Strongest Guard

C577 Zhan Fei Doesn't Want Money

C577 Zhan Fei Doesn't Want Money



Pann Hai, who was older and more mature than Dung Shixiong, ran to Zhan Fei with excitement like a child. She clapped with both of her hands and thanked her repeatedly.    


From this, it could be seen how satisfied he was with this advertisement.    


Zhan Fei was also very satisfied with her performance today. With a face like a flower, she took the initiative to spread her arms and tightly hugged him.    


People like Assistant Wang also wanted to enjoy this kind of treatment, but no one would be naive enough to think that Zhan Fei would treat them like Director Pann, so they all stood to the side, cheering and clapping.    


"Zhan Fei, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much!" It is precisely because you were able to arrive in time that a divine film destined to shine in the advertising world was seen by the people of the world. This is definitely one of the works that I am most satisfied with. "    


Old Pan patted Zhan Fei's arm excitedly, wriggling about.    


Zhan Fei smiled in a reserved manner as she raised her head to look in the direction of the grass shack.    


Old Pan subconsciously turned his head and followed her gaze. When he saw Yue Zitong, he immediately understood.    


Zhan Fei's ability to lower her status to save the situation was definitely not something that money could do, but to leave money — definitely not something that could happen.    


Now that the advertisement had been completed, Zhan Fei would have to discuss the matter of payment with her boss.    


As for what conditions Yue Zitong had agreed to from Zhan Fei, he could only ask her to come and save the situation. Old Pan, who only needed to finish filming, sincerely expressed his lack of interest and said in a low voice: "Zhan Fei, I'll go and help Little Wang edit the film."    


According to the normal procedures, after a commercial was killed, it would have to be submitted to the censors. Only after the censors were verified would it be able to be released.    


However, no matter how much effort you put in during the filming and how many hardships you encountered, the people from the audit department would only follow the sequence. They would go through each segment and each department would conduct a detailed interrogation within a month, which was already fast.    


However, the advertisement for Nanfang Group must be released simultaneously with the beginning of the Azure Mountain Fashion Festival, which was delayed until the 7th of this month.    


For a week, it would be a joke to let the commercial go through the censorship department.    


Helan Xiaoxin never joked with people she didn't know — so all Pan had to do was finish the film and submit it to the judge, and they had to do it within twenty-four hours!    


Of course, the audit department could still follow orders. Sister Xin would not say that they were doing the wrong thing, but she would only joke around with them. They were wearing their hats and the chairs under their butts.    


Who would dare to use the hat on their head and the chair under their butt as a joke?    


Therefore, they would do whatever Sister Xin said.    


That's smart.    


It was easy for someone up there to do something, and Old Pan was now enjoying the privilege of never having such a thing before.    


As Old Pan went to replay the commercial with the filmmakers, Zhan Fei walked under the awning.    


To be able to come into such close contact with a Red Star and even be able to hold her small hand-- Chen Dalee trembled with excitement. When his right hand forcefully wiped his clothes, Dung Shixiong's tiptoe kicked him at the knee, leading him out of the grass shed.    


Chen Dalee finally understood that Zhan Fei didn't come to shake hands with him but to discuss business with the Lady Boss.    


I can't save you for nothing, can I?    


Don't try to be like old Pan and I and talk about gratitude.    


Brother Dalee paid for himself. In the eyes of the celebrities who were rolling up money like drinking cold water, his charm couldn't be compared to that of those stinky copper objects. They could only follow him out regretfully.    


Even though she knew that it was useless, Yue Zitong still had to express her gratitude to Zhan Fei.    


The two hands, seemingly without any bones, shook together before releasing.    


"There's no need to thank me. I merely want to use this sort of method to dissolve our previous displeasure."    


Zhan Fei smiled faintly and looked at the lake not far away, "Director Yue, let's chat over there?"    




Yue Zitong nodded in agreement. She raised her hand and said, "Please."    


The two of them walked around the lake for around ten minutes. Neither of them spoke as they stared at the surface of the water, as if a mermaid could jump out at any time.    


When Zhan Fei stopped, Yue Zitong, who had been standing about a meter away from her, also stopped in time and looked at her.    


"You first."    


Zhan Fei turned around.    


Yue Zitong nodded and bluntly said, "Zhan Fei, name a price."    


"I don't want money."    


Zhan Fei's answer stunned Yue Zitong.    


Who was Zhan Fei?    


It was a popular movie star across Asia, and last year it made an ad for a French shampoo brand that was said to pay seven figures.    


What's more, she came to shoot the advertisement for Nanfang's corporation this time because she lowered herself to save the situation?    


Thinking back to their previous conflict, Yue Zitong thought that she had come because she wanted to seize this opportunity to sharpen her blade faster.    


Yue Zitong had already made the preparations to be slaughtered. Even if she had to pay Zhan Fei all the liquidity in her Kaihuang Group, she would do so.    


However, he hadn't expected that she would say that she didn't want money.    


"You, you must be joking!"    


Yue Zitong asked after being stunned for a while.    




Zhan Fei shook her head. "I never joke around in front of money."    


Blinking her eyes a few times, Yue Zitong finally believed that she wasn't joking.    


But she wasn't happy that Zhan Fei didn't want the money. She was excited and hugged people and said you were such a good person. It could only be said that Zhan Fei voluntarily gave up her salary because she wanted more and more important things.    


Therefore, Yue Zitong was not happy at all. Instead, her face turned serious. "Then, why did you help us?"    


"I only want to ask you three questions."    


Zhan Fei's three fingers were as white as green onions, causing Yue Zitong, who was also a woman, to feel a bit heartbroken.    


"Three questions, and it'll be enough to cover the reward for our filming?"    


After confirming that Zhan Fei was nodding, Yue Zitong, who was staring into her eyes, also nodded. "Alright, go ahead and ask."    


"First, what is your relationship with Li Wei and Lee Nanfang?"    


When Zhan Fei mentioned Lee Nanfang's name, her brows slightly trembled. "I don't want to hear it, you said you're just the boss and employees."    


Hua Yeshen had already told her the relationship between Lee Nanfang and Yue Zitong.    


It was just that she didn't quite believe it.    


Ever since Hua Yeshen had given her the wrong information and caused Zhan Fei to suffer a brutal blow that was even worse than a nightmare, she had stopped believing every word that Hua Yeshen said.    


Yue Zitong immediately noticed something after hearing her mention Lee Nanfang. After a brief silence, she honestly said, "I am his fiancee. We already had that relationship when I was twelve years old. "    


Women all have the talent to gossip, as did Zhan Fei. She became interested when she heard this. "Can you tell me why you're setting up such a relationship at such a young age?"    


Yue Zitong frowned and asked, "Is that one of the three questions?"    


"Not really."    




Yue Zitong nodded and shut her mouth.    


Since it didn't count, there was no need for her to answer.    


When she was still a young girl, was the memory of being scared half to death by a monster very beautiful?    


Zhan Fei didn't continue the topic and asked the second question, "Lee Nanfang, where are we now?"    


Yue Zitong frowned even more and asked, "Zhan Fei, why do you keep asking Lee Nanfang questions?"    


Zhan Fei answered frankly, "Only questions related to him can be worth the reward of lowering myself to save the situation."    




Seeing that she could save some money for her boss, Yue Zitong decided to cooperate with Zhan Fei. After all, talking about Lee Nanfang couldn't change the fact that he was courting death: "You have two answers to this question of yours. I don't even know where he is. "    


"What about a clearer answer?"    


"He might be Golden Triangle."    


Yue Zitong asked: "Zhan Fei, since you have already made a few movies, you should know where Golden Triangle is now. "Thinking about what did Lee Nanfang do over there."    


Zhan Fei's expression changed. "He's a drug dealer?"    


"Drug dealing is only one part of his' work '."    


"He, he's a drug lord?"    


Zhan Fei finally understood with a look of disbelief on her face. "No way! How could he possibly be that drug lord?"    


"Is that the third question?"    


"Not really."    


Zhan Fei's third question, which is a big general problem, contains many small problems.    


She wanted to know who Lee Nanfang's parents were, where they were born, and what their childhood life was like.    


Fortunately, these problems didn't have much to do with Director Yue's bad memories. Since it could be sold as money, of course she wouldn't care too much about it.    


"Lee Nanfang is an orphan. To be exact, he is an abandoned baby."    


Yue Zitong pondered for a moment and started to peddle Little Nephew's wealth, "As for who his parents are, even the husband and wife that raised him, they don't know."    


According to her narration, Zhan Fei automatically imagined this scene.    


On a moonless, windy night, a young couple was walking on the cold winter street, their cloaks tightly wrapped around their bodies. Just as they passed a dark entrance to a contract, they suddenly heard a weak infant's cry.    


"Listen, it sounds like a child crying."    


His wife, who had just had an accidental miscarriage and had been unable to have children for the rest of her life, suddenly stopped and grabbed her husband's sleeve.    


The man immediately took off his hat and listened.    


Other than the howling of the cold wind, there was no other sound.    


"You're hallucinating."    


The husband sighed in his heart. He held his wife's waist with his left hand and comforted her softly, "I know that you really want a child now. I would love to, too, but -- "    


"Listen, the child is crying again. I didn't have any hallucinations, so there was definitely a child crying. "    


The wife broke away from her husband and ran into the alley.    


The husband, still worried, called out her nickname in a hurry and ran after her.    


The alley was so dark that you could not see anything. Where were the children?    


The husband took his wife's hand and was just about to persuade her to go out when a short and weak cry of a baby sounded from the wall not far from his feet, like a bolt of lightning cutting through the night.    


"There really is a child!"    


The couple was shocked and then delighted. The husband quickly took out the ignition and ignited it. Soon after, he saw a dirty package.    


In the package, there was a baby not much bigger than a kitten. It revealed its small face and slowly waved its little hands. Its mouth opened and closed as it let out intermittent cries.    


This child was Lee Nanfang, who was abandoned by his heartless mother.    


With the Chinese "Brilliant Tradition", who would abandon a baby boy and sell him for money?    


Zi Fann was a abandoned baby boy. Basically, all of them had this kind of congenital defect, such as internal organs being stunted and deformed.    


Lee Nanfang, who was abandoned, was even more unwelcomed by the heavens than these kinds of children, because he was a congenital Premature Failure Child.    


"Premature Failure Child?"    


Zhan Fei didn't quite understand.    




Yue Zitong explained patiently, "The so-called Premature Failure Child is a person who has just been born and is now eighty years old."    


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