Strongest Guard

C520 Are You Made of Water?

C520 Are You Made of Water?

Late autumn.    


When the green mountains were still filled with stars, at four o'clock in the morning, the Golden Triangle had already welcomed the first glimmer of light.    


Shangdao Yinghua, who had never worn a dress before, was still wearing Helan Xiaoxin's Prada suit as she sat on the edge of the bed, staring out the window at the east.    


He didn't feel sleepy at all.    


Just like how she could no longer feel Believer Sato's wounds all over her body, Xinn'er was always jumping quickly as if there were a lot of voices ringing in her head and different scenes were flashing before her eyes from time to time.    


Just a moment ago, Believer Sato was still holding the whip and whipping her body. From her silent tears and closed eyes, he was able to enjoy a different kind of pleasure.    


The next moment, that night appeared before her eyes again. Those eyes, that man who was strong enough to make her die, also made her silently cry.    


They were both crying, but when they cried, their emotions were completely different.    


Believer Sato made her cry because her body was crying because of the pain.    


Lee Nanfang made her cry, but it was because her soul was crying happily. Other than tears, there was no other way to express how much she missed him.    


Believer Sato, who made her cry in pain, had already broken his neck, causing her to tremble in fear. He would never dare to bully her again.    


Shangdao Yinghua's whole body felt incredibly relaxed when she thought of the fact that she no longer needed to wake up in the middle of the night with pain. All she wanted to do was collapse onto the bed and cry.    


If she was in pain, she would cry. If she was happy, she would cry too. This was Shangdao Yinghua. It was very similar to the petals that slowly fell during the spring rain in March.    


But she did not dare to cry.    


Lee Nanfang didn't know when he would come in.    


If he saw that she was crying, he would think that she would not listen to him obediently and would not be happy.    


The sun was about to rise, but the man didn't come in.    


Did he just come to see me tonight?    


Is it because I'm pleading for mercy for those people?    


Or is it because he doesn't like me to cry all the time and can't finish the job he gave me?    


What would I do if he didn't come to see me?    


Unknowingly, Shangdao Yinghua's fingers had twisted the corners of her clothes into a mess, and her mind was in an even more confused state. She gently pursed her lips and realized that tears were once again streaming down her face.    


Why do I always cry?    


He would not like it if he saw it.    


Shangdao Yinghua blamed herself in her heart. Just as she was about to wipe her tears away, she heard a gentle voice come from the door. "Why are you crying?"    


"I, I didn't!"    


Shangdao Yinghua jumped up abruptly and turned her head back to say the words. As she shook her head, a tear fell on her hand. It was cold, but it was like sulfuric acid. It hurt so much.    


How could I lie to him?    


He'll hate me.    


Shangdao Yinghua wanted to wipe away her tears, but she didn't dare.    


Lee Nanfang, who was wearing a white linen robe, stood at the door and looked at her with a gentle gaze.    


They looked at each other for a moment before Shangdao Yinghua lowered her head and apologized, "Sorry, sorry. "I, I cried."    


Lee Nanfang raised his hand and wiped away the tears on her face.    


The more he wiped away the tears, the more he cried.    


Shangdao Yinghua was also scared. She was gritting her teeth to force herself not to cry anymore, but how could she disobey him? This would make him hate her.    


"Are you made of water?"    


Lee Nanfang sat beside her and whispered into her ear.    




Shangdao Yinghua's body trembled slightly as she shook her head. A moment later, she nodded her head again.    


She didn't know how to reply to that. It was as if her entire body had gone limp from being in the man's embrace.    


She wanted to stand up, fold her hands in her lap, and give him a deep bow as an apology.    


"I like women made of water."    


Lee Nanfang stuck out the tip of his tongue and licked her sparkling earlobe.    


The woman melted at once and wept softly.    


He said he liked women who made water, but he liked to see her cry.    


As she cried, he slowly put her down on the bed and held her waist with one hand and pulled her neck with the other and kissed the tears on her face.    


She was flying again.    


It was just like the night her husband died. He was crying softly and wrapping his arms around the man's neck, muttering something that even she could not understand.    


Actually, Lee Nanfang didn't do anything other than kiss her cheek.    


Even though he wanted to possess a woman made of water, the shocking scars on her body reminded him that doing that sort of thing again was not something a human could do.    


He wasn't Believer Sato. The more painful a woman was, the more excited he would be.    


He is, gentlemen --    


Two in the afternoon.    


This period of time was when Golden Triangle was at its calmest. There were even fewer people on the streets than after midnight.    


Golden Triangle, which was known as the Devil's homeland, had a different resting time compared to the normal world. Most people would go out to work after midnight, going to Di Hall, casinos, and hotels.    


From midnight until now, no one knew how many people would disappear into this place where human lives were worse than dogs.    


However, that was how things went. Every time midnight came, outsiders would come to visit. For decades, there was an unending stream of people.    


This was the home of the devil.    


There were no neat wide streets, no sports cars of more than a million people, and no elevator houses on the sixth floor.    


But there are drugs, gambling, underground boxing, the strongest wines, beauties from all over the world, and lots of money waiting for you to enjoy.    


Therefore, this place was an evil magnet that attracted dissatisfaction from the outside world every day. The people who were being hunted down by the police or enemies appeared on the streets after midnight.    


If the man survived two in the afternoon, someone would still give them a piece of paper.    


This piece of paper was Golden Triangle's identity card.    


As long as he had this piece of paper, he would be someone from Golden Triangle. As long as he had money and was able to do things, he could be like how he was at home, taking drugs, drinking wine, and falling in love with his own woman.    


This was the law of survival for Golden Triangle. It had already persisted for dozens of years and would continue in the future.    


Lee Nanfang didn't know about this rule of survival.    


Even if he knew, he wouldn't care.    


The so-called rules were only set up for the lowly people. To him, it didn't matter if he fart or not. As long as he was happy, he could just walk onto the street with a gun and kill anyone who he disliked or disliked on the spot.    


After killing him, no one would come looking for him even if he blew on the smoke at the muzzle of his gun and left.    


Of course he wouldn't do that, even if the people walking on the streets, with the exception of the local natives, had only committed crimes a hundred times.    


At present, Lee Nanfang only wanted to accompany the woman in his arms.    


Shangdao Yinghua fell asleep at five-thirty in the morning.    


Her black butterfly-like eyelashes were still covered with tears, making her look so delicate and pitiful.    


However, her originally pale face now had a healthy redness to it.    


From sneaking away to the airport without telling her sister-in-law, only to fall into Believer Sato's Demonic Claw last night, she hadn't slept a single time. She was either suddenly woken up by pain or from a nightmare.    


A light snoring sound was sufficient to prove that she was sleeping soundly. Even her two hands, which were holding tightly to Lee Nanfang's shirt, had not relaxed for nine hours.    


Perhaps, even if she died, she wouldn't give up the peace that she had to suffer so much to find, right?    


The sound of footsteps came from the bamboo corridor outside the door and stopped outside the door. It interrupted Lee Nanfang's dazed look as he looked towards the room.    


The door was gently pushed open without any sound.    


There was clearly someone standing outside the door, so why was Lee Nanfang only able to see a pair of eyes?    


There was no other explanation other than the fact that the eyes were too charming.    


If you had a woman, you wouldn't even need to say anything. Just by looking at her eyes, you could tell what she was up to.    


After looking into those eyes for a moment, Lee Nanfang raised his hand and hooked his finger at her.    


Helan Xiaoxin, who was taking off her shoes with her small black feet on the white foam, walked in with a twist of her slim waist.    


Looking at Shangdao Yinghua in Lee Nanfang's arms, Helan Xiaoxin smiled dubiously. She asked without a sound, "After you came back, you didn't ride your horse?"    


She had clearly seen Shangdao Yinghua, but she was still wearing her Prada outfit. Yet, she asked this question, which proved that she really hoped that Lee Nanfang could ride on top of her and gallop on his horse.    


This type of woman, whose every cell contains a large number of seductive molecules, desires to be loved in a different way.    


Lee Nanfang ignored her, picked up a cigarette, and lit it.    


Helan Xiaoxin's black silk legs were taken out from her white shoes. She walked on the thick carpet to the bed. Her left hand, hidden behind her back, reached out and handed over a stack of printouts.    


This was a detailed planning book. From Shangdao Yinghua's standpoint, it was to analyze the Japan's drug market, the distribution of the core members of the gang, and clearly changed rules and regulations.    


After Believer Sato died, the elites under his command all went to Shangdao Yinghua, and he also expressed his loyalty on the spot. But Helan Xiaoxin didn't believe that those people would obediently listen to the orders of a weak woman once they returned from the Golden Triangle.    


Internal strife, of course.    


There was a 60% chance that Shangdao Yinghua would die in this internal conflict.    


There was still a forty percent chance that she would become a puppet controlled by the "usurper," like the emperor who had been kidnapped by Cao Cao and turned into a marquis.    


Regardless of which possibility, it went against Lee Nanfang's original intention.    


This was also the reason why he had been thinking hard when he woke up and stared blankly at Shangdao Yinghua.    


His head hurt, yet he still couldn't think of a reason. Instead, Helan Xiaoxin had brought him a three-year plan.    


As long as Shangdao Yinghua could follow the plan, no one would dare to touch her within three years.    


As for three years later, whether she could completely control Believer Sato's family assets would depend on her own ability.    


Helan Xiaoxin's consideration of her plan for three years had already reached the limit.    


It took Lee Nanfang half an hour to finish reading the plan word by word. He raised his head and looked at her. He sighed silently: "Ai, how did you do it?"    


Helan Xiaoxin lifted her mouth, pointed at Shangdao Yinghua who was still sleeping, and said softly, "The lives of her subordinates are now in our hands. If I want to, I'll know. "    


Lee Nanfang smiled bitterly and said: "I'm so dumb, why didn't I think of asking those people?"    


"You're not stupid. It's not that you don't have time to go, but that you want to cherish the beauty of the jade?"    


Helan Xiaoxin giggled and slid her right hand along Lee Nanfang's left leg. "Do you want to?"    


Before he could answer, she said, "The two of us will serve you together?"    


"What nonsense are you talking about?"    


Lee Nanfang frowned. Just as he was about to reprimand Helan Xiaoxin for being ridiculous …    


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