting thing, of course Yue Zitong wouldn't interfere with him, nor would she stay in his room. She spat at the floor, turned around and was about to close the door, but Helan Xiaoxin walked in: "What's he doing?"    


Yue Zitong didn't say anything as she slammed the door shut.    


She was too ashamed to tell Sister Xin that her blood relative Little Nephew, as well as her fiance, was doing what a man wanted to do after the fact.    


"What the hell is he doing? Look at how mysterious you are. Don't tell me he has a great beauty in his house. "    


Helan Xiaoxin walked over and looked inside.    


Yue Zitong actually wanted to remind her that this is my fiancé's room. No matter how good our relationship is, you shouldn't open the door, right?    


However, the moment the words left his mouth, he remembered that this couple's relationship seemed to be even deeper than his.    


Forget it, I'll endure this fox spirit for now.    


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at her laughing. This is called —"    


While Aunt Yue was secretly curling her lips in disdain, Sister Xin closed the door, patting her perky chest, and silently giggled: "Tongtong, your man is really something special. If he didn't use the two beauties who were guarding him, he would have to use his left hand to solve the problem. "Sigh, this phenomenon is worthy of us sisters to ponder over."    


"Go ponder it yourself, it has nothing to do with me."    


Yue Zitong rolled her eyes, bent down to take off her sneakers, threw them behind the living room door and walked up the stairs barefooted.    


"Tsk, what are you pretending for? Do you really think I don't know how much you want him to do?"    


When she returned to the bedroom, the corners of Helan Xiaoxin's mouth curled up. She turned her head to look at the door and bitterly went back in.    


Lee Nanfang's door was still closed when the two ladies finished changing into their work dresses and walked down the stairs with graceful steps while walking with their high heels.    


"Let's go and eat outside." It's probably because after we saw him, he felt too ashamed to meet us. "    


Helan Xiaoxin took Yue Zitong's arm and the two beauties left the living room together. They got into their respective cars and purposely pressed the throttle to the bottom. After a loud rumbling sound, they drove out of the house.    


When they walked down the stairs, Yue Zitong felt that something was wrong with Lee Nanfang.    


She admitted that this fellow was indeed shameless. He hid in his bed and enjoyed himself. Compared to when he frightened her half to death when she snuck in, this was truly no big deal.    


Since he was so shameless, why would he be so embarrassed when he was discovered sneaking around?    


There must be something odd about this.    


What's so strange about it?    


Sister Xin, can't you go to work first? Why are you dragging me along?    


You can't be trying to prevent me from making use of this opportunity to deal with Scumbag Lee, right?    


Even if we did, what do you care?    


Don't forget, we're a couple.    


Who do you think you are, always meddling in our private lives, intentionally or unintentionally.    


Director Yue's hidden bitterness for Sister Xin did not dissipate even after he came to the office. He had a gloomy face and trusted his secretary, Little Du. He was very careful when reporting about his work: "Director Yue, someone came to see you yesterday."    


Yesterday, shortly after Yue Zitong left for work, she drove herself to the banks of the Yellow River.    


After throwing Min Rou into that shitty place, she felt slightly guilty. It was necessary for her to take care of her over there.    


Before she left, she had instructed Little Du to report the work to Deputy Director Helan. He would only call her if he needed her to make a decision.    


Now that Little Du said that someone had come to find her yesterday, it probably wasn't a big deal.    


If it was someone important, Little Du would have called her yesterday, and she wouldn't have to wait until today.    


Lifting her head to look at Little Du, Yue Zitong realized that her face was filled with caution. She had brought negative emotions that had nothing to do with her work into the company and affected her subordinates. This was not something a qualified boss should have.    


Taking a light breath, Yue Zitong quickly calmed herself down. A friendly smile appeared on her face. "Who's looking for me?"    


"The front desk's Little Zhang introduced himself as a young man with the surname Ye. He didn't make an appointment, so he said he wanted to see you."    


After seeing Director Yue smile, Little Du became more relaxed, and when he spoke again, he became much more fluent: "I received a call from the front desk and told him that you weren't here. If there's anything, you can tell me, and I will pass it on to you on his behalf. He did not say that he wanted to see you for anything, he only said that he would be back today. "    


"Surnamed Ye?"    


Yue Zitong thought about it for a moment. She didn't know anyone with the surname Ye, so she didn't mind. "Mm, I'm not going out today. When he comes back, bring him to see me."    




Seeing that Director Yue didn't order her anymore, Little Du gave her some water and quietly left.    


Yue Zitong was quite satisfied with Little Du's performance.    


Thinking about Min Rou, Yue Zitong sighed again for no reason. She picked up the phone, wanted to call her, but then put it down.    


Since he had already hardened his heart to send someone to that place, why would he need to feign concern over and over again?    


Min Rou was different from Helan Xiaoxin, who was a fox spirit. No matter how much she cared about Lee Nanfang, she wouldn't dare to fight over a man with Director Yue.    


He thought about Helan Xiaoxin again. He thought about how she would bring Lee Nanfang to the Southern Frontier three days later.    


Yue Zitong was not stupid. Of course, from the way Helan Xiaoxin looked at Lee Nanfang, she could tell that her mind was a little active.    


After testing it out last night, she didn't change her decision to bring Lee Nanfang to Southern Frontier. With such a long journey and so many days gone, how could Scumbag Lee, who had seen all the beautiful girls with his eyes, resist the seduction of this fox spirit?    


Last night, she even joked with Director Yue that she was going to elope with Scumbag Lee.    


Who knew if she was joking, or if it was just a joke?    


If she was really that determined, Scumbag Lee would definitely be her captive. After all, she was the big miss of Helan Family, and she needed money, power, and even more, she was like a fox spirit who didn't care at all. Zi Fann was a normal man, so he couldn't resist her.    


However, Yue Zitong had already agreed to let Lee Nanfang follow her to the Southern Frontier. If she went back on her words, then it would be easy for the boat to capsize.    


If that were the case, the matter would have been blown up.    


Yue Zitong was worried about letting Lee Nanfang go.    


If he didn't let him go, he wouldn't be able to rest at ease.    


The troubled Director Yue finally found out that she took the initiative to invite Helan Xiaoxin to stay at home, which was to lure the wolf into the house.    


Yue Zitong's mind was in a mess as she held the document in both hands. Half an hour passed, but she did not read a single word.    


"If only Scumbag Lee suddenly got sick."    


Suddenly, Director Yue's eyes lit up. He felt that he had finally found a solution to the problem.    


"Yes, that's it. Ordinary cold fever not good, the best is hemiplegia, ah, I pui! If that's really the case, wouldn't I have to serve him? "    


Lifting his hand and hitting his own mouth, Director Yue murmured: "It can't be hemiplegia, it can't be myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and the like. The best thing is, it's the kind of illness that you can't get up from, but doesn't leave any bad aftereffects when it heals — what kind of illness can have this effect? "    


See a doctor if you're sick.    


This principle had long been deeply engraved in everyone's minds.    


Then, what kind of disease did Director Yue want to know to make Lee Nanfang unable to get up, but nothing happened after he recovered, so of course he had to ask the doctor.    


Director Yue recognized the Vice President of Central Hospital, Lv Mingliang.    


At this time, it was quite necessary to give him a call and make a detailed inquiry before making a decision.    


Well, it's more important than work.    


"Brat, look how much I love you!" In order to prevent you from following the fox spirit to Southern Frontier, I was forced to lie. "In the future, if you don't love me dearly — no, in the future, you won't be filial to me, then you're really a heartless, ungrateful, ungrateful bastard."    


Thinking of this, Director Yue drew a cross on his forehead. Then, he picked up his phone and dialed Vice President Lu's number.    


— —    


Sister Xin felt that her mouth was getting more and more picky.    


He had only eaten a few meals cooked by Lee Nanfang and already felt that the food outside was hard to swallow.    


Even more so this morning, after eating a fried dough stick and drinking a bowl of soy milk, he felt disgusted and threw up the moment he arrived at the office.    


It seemed like he couldn't let that brat go even if it meant that he had to eat more comfortably in the future.    


With her sexy white body and the astronomical figure in the Swiss bank, it wouldn't be a loss for you to cook for me for another ten years, right?    


Helan Xiaoxin, who was slightly pale, thought to herself as she walked up the steps of the outpatient department of the Central Hospital with Secretary Huang's support.    


Seeing that Sister Xin had just started working, she suddenly ran into the bathroom to vomit and vomited. Secretary Huang, who was making coffee, jumped in fright. She rushed over and hit Sister Xin's back, urging her to come to the hospital for a check up.    


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